I defeated the mage tower tonight. My thoughts

Rofl. Yeah, this is probably one of the most glaring problems with the “Tank” encounter to me. Why the heck do we have to pump in order to make it through… hmm
If this is what they want, bring back Panzerkin!

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why are stating obvious stuff.there’s not a guardian druid on the planet that isnt specced in boomkin affinity for this fight…just go away

it’s not a tip you’re just trolling

Just skip over my posts. I’m not going anywhere.

Literally saw a druid 2 hours ago that was happy knowing he had to swap out of Bear form and go moonkin for DPS. It helped him push the last % he needed. So I’m helping spread the word.

Not everyone knows all the tricks. If you do, that’s fine, just skip over what I said, it’s not for you then.

yea every tank druid has been doing that all expansion…yet again low effort bait

OMG you hotfix some trinkets, but you don’t hotfix this crap??? trash devs and management


Why is this still not fixed yet you take the time to hotfix some stuff that people are using to help them beat it because its overtuned?


And the hotfixes implemented are ones that actually make this harder? LOL

Fire your whole staff. All of you are idiots.


:laughing: :laughing:

ok blizzard is trolling us players!


This is just not right. Some class/spec challenges are easier than others in this current state. In legion it didn’t feel that way. In legion I felt I had to put the same effort on everyone of ny characters. Now I can’t get Xylem last phase past 30% even if I do everything right with my arms warrior.

How does this prove or test our skills as a tank when we have to switch to boomkin to tank? Tell me one instance outside of this where a druid tank would tank a mythic or raid in balance form. This is just another example of blizzard and its team thinking about the margin, if they get more people to buy tokens to pay for their crafted gear, old mats, etc it helps their shareholders. To think that Blizzard and its, “TEAM” would ever care about anything else is silly, and if you think they learned anything from past sub loss, lol, well we’re all fools.


I killed the ele shammy one in 5-7 pulls, forgot but it was easy.

I’m 30+ pulls now on the frost mage one and I simply dont have the damage I see in kill videos. And I’m not going to spend tens of thousands of gold for old enchants and gear for this stupid thing. Its sadly another complete failure on something that should have been so easy for blizzard.

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Agatha for Unholy is about playing the long game. I had an attempt last almost 12 minutes before I got to my kill pull. You have to save cds for mechanics and not use them for boss dps outside of the pull.

Do your opener as usual. First shield break with UB + DT. Every shield after that break with Apoc. Save UB and DT for the aoe imp waves. Make sure you make a macro to disease and /petattack the imp servants and fuming imps. Never int the servants with mind freeze, use gnaw/asphyxiate/grip to int their casts. Dealing with adds is always more important than damaging the boss unless she has her shield and is channeling. Its not easy, and personally I think the boss could do with a ~15% hp nerf, but it is doable now. I used 3 heirlooms and only had 2 sockets in my gear when I did it.

Cripes. So to be clear some specs need 12+ minutes for a kill and elsewhere people are advocating 50-100 attempts to succeed. Lovely.

Anytime your co-tank taunts off you ?

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Ah, yes, because in here, we have a co-tank, and it’s about managing stacks of things so you taunt off the co-tank to let their stacks drop while you build up your own…right, it should be balanced around that but it’s not that, GENIOUS

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Ooophf, hits a little too close to home

I played the entirety of Legion and BFA but, bag space is a thing… so over the years I ended up vendoring off/deleting those various BiS trinkets and socketed gear pieces as I got better gear. Little did I know or suspect those BiS items/trinkets would become must-have “mandatory” items in the future :weary:

It’s just bad design to “require” previous expac items to defeat a miniboss. At least during the Legion MT everything was done with “current” (Legion) pieces of gear.

Guess tomorrow I’ll go back to Mechagon (BFA content) to farm up mats for a new trinket from scratch :roll_eyes:


Yeah. DK gets a free 20% heal for every killing blow they get, so they’re expected to live a long time. The reason I died on that long pull was just the worst possible overlap happened. She hit 100 energy, teleported, and spawned every type of imp. I was expected to run from the bottom of the hallway to the top, while having the fire and shadow imps, and the boss channeling damage on me, all while she is immune to damage and being healed on top of it. At 12 minutes in the boss had such a high damage buff that her channel was melting me, so that combined with fire and shadow imps destroyed me before I made it halfway up the platform. Had to take a break after that one.

Meanwhile watched an outlaw rogue kill it in 4 minutes. Balanced

Well I hate to say this but you probably shouldn’t try the resto druid challenge if you think you shouldn’t have to do things outside of your basic understanding of your group role. Healers are expected to dps and cc in their challenge.

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There isn’t mobs banging on you 100% of the time either.

Death and Decay and Annihilation yes.

It actually is though ? It’s literally about keeping horrors off Velen, managing to drop your stacks of Death and Decay, and managing Kruul’s stack of annihilation so you don’t run out of life before he does.

I mean, I expect my healer to dps and cc in Keys and in raids too.

People have a weird way of playing World of Warcraft where they don’t actually use their class kits for some reason. Imagine if we said “Death Strike ? That’s a tank ability! I will not use it good sir!”.

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