I mean I agree, but thats how a lot of players think. They want to do the things that they think fall into their role. Any deviation from that is stupid to them. I’ve raided with plenty of healers that never appear at all on the damage meter. I always prided myself when I healed that I would interrupt and do as much damage as possible. But a lot of people don’t do that. “I’m a healer not a dps, dealing damage and interrupting isn’t my job”
We chose to farm sockets for many Pandaria CM runs too. This isn’t really new stuff.
Gems and gold and gasp oh no consumables? We all knew this was coming. There is actually a market out there for these things now! We can farm and make tons of cash, or quite easily pick up JC’ing or whatever and just do it ourselves.
I was skeptical at first of the whole ordeal, but it honestly feels so good when you manage to kick the face in of one of the more difficult towers.
More afraid of Blizzard going insane and super under-tuning the tower now than actually just letting it be. We’ve all been begging for something to do. Farm some old raids, get some transmog, remember old interesting pieces of gear that we have not used or thought about in ages.
I’m sitting in front of MT right now inspecting everyone, and it is genuinely interesting all the different methods/trinkets/sockets people are using to overcome the challenges.
Was I mad wiping a million times to the Discipline challenge? Yes. Furious. Then I got even
Edit: I do think it would be quite nice if mage tower was permanent though. People don’t need time constraints for scaled content. That’s just silly.
Looks like that’s what’s going to happen. Sorry man
Still no update? Classic blizz.
Are we talking about Nerf already??? Not even a week…or a month??
A lot of player beat them on the first day.
what’s the point to call it “challenge”??
“God of war is so hard needs a nerf, Let me call the company”
“Tom raider, also its hard to much thinking. Let me call the company to nerf it”
“MArio!!..ufff…dont get me started”
Blizz if you Nerf these challenges. Just send the achivement to our mailbox. There will be No point in going to the tower.
There is this thing called balance. The tower can be challenging and balanced at the same time with some work.
The challenges aren’t the same for everyone. Each spec has its own tuning even if the encounter is the same. Some specs are facing outright broken encounters.
Some of the ‘broken encounters’ have been cleared by people using specific gear/enchants/consumables. Blizzard has chosen to hotfix it so that those items are nerfed without fixing the challenges.
Most people don’t want nerfs. They want actual tuning so they have a fair chance at the challenge. If it was just doing the mechanics perfectly, it wouldn’t need nerfing. Instead its healers watching their party get 1-2 shot with no chance of healing or bosses that have way too much health and damage output thanks to a last minute buff that wasn’t tested on PTR.
Torghast isn’t a challenge, it’s literally designed for you to clear it as fast as possible. The only thing that is somewhat of a challenge there is beating your previous clear time.
Congratulations man!
I’m sitting at ~50 pulls on the retribution mage tower. So frustrating.
they are adding to it
I stopped after 60 because the stress of trying your damnedest and being a good bear in heroics and other ‘casual’ content just, apparently, isn’t good enough by bliz standards
did it in about 5-6 attempts in full sl pvp gear as uhdk. was kinda hard but not overtuned imo.
Just seems like they’re making more and more of the game for less and less of the players. (Like the upper 1%)
Just the feeling I get.
I beat it yday on my mage. I needed to get old gear with old enchants, watch different ways of defeating it and I also did a macro for fast targeting. If all trials are this hard, I’m not going for the mount.
One of the biggest problems with this version of the mage tower is that I promise you the original team that did the mage tower have nothing to do with this revamp.
This team clearly had no idea what they were doing or how the original was balanced around different powers different classes had at that time.
They just copied and pasted this and arbitrarily scaled your gear lower than what you could of had on day 1 of the original release.
Marketed at casuals, it seemed like they gave a worse reward now because this was going to be at most what the mage tower was at end of legion, not harder than it was on the first day AND you dont have half the tools you used to beat it back then.
I did 3 tank ones back in the day in a mix of normal and heroic ToS gear. Blizz intended the mage tower to get easier as legion went on. If they didnt they would of closed it when Argus came out.
Now sure they were gonna scale us down because its lower level timewalking content. But the scale-down was more of a strip down and we are trying to win a Nascar race with a car sitting on cinderblocks with no engine.
I am fine with super hard content thats not for everyone. But if someoen did this in legion no matter when - this should not be so hard in its timewalking from that they have no shot at it and pro-gamers are doing 100+ wipes on it.
Outside of Fury warrior which is free loot, and a few dps specs, most of the tank and heals ones are absolutely insane.
The people saying thats how it was back the - it wasnt. I know you wanna feel special and this is how you get self esteem trolling on the forums, but anyone who says its not objectively harder than it was in Legion on release is just lying.
The Holy Priest one feels impossible. I want someone to make a “I beat it” thread as a Holy Priest with this snark about “oooh i beat it on impossible so it doesnt need a nerf.” Congrats that you did beat ONE scenario out of 7. Here’s a cookie. Now beat all 7 and get the spellbook mount and then tell me to stop crying…I’d respect you more.
Or staying awake.
Why do I have to spend all of P1 in the Xylem challenge healing myself when I’m a DPS. Well would you look at that healing, cc, kiting, playing defensively and having utility is part of my spec too, wow.
Being a tank or healer doesn’t mean you only do one thing, understanding your class and being a flexible player is knowing how to use the tools provided to you; which if I’m not mistaken was the original goal of the MT challenges.
How’s Disc?
Interesting question, but it’s a completely different scenario than the trainwreck that is “End of the Risen.” It could be easier but I still would have to re-beat End of the Risen. I say re-beat cause I beat it back in 2018 as a Holy Pal…and I hated it then too! I personally think its the worst…the absolute worst. And the reason why I would want to do both is because I want the Spellbook Tome. I dont care about the xmogs…i’'m not switching out of Priest’s Avatar set.
I beat this in 5 pulls on this toon back in the day. I took me 100+ on the monk back then which was the first one I did it on and about 30ish on my DH all tanks.
I am well over 200 pulls on my dk this time and I can barely push phase 2.
I saw a pro gamer 2 days ago spend 4 hours wiping on it and barely got it after he did the druid ones - he said it was overtuned.
The DK tank one the artifact weapon was a huge part of the dps also the legendary synergy as well.
I said on another post it feels like trying to win a Nascar race with a car that’s been stripped down and put on cinderblocks.
The challenges are DRASTICALLY different between classes and specs right now.
Fury warrior was basically free loot which made a explosion of toxic warrior trolls on the forums telling everyone how easy challenges they never did are.
A lot of the people saying “its fine” are just the people who default response that to anytime anyone says anything in the game is hard.
This IS harder than the original, especially for tanks and heals.
I have seen almost no death knights in ANY spec beating this. I am sure some have but this is more exclusive than the original with worse rewards.
The impression they gave was this was gonna be time walking content which is always watered down and easy for casuals. Which is why it made sense the reward wasnt the original weapons rather a recolor of sets you can farm right now from ToS and are being recycled for the 3rd time.
They keep listening to the forum trolls and thats why the game is bleeding players.
The people not on here crying usually are actually playing the game.
Just a really poor effort by blizz.
We need something in the game that is almost impossible that like 10 people can do to shut these people up. THIS content was not supposed to be that.
The original mage tower on release was meant to be accessible to more people as we geared up, why is the 4 year old time walking version with worse rewards harder than the original and less accessible? It’s time limited and you cant gear up for it.
This was just a mess. They scammed casuals for a month of game time and feed the “lol get gud” troll crowd who is killing this game.