I constantly die from going AFK

LoL. I can Visualize Clark now. Staring at the stove for 60 minutes as he cooks lasagna.

Nope! Can’t look away. Too dangerous! Timers aren’t reliable and for gods sake man, the fire alarm might damage someone’s eardrum.



I’ve also enjoyed the absurd leaps in rational where Shreds:

*“doesn’t have his priorities in order in life” *

*“Has a gaming addiction” *

“lives a dangerous lifestyle”

“neglects his family”

:popcorn: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


We’re all going to die eventually, so what does it matter?

We’re all going to die eventually, so what does it matter?

We’re all going to die eventually, so what does it matter?

We’re all going to die eventually, so what does it matter?

You mean like watching television. Why are you choosing to be abnormal if you figure playing videogames isn’t a normal thing to do?

The whole cast of tonight’s show, give them a round of applause everyone!

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While quick corpse recovery is a thing, I don’t see why death is an issue in this game. Especially if you die in an easily accessible area.

My only gripe, really, is rez sickness still existing. Especially since they like to create a lot of environments that you just cannot get to easily as a corpse if you fall or something.

Otherwise, there’s really no punishment to death, and creating immunes you can use in combat will break the game way more than it’ll solve issues. Suddenly there’s no such thing as a threat since you can just [Away] when things aren’t looking so great.

If this is a huge issue for how you play, might I suggest looking into swapping to Night Elf? Shadowmeld is a heck of a racial for needing to step away without much warning often.

Otherwise, worst case is you lose some Stygia until you can recover it.

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I found a genius way to fix this.
Log out.


…Are we really complaining about dying because we went AFK? This seems silly. People go AFK and die all the time. I went AFK behind a bush the other day and I died. So what? You run back to your body and you move on. Death has no real punishment in WoW and having to run back to your body for a whole minute or two is hardly the end of the world or requires a solution.


Of all the complaints on GD, this one honestly might take the cake this week in terms of silliness.

It does make me really happy to be a death knight though – anything pops up that I might have to step away for a bit, I can just death gate away, death gate back.

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Yes, yes he is.


There’s a difference between this and a pot of boiling water, which is what was being used in the discussion.

They have this feature

It’s called logging out

Phases you out. Pauses all buffs/debuffs (Except deserter) and prevents you from being attacked or damaged

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Honestly your example of a pot of boiling water is of the same level reaction as a fire or a person bleeding out. You’re jumping out of your chair. And a light bulb? Yeah I think you can manage a little bit in the dark to ensure character safety if logging out isn’t up to you.

Moreover the suggestions the OP made doesn’t seem to really solve a real life emergency scenario anyways since you effectively can’t away in combat and chances are in a combat game like WoW you’re going to be in combat when it pops up.

This is an online game and it comes with certain risks because of that. There isn’t a pause button by design because it’s an online game.

Also something like this is almost guaranteed to be abused somehow. The suggestion is a neverending immunity to everyone and everything. Oh yeah, nothing could go wrong.

Really I have no idea why alt f4 doesn’t suffice in like 90% of the situations. Unless you start to get mauled by 10+ mobs your character will leave the world before you die to them because the open world game is intentionally designed to be pretty relaxed.

Is logging out so tedious? Better than a corpse run for sure.

Absolute emergency, screw the game you lose 10% durability when you die and that is all.

Otherwise, Just hide behind a rock / on top of a building or hit your hearth if you think you will be a few minutes.

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I don’t understand this complaint at all, if you don’t want to die from going afk, just go to a city or rested area and be done with it lol

I have come to really admire your threads. It’s so subtle that most (even myself) missed it. Very well done.

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Just roll a Rogue and go AFK wherever your want.

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That’s gonna be abused. Becides, why not just AFK at a safe place or just exit the game?

You already cannot go (AWAY) while taking damage or being in combat.
You already can go {AWAY} while mounted or not.
If you type something while being ]AWAY[ than it takes away your <away> status.
Moving while in <AWAY) status already puts you back in normal status.

The phasing