I didn't enjoy the dalaran quest

? You have a toxic view in what is manly. A giant childish tantrum is not manly. It is childish. Dude was such a manboy that everyone decided he was acting like an child.

Pretty sure you think Voldermort is also manly. Jeebus.

What is there to be enjoyed in a filler quest? People are done with the patch and they even put a timer on a 5 min quest chain, trying to time the content. Give us the next season and raid already.

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I love when people double down on their own ignorance. They don’t realize it, but it’s great laughs for the rest of us.

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Yeah, I agree, because you sure do seem ignorant. So thank you for that, guess I did hit a nerve.

You hit something, I can’t stop laughing.

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Men can show weakness without being labelled babies - that attitude is part of the problem. Garrosh was plagued by trauma.


The problem wasn’t his trauma that made him childish, it was his anger and warmongering that made it. Instead of a positive way to deal with his emotions, he brought an alternate world to their knees because of his own problems, like a child.

Very Ultron who was just born and couldn’t handle life so it decided to destroy the universe.

You don’t see me calling Anduin a manchild.

edit: Don’t get it twisted, I love his character, but manly he was not. Very fun villain though but the dude had a chip on his shoulder all the way back in Wrath of the Lich King.

Yeah, I agree with that in the sense that he wasn’t a stable personality if we define stability as maturity.

That’s a very optimistic outlook on people though haha. Maybe the child / adult dichotomy isn’t a useful one.

I view it just as the same way I see drunks in a bar that can’t handle their own drink or their own temper. It isn’t manly, it is just sad and childish.

Makes a great villain though.

Truely modernity is a nightmare. There are many forms of strength anduin arguably has none.

Strength of arms, strength of mind, strength of soul.

You mix morality with strength they can intertwine they are not the same.


Your nonsense makes no sense. I am just going to block you. If you think anger and warmongering is manly, that is on you.

I prefer Aragorn or Keanu Reeves version of manly. Brotherhood and compassion to one another. Not hate, anger and the need to kill and raze the land because of your own emotions/insecurities.

In the end, all Garrosh did was blame another, Thrall, instead of looking within himself to find the issue. He never learned, and while I love that in a character, is just sad in the overall epitaph of Garrosh.

The Orc who never found himself.

lol being ignorant of the meaning of ignorance is itself funny. well done, clown.

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Check it out, we found another kid that doesn’t know the definition of masculine.

check it out, we found the kid whose idea of masculinity stopped developing at he-man and the masters of the universe. lmao you’re a joke.

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I mean, even He-man had a lot of emotons and talking about things through. He-man was very much like Anduin , he was a prince first and foremost and if things didn’t go through diplomacy, the last resort was him going “power of grey skull”. It never was the first choice.

oh no, it’s much simpler here. this guy can’t conceive of masculinity beyond ‘is muscled and holds a phallus’

True enough, it seems media literacy really died because if all they see is a huge roided out dude, they missed the entire point.

the point is gonna be missed either way. you can’t cater to these idiots, because otherwise we’d all be eating out of plastic and brightly-colored spoons.

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Keep using your alt to agree with yourself. We are laughing out asses off!!!

why do you take forever to say nothing. keep sounding like your neurons went soft in middle school, it’s almost as funny as your fragility.

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