I defeated the mage tower tonight. My thoughts

Both are completely ridiculously tuned.

Notice that I’m a CE raider, have been for a long time, I’ve also cleared both MoP and WoD CMs.

The difference from you I guess is I don’t think any of this is normal for what this content should be.

I’m not lashing out, I’m pointing out that now is not the time to be elistist about it. This was supposed to be fun content that’s inclusive of all players.


All of your gear is pve, with lots of mastery. You have 2 best trinkets for mage tower for dk.
Your burst prob went above 2k+. I don’t doubt that you had 750 dps or so but it seems with same scaled down gear dps would be lot higher.
I actually do focus imps right away, and try to aoe them with UB+DT but fight still takes lot longer then needed. My main issue is killing imps that heals her. I cc them both but lots of times I cannot kill them fast enough for them not to heal her.
So basically what blizz said was BS , we still need gear and appropriate trinkets.

Yes, me saying it’s possible as is but should be tuned is elitest.

I’m just trying to point out is more effort should be put into self reflection of potential mistakes and how one can approach these challenges before throwing a GD tantrum.

Switch out trinkets to Swift Hand of Justice and Groontooth warhorn from your heirlooms. Those are better trinkets.

You don’t need mastery at level 45, you need Strength. That’ll boost your dps much more. Sockets with strength gems help.

Run out when you get the emote. Chain of Ice and grip them together in the back, drop D&D with Grip of the dead. Kill them away from the boss. Only stay on the boss if she’s doing Dark Fury to interrupt it then switch. Otherwise always run out.

For imps, only the little shadow imps need to die quick. The plague imps you can let cast as long as the pool is away from you and in a good spot, kite it around a bit.

The fire imps can die to Epidemic while you focus Agatha herself, using Spell Eater instead of Wraith walk to mitigate their damage, Death’s Advance is enough for the screen crosses.

Clawing Shadows is a must if you haven’t been using it.

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You saying “complaints are from people who haven’t really given it the real try” is what is elitist.

Well here we go again trying this… Thanks for the tips

If you really need the big guns (and aren’t afraid of spending coin), Switch Fallen Crusader to Crusader on your weapon, the strength proc is much higher. Potions of Unbridled Fury last a whole minute and do a lot of damage. Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Dreadplate gives you a metric ton of sockets and a meta socket slot. Using Relic of the Past IV, you get the pieces at ilvl 48 for slots that require sub ilvl 50 for enchants. Otherwise Relic of the Past V gives you ilvl 54 pieces that scale down to the full 50 in Mage Tower. Fill that up with +7 and +6 unique strength gems, then fill the rest with +7 Mastery gems or the Shattered Halls +5 Strength +6 Stam gem.

Embalmer’s oil for more healing, food/flask, and get some War-scrolls for battleshout and fortitude, use them inside since you can’t cast them while unscaled.

Thank you Blizz! I hope the Guardian Druid one does especially, really wanted the hulk bear.

Way too much requirements for a regular player. This isn’t a raid, to be honest.


There is nothing wrong with expecting players to put in some effort into what is supposed to be a challenge. I don’t think anyone is really refuting that fact.

The primary issue is, this was hyped up to be accessible to everyone. A fun, nostalgic throwback challenge. Given the reward is a recolor of a updated recolor and that this event will only be up for a week every 5 months after this initial 2 week event, a lot needs to be adjusted.

Every person I see that has completed a challenge seems to fall into certain categories. They run high keys. Raid Mythic at a high level, are 2800+ in PvP, and the few I’ve seen that aren’t those things that pulled it off did so by using old gear with mass sockets, everything enchanted, etc…

Currently, this iteration of tuning may be “accessible” but it’s honestly not accessible at all to the vast majority of players. When it absolutely should be. The fact this tuning is literally on par, and harder for some specsr than when Nighthold was current(and the MT was tuned to Tomb gear with the artifact and two legendaries). It should be scaled to be a little easier than it was in Tomb.

PTR tuning was fine. It needs to revert back to that. Still challenging and you absolutely need to do the mechanics but not a “one flub and you die” while beating bosses that are just health sponges.

I said it earlier but, MT was tuned for Tomb gear(with artifact and double legendaries). This TW iteration needs to be scaled to between Tomb and Antorus(before the overcharged artifact), which is about where it felt on PTR. Why they decided to ignore PTR feedback and shadow buff everything so much is beyond me, and insulting to everyone who dedicated time to test the PTR in the first place.


