I didn't enjoy the dalaran quest

It was just bizzare… the weird way it starts with the mana bomber guy being in charge of anything threw me but it just got worse from there…

What is going on with the plot? Why is the council so weirdly afraid of magic now? Is khadgar just a sad wheelie chair man?

Can we go back to the old tone of warcraft 1 and 2? Have a bit of 3 mixed in there? Everyone being pathetic all the time isnt that interesting.

Also please,please,please let kel’thuzard stay dead,dead. I know in wow’s dota knockoff they played with a void kel’thuzard. Just don’t, let him stay dead please.

Honestly just steal a warcraft 3 fan campaign for a plot at this point.

I’m sure this is more a blog post then a forum post… still what is happening with the plot?


I think we are all pretending it didn’t even happen. Not that I remember any of it already…


I figures the earthen were a comedy thing. Your supposed to laugh at how emotionally dead they are and how they are played up as stooges.

Remember the one with a lightning hammer that explodes kamikaze himself for zero reason?

Burst out laughing when it happened.


yea, the one guy thats kinda masculine they kill off pretty quick. Now we get the full spectrum experience with speaker brinthe.


The fact they just kept a Mana Bomb chilling in Dalaran and they knew about it is still throwing me for a loop.

If being one of the most popular Liches in the Warcraft universe was the alternative, Kel’thusad’s actions make a lot more sense: The Kirin Tor are depicted as extremely reckless idiots in this questline.


I dont know what to tell you, i dont like pineapple on a pizza


Having kel’thuzards relics as well is weird…

Im worried its a bread crumb trail to make him comeback


They really need to structurally change the narrative and quest teams. No matter what Metzen does with the story won’t make a difference if things like TWW keep getting produced. I feel like I need a TRT prescription after doing these quests and listening to these voiceovers.


F-Tier Storywriting.



Totally agree with all of this, the story has been so lackluster and annoying… there are some serious gaps in logic I’m having a hard time getting over. But waiting almost a month for 20 minutes of story development doesn’t help either… Also, the quest text was making it seem like Dalaran crashed a couple of days ago, maybe a week? TWW has been out for going on 5 months now, how are we a week in to the story?


I think it was just supposed to be a kind of easter egg to their original story about Kel’thuzad that you can find on the World of Warcraft lore page – It starts exactly like how the quest did when we were teleported in to the pocket dimension, the comment about the tests on rats gave it away to me immediately. Doubt we’ll see a come back, just a fun little recall (I hope).


Wow the people that constantly complain about the story on the forums didn’t like something.

Go focus on a story you like then, jesus.


I just did it for the eventual meta achievement, you guys read the quests? Lol


The story in WoW has been garbage since Legion. They used to write compelling narratives that made me want to pay attention to quest text. But for the past few expansions it’s just click accept and look for the map marker.

There’s way too much mysterious big bad enemy with secret plans that we don’t understand (and maybe never do because what was the jailer doing anyway?) but then another one of our toughest heroes gets struck down with minimal effort because reasons and big surprise the old gods are back. I miss stories like WOTLK with an evil Lich King trying to raise an undead army and we need to stop him. I didn’t need to read Wiki articles just to understand why I was in Northrend.


Khadgar isn’t a strong independent woman, of course he’s written as a sad wheelie chair man now.


I did enjoy the warcraft 3 Garithos campaign. He fights both the undead and the prince of tides.



They could write a better story about a universe I’ve cared about for decades.

Y’know. Criticism.


Gee, what a shock to no one.


Character being allowed to feel sad they lost their cool magic home. Oh no. Much bad writing.

I thought it was fine. Then again its mage nonsense so this is easy for me to just write my own little story as I play. That’s the fun part for me. Blizz lays the base work, I scoot things around to my liking.

There’s critique and then theres folks like the op who are never happy so its like “Dude enough already, you’re an anger addict”


But we’re paying them to write stories for us. What’s the point if we also have to write the stories ourselves?