I constantly die from going AFK

If Blizzard would just go ahead and implement these changes…

Entertaining post and comments lol good job everyone

You’re a night elf press shadowmeld

Who’s a night elf?

Here is a crazy idea: Play a game that actually dont mind you having a real life.

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No. The reason is that in most (if not all) your points are abusable.

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Explain how it can be abused. It is literally impossible to abuse. If you move, it deactivates. You can’t activate it in combat.

Describe a scenario in which a player can abuse this mechanic.

would be abused lol

Describe a scenario in which a player can abuse this mechanic.

AFK = a free kill

These threads are getting more ridiculous each day.

Agreed :100:

because the wow writing gave me shell shock.

This may have been asked already but how will you get disconnected?

Also I employ two tactics, go to the graveyard (shadowlands only has 1 per zone so it’s easy to remember where it’s at :laughing: ) fly up nice and high and drop to your death, already at the graveyard when you get back :+1:

Or just fly up high over a dangerous area (pit of death) because some people like to try to kill you and cast slow falls and such on themselves so they don’t die while doing it.

People actually enable War Mode?

So, in WoD people didn’t want to DC because the login queue was really long but people had to go to work and sleep so Wow players being Wow players they would go to a lowbie dungeon RFC or Stockades usually and get in combat with mobs then leave and do what they had to do. In combat, no chance to die, no DC.
Blizz fixed that so it doesn’t work anymore but without the ability to be DC’d from being inactive people will keep themselves logged in forever :open_mouth:

10-20% xp while leveling :smiley:

You’d still get DC’d from being inactive. You’d just be invulnerable/untargetable the entire time you were marked as [Away].

Yeah, but I’d be so much slower getting quests done that the buff wouldn’t help me level faster.

It’s actually pretty safe in Warmode if you are out questing, once you go to a quest hub or near a flight master things get dangerous since that’s where 60s wait to gank you :laughing:

That’s all you ever do when you come on here IS Bicker or cut others down, you’re the one that needs a life.

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Dont they all in GD ?