Please don’t nerf guardian! Let it stay difficult! Proven multiple times it doesn’t matter about gear. I did it with a green polearm! Just a skill requirement.
How about making it so that time walking gear isn’t better than our current scaled down gear. if not, why not bring back power to the old unique items and legion weapons?
which timewalking gear is better?
Did you leave all your other 259 stuff on or did you just swap out the staff so you had an agi weapon on?
I should not have to spend 70% of the fight in moonkin form in order to do the TANK challenge…
For all this effort and no reward for the artifact skin it just isn’t even worth it. Can the people who run this freaking game PLEASE stop removing items??
I used a green polearm with agi and lightless force. I bought a crafted tank trinket for like 5k and use infinitely divisible ooze. I also spent like 1k on a glad helm and another 5k ish on gem swaps to verse.
Thats not how it works. The sockets in gear that people grinded korthia help a bunch. Sockets in old gear do too.
The crafted tank trinket was it the SL tank trinket or the bfa one? Just trying to get an idea of what all you swapped out. The ooze thing is interesting which I never thought about it but that could be a valid option. And what do you mean 1k on a glad helm? Like 1k conquest? I’m confused on what you mean by that. I’m trying to gather information so I know what to do. My level 60 cannot even get the first dude (caster guy) to 70% while I have a level 54 that the best attempt now is 22% on kruul himself (stupid infernals). The scaling apparently is weird for lower levels from what I can gather. I only had 2 infernals but it’s just getting back over to hit orbs. I keep getting knocked and thrown around to where when I need an orb I can’t use it in that last phase.
But interesting to note you swapped to verse. I’ve heard agi agi agi so may try verse instead of agi.
Oh and the eyeball through the floor that one is fun too. I’ve ran into a few bugs with it. There was an eye that somehow managed to spawn under the floor. Had an infernal do his slam (showed the animation and everything) while it was still green and recharging.
either agatha for UH DK needs to get nerfed really really hard or you need to give us our borrowed powers for this… i can even’t deal enough damage to her…3 shields and many imps and still cant do it… also i think nerfing us to lvl 50 was a silly idea as well considering what this tower was built around us having…
You can buy stuff from vendors as well as get the drops from raids or dungeons that scale up better than our scaled down gear. It’s really stupid.
How is this still not fixed yet? Buff us or nerf it. You turned fights that were mainly about survival into timed damage checks while removing damage.
Probably wont be fixed until next Reset which is a huge joke , i just hope its fixed so i can get my wearbear. it shouldnt be locked behind being absolute eliestest at ur class
Because that’s how Timewalking has worked since the start, and actually gives relevance to older professions and content, even if for a brief period of time?
Making gear sets is one of the only enjoyable parts of some of these challenges, and actually gives us something to do.
Please consider taking a look at the guardian challenge again and tuning it. I have discussed it with many people, some of which have completed it, and the majority of them will advise you to go farm old trinkets from previous expansions in order to make it possible to do damage in phase 2 of the fight, without these and other consumables etc you simply will not do enough to win. And that’s even if you can get past phase 1 without being obliterated with overwhelming damage or messing up 1 small thing in the slightest or simply getting unlucky with weird rng mechanics.
Even with all of the buffs, the majority of the players attempting this still die at the end of the encounter & end up finishing it due to the npc damage. (These people are majority high end/top tier players - you can imagine how hard it is for your average/above average player) This isn’t what you call “challenging”, please consider tuning down either their health pool, reducing their dmg, increasing your own dmg without a ton of modifiers, or a fine balance of the three.
Those of us asking for some of the challenges to be tuned don’t simply want it to be handed for free - a lot of us don’t want it to be ridiculously hard or ridiculously easy, please do what you can to find a balance in between.
The problem that has been posted over and over is specs feel awful without the borrowed power. So just allow legendaries and covenant talents and everything will be fine.
Which is TOTALLY why borrowed powers like we have had in Legion, BFA, and now SL is a HORRIBLE design choice…
classes can’t fully function without that power, causing spec revamp and class revamp every expansion to fit around their new borrowed power system.
End Rant
as well as get the drops from raids or dungeons that scale up better than our scaled down gear. It’s really stupid.
Gear from the raids don’t “Scale up”. It’s just about gem sockets and that’s it. The gear itself is normalized.
I’m just going to post as often as I can to keep this pushed up until they fix it.
I’m so glad that people got this from a bug while the rest of us are sitting here waiting for you to fix this so we can actually do it since you didn’t test it, didn’t tune it correctly, and are pretty much a garbage company