I don’t think that’s elitest at all. The majority of MT threads/posts are “this is impossible”, provide no reasoning, and come in one after another.

I’m simply stating that posters should provide some self reflection and reasoning as to what their issue is. That way the feedback is useful and other players who may have completed the challenge may be able to provide some insight or ways to fix a players strategy.

Saying it’s impossible and nothing else isn’t helpful to anyone.

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This next major patch better be good or you can just slot this walking dumpster fire of an expansion as the worst one they’ve produced.

Most of those postings were a continuation of the “the values have been changed from the ptr” which explains a lot of the disheartened postings.

bm hunter was kind of a meme. just use ice trap and scare beast to interupt all of the worms big casts and make sure you have exhilaration, health pot, and bloodlust going into enrage phase and it’s an easy game.

I actually swapped some gear around for the challenge. I traded OWS for the WoD heirloom trinket for the 10% dmg buff to demons. I also used an heirloom neck so I could put Satyr on it. Also obviously I used as much mastery gear as possible since thats our best stat by a mile. I had around 65% in the challenge.

My burst was decent yeah, I had her around 80% before the first servants spawned, after that however all your dps cds are saved for adds, so the fight becomes a slog. She teleports at 50% and then every minute from there. I only had her at 46% when she teleported the second time, so 4% damage over a full minute. Too much time dedicated to adds. I honestly don’t feel like she is much of a dps check, if you use pet attack macros and have high mastery and good cd management the adds will melt and you’ll just eventually whittle her down. I had an attempt last almost 12 minutes and only died due to an absolutely horrible overlap of mechanics.

I agree. I think she needs around a 15%-20% health nerf. But the biggest thing is she needs spell queing. She shouldn’t just do literally everything at once and overwhelm you.

Make sure you utilize every way to stop them you have. You have at least 3 that aren’t mind freeze, her healing a little isn’t the end of the world so long as you do other mechanics correctly. She has 175k hp but I had done 226k damage to her before the fight had ended. Honestly I think her healing imps should be the lowest priority mechanic for you to deal with. Kill fuming imps. Kill her umbral and flame imps. Dps her shield to int. Kill healing adds. In that order.

You can get gear equivalent to what I used on the ah. Look for any greens with haste/mastery that are ilvl 50 and above, then check the scaling from there. Sockets are an amazing bonus to have as well. I’d say the best item I had thats not easily replaceable or obtainable is my IQD, but you can always try to spam normal DoS for one if you need it.

Edit: Changed add prio. I honestly think the fuming imps should be your number 1 priority until she reaches 10% hp. At that point prioritize everything else other than straight boss damage over the fuming imps since she will most likely be dead soon and you won’t feel the effects of badly placed pools as much.

We don’t need reasoning when we all have eyes and have seen for ourselves what a mess the current iteration is.

“Razor Ice has too much health, Comet Storm hits way too hard while you’re there trying to kill them and the FB from Xylem don’t help”.

Is good feedback.

“Nether Horrors have a cast for Blood DK, but they just uselessly melee on Prot Paladins” is also good feedback.

You probably think doing 22 keys isn’t impossible.

To some people, that would indeed be impossible.

Be more inclusive in your approach instead of trying to exclude large swats of the player base because they don’t view the game as seriously as you do.


I personally preferred mastery myself. My pets carried me pretty hard with /petattack macros for adds.

I actually liked Asphyxiate for this. It was nicer to just let them reach her and then int both of them with gnaw/grip/asphyxiate.

My fuming imps were infuriatingly inconsistent with when they’d drop pools. Some just followed me around and melee’d me until natural cleave killed them. Others hit me for a few seconds and then ran behind me to drop the pool in a horrible spot :man_shrugging:

The rest I completely agree with, with the exception maybe of the HoJ heirloom trinket. The 2% feels negligible when you get a free 20% death strike every imp kill. Especially if you stay on top of killing the fuming ones so it procs from them as well.

THANK YOU!!! Seems like everyone is forgetting this!


Finished it on Fury. Note to self…the Crusader enchant was the key to making it breeze worthy.
Why an enchant makes all the difference for such little reward…beyond me.

Consider it a free heal on top that requires no target in range. Sometimes it’s just enough of a push to let you walk into range of something to death strike, especially after killing imps left over from a translocate and Agatha is miles away.

I didn’t use it for my Unholy though, I used Horn and Power Crystal.

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