Finally, the Mage Tower nerfs are in!

Mage Tower Scaling Nerfs - Crusader and Tincture of Renewed Combat Healing

Blizzard has pushed hotfixes today nerfing the healing from the Crusader enchant and the Endless Tincture of Renewed Combat trinket. Both were being used broadly for Archmage Xylem and Imp Mother Agatha Mage Tower Challenges.

Crusader had been previously nerfed earlier today, reducing its proc from 100 strength to 46, but had its healing untouched. Now its healing is also nerfed. Endless Tincture of Renewed Combat was a strong option for surviving Archmage Xylem’s Comet Storm and for passive healing during Agatha, but now it only heals for 330 when killing an enemy, down from 1600, which is still helpful, but not overly strong.

Thanks Blizzard! THIS is when you push an actual hotfix. That couldn’t wait until next Tuesday. Glad to see you’re prioritizing the nerfs the players were asking for!



Blizzard said, “you gone take this mage tower as it is no power ups.” Definitely more motivation to hit 7/7!!


Ok…. So they stop the trivialising but how about the actual nerfs


GOD DAMNIT, I’ve been to busy with finals so I haven’t been able to do the MT. I was gonna do fury warrior tomorrow :sob:


You’ll probably waiting until Tuesday for that. 50% of the event will be spent with the challenges being overtuned by Blizzard’s own admission


Fury warrior is easy enough to do in current gear if you know how to manage the adds properly.


They were too busy making Sylvanas pretty that they forgot to fix actual issues with the mage tower, oopsie.


Cool, so the ones who exploited early and often keep their rewards and everyone else now has to put forth much greater effort.

“We don’t want to diminish player efforts” yeah sure Blizzard, go pound sand.


This company is a freaking joke. Two week event, acknowledge that some of MT is out of wack and this is the hot fix.


Literally actually yes?

It’s more important that people can’t cheat the challenge. It’s always better for something to be initially harder than it needs to be, than too easy and diminishing the content. Because Blizzard can almost never buff difficulty, but they can fix bugs (which is what this is). And while that does create an “exploit early exploit often” mentality in players (and TBH if you only care about the prize and not about accomplishing something difficult) it is what it is - all Blizzard can do is try to race the player-base to nerfing exploits before too many players get at them.


Maybe actually put it on the PTR and test it rather than throw it up for a day, ignore feedback, then throw darts at a tuning pass the day before release?


I’m completely unsurprised yet also disappointed.


SO they don’t tackle this during PTR, aren’t addressing the difficulty / tuning but this is the thing they do instead so it’s not an X amount harder to cheese an already over tuned and bugged encounter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Good going Blizz. Kudos /s


Much better to get a great many players to resub with false advertising that made the mage tower the center of 9.1.5, because who cares if those players leave and never come back after what anyone should have been able to see they would view as last minute bait and switch changes. Who needs a playerbase when they have you, eh?


Honestly, thanks to consumer protection and how they miss advertised, most people could issue charge backs for that sub time, not only removing the money but also causing additional charges to bliz


That’s how it be.

Exploit early and exploit often. So long as you’re doing it in an extreme way (like an infinite resource/gold exploit), Blizzard won’t do anything except patch the exploit.

But overtuned trinket or rune or whatever? You best believe it’s smart to exploit that.


Every time.


How come blizzard is so quick to fix the cheese this time around when they didn’t even bother to hotfix the numerous exploits during Legion mage tower?

There was that Lightblood Elixir exploit with Agatha, bugging the Twins fight so that you could keep Raest permanently stuck in his idle phase, etc. all of which remained untouched :thinking:


Lol ya know, I’m not doing Mage Tower anymore. I was on route to kill Xylem today, after this update, now I know for sure I don’t want to touch anything that basically was acknowledged as overtuned, and its not being changed.

“We’ve listened to your feedback, but given that your feedback is stupid, we have elected to ignore it”

That’s what this update REALLY says


Wonders of the universe.