I didn't enjoy the dalaran quest

I honestly think it’s a little funny because when I imagine in my head what people are asking for, for a bunch of characters to watch Dalaran destroyed and just go :dracthyr_shrug: and then go mindlessly fight spiders in revenge after having zero reaction, it genuinely just sounds ridiculous. Like they are genuinely just asking for horrible writing at this point lol.

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Now you’re just being silly.

I mean, they blew up our flying city so they must pay. That was motive enough. Me wanting to slurp up some void feet is another but that is a personal issue.

It really seems they just want minecraft honestly.

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Would rather them be consumed by rage pulling limbs off them with arcane energy but you get the the general idea behind it. A realistic response for hardened battle mages to have.

I think the object was to put the final nail in Dalaran’s coffin,to be sure we knew they weren’t going to rebuild it, but aside from Khadgar saying " no more floating cities’ they did not really establish that.

I thought the whole sending objects to space thing was strange, It’s just my take on it.

So did you just skip over the cutscene where Xal’atath had been baiting us into fighting the Nerubians to feed the Dark Heart then? Khadgar was even like “this isn’t the real fight”. What you’re asking for is you want to help Xal’atath?

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I’d say it was good til the tail end of BFA myself
the shadowlands brought it down to a new low and i’ve stopped caring since. Doesn’t help all the characters are about “muh feelings” and stuff nowadays


… you are not gonna give me the " if you kill your enemies they win" meme are you?

Huh? Did you skip this cutscene?

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You really are… wow

I thought the questline was too quick and basic. It would’ve had more emotional punch if we’re been continuing to see remnants and fallout from their side of things all along…plus it was over way too damn quick.

While I can’t agree with the overall arc, I think they’ve at least done a much better job with Anduin and Alleria and even Magni. All of those characters had time to develop their individual narratives until their current endings/standings. We should’ve had more time spent checking in on and seeing Aethis spiraling and the Kirin Tor struggling to come back together and failing and such.

I also think their conclusion is just stupid. Oh we lost our home and some of the people…guess we gotta just totally disband now. It’s implied that becoming a mage is a very dedicated and disciplined career…yet all these mages act like laid off from their first job after 6 months in and decided their career and life is over.

And while this is more of a pet peeve, but I’d really like Blizzard to address their own in universe details. Why the eff is Khadgar now a cripple when healing magic is abundant? I get that, canonically, bringing someone back from the dead is next to impossible and not to be confused by gameplay where we can just die and come back freely…but we’ve seen Anduin bring his father back and in the battle for Undercity, he dropped a big old light AOE that brought soldiers (including Genn) from mortally wounded and possibly dead back to fighting strength. Are we to believe Khadgar has been so fundamentally damaged that he is beyond ANY kind of magical restoration? If so, is it asking too much for that to be effing explained? Like he isn’t just random mage 4400348376. You’d think it be a priority now that the Alliance and Horde are both here that someone with some magical mojo would heal him.

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This is hilarious, and I’m hyped lmao

I thought the whole sending objects to space thing was strange, It’s just my take on it.

It’s like the burning of lanterns in real life is all.

Anduin is a hard one for me because I so deeply dislike the character I can’t be fair to it.

Alleria…shes just bizzare.She has at multiple times told people she hears the void talk to her and shes still trusted. Its absurd, a person hearing old gods constantly wasn’t seen as stable. I don’t get why shes being allowed free reign.

Magni is really a case of either bfa doesn’t make sense or tww doesn’t make sense. You can’t have him be so conflicted.

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I see you didn’t understand the cutscene at all.

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I don’t know if you just didn’t play Legion or pay attention to the void elf story but it’s definitely explained, here you go:

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I’m in a similar boat, I think. Like, I get that the way I’ve heard him acting seems pretty realistic based on what happened to him. But I find the overall story that brought that about in the first place to be so revolting that I don’t want to engage with the character at all.

Same with Dalaran blowing up. I don’t care about the characters that are suffering anymore.

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I feel like that one sad dragon in df brought this all about. Its a over correction that grew out of control.

You can see the posters spamming " if you kill your enemies they win" thinking its some profound point.

Its a lot like a scrouge. Just cleave through’em

Okay, you literally did not understand the cutscene. The whole thing was “you are being jabaited, this is a distraction assault, not the real enemy”. How you didn’t get that is beyond me.

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