I demand to speak with a gm in game

Let them silence and I will resort to emailing people in the company till I get someone. I am though with the in game system and it’s failure to resolve bullcrap.

You have been moved. Good luck.

Welcome to the CS forums. I’m going to guess that this got moved here from somewhere else.

Palmofplague, there are no GMs on the forums at all. Nor can you get one to respond to you by posting here.

Your only option is the ticket system and, generally speaking, if there’s no option for your issue it usually means it’s not something a GM can help you with. Now, that’s not always the case, but without knowing at all what your topic might be, there’s not really anything anyone can do to try and help you out unfortunately.


No this problem can definately be helped and I will explain it this way in a attempt to be reasonable but I know it will fall on deaf ears.

I want to talk to some about repeated in game harassment and I demand to know why it is okay for players to skirt the system. I want to complain to some one about the failure of the penalty volcano and how the in game report system fails to accomplish it’s job. Also want an answer on how blizzard thinks it’s okay for them to justify this behavior.

I am tired of being ignored and I am tired of speaking to an automated robotic system.

I am extremely angry and I will not relent.

A Gm isn’t going to be able to have that conversation with you though. That’s not what they’re there for.

As players, we report ongoing harassment and let the GMs take it from there. If the player you’re ignoring tries to bypass ignore, you open a new ongoing harassment ticket.

They need to see a pattern of harassment in order to be able to see that it’s ongoing.

Beyond that, without knowing details, there’s not much else I can really suggest. Report and ignore.


This passive attitude is the problem and is why I am done being reasonable. I don’t want help from the community and the fact this thread was moved here is justifying my anger at blizzard.

I demand to speak to someone in this company and not a robot.

I’m pretty sure* Perl isn’t a robot, although they’re not an employee.

“Pretty sure”. I mean, AI has been improving leaps and bounds, but still…


This is why I said I don’t want help from the community. This section of the forums is not helpful and solves nothing that I currently need and furthers my anger at this company.

I demand to speak to someone of merit in this company in private, I don’t care what level they are I refuse to deal with the robotic system.

Then you’ll have to put in a ticket. But that’s not going to guarantee you a one-on-one with a GM. I’d actually caution against putting in tickets just to try and demand speaking with a GM.

Edit: And no, I’m not a robot. I’m :canada:


There is no room to put in a ticket about this matter as it directs me to the automated system. I am angry but I am not going to bog down the ticket system by trying to circumvent with a problem unrelated to the selected topic in the system.

This is why I am on the forums demanding to speak to a gm.

Also I understand you are not a robot, but your not what I want either.

And you’re not going to get one here. Again, the GMs are not on the forums. They don’t come to the forums.

At most, you might get a blue advising you that you’ll need to put in a ticket. Or, they might have a look at your past tickets and provide advice here, but they will also not be able to speak one-on-one with you.

I totally get that you’re upset and I’m just trying to let you know the options you have.


See this here blizzard? This is what I am talking about. I am tired of this mocking behavior as well.

When I get mad I get in trouble, but it’s okay for me to be harassed and you do nothing. This is why I demand to speak with someone, I am frusted with your system and it’s failures. It’s coming off as selected enforcement.

This isn’t harassment. This is conversation, in a public forum.

We’re trying you to help understand the intentional ironclad limitations of Blizzard’s customer support. You are determined to ignore that, and that’s your moral right. But our moral right is to try to help you understand the reality of the situation.


Mocking others is not conversation.

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Strange. If someone harasses you then ignore them. It’s that simple. You can ignore on an account basis so if someone is paying for multiple accounts to continue harassing, well, that seems strange.

Me thinks there may be more to this story then what the OP is letting on to.


Ignoring players isn’t solving the issue.

There is some of that, but that’s one of the attributes of a public forum: heckling.

It doesn’t contribute much, and I hope now that this thread is in CS folks will ease off.

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How is that working out for you? I understand you are frustrated at something. Perhaps a little MORE detail would help?

For example, what you perceive as harassment may indeed not be harassment via Blizzards definition. Or perhaps there is a better way to help address you were not aware of.

Just off the top of my head, I corpse camp you for 3 hours. Not harassment. I constantly follow you and kill any pet you are trying to tame. Not harassment.

Scummy and dirty. Of course, but not a violation of the rules set forth. So some detail, even a little more, can possibly help us resolve this for you…
Just trying to be helpful here.


If you had approached this differently from the beginning, you would have gotten a much different response.

Instead you were vague, belligerent and demanding from the get-go, and the responses you got were what could be expected.

I’m going to go out of a very short limb here and suggest that maybe your attitude and behavior as displayed here is directly contributing to whatever harassment you feel you’re suffering in-game.

By continuing to be unreasonable, stubborn and confrontational with people who are, surprisingly, actually trying to help you, you’ll do nothing but guarantee that nobody here will keep trying.

Stop alienating people, you dingus, and you might actually get somewhere.


I am not interested in being helped by the community and the fact this has been moved to the CS forum is a perfect example of why blizzard is not interested in the solving problem and instead pawns it off on to others.

I am also not interested in being calmed down and reasoned with because I am fed up with how my problem is being handled by blizzard.

I demand to speak with someone of merit in this company, not a robot and not the community. This all I am asking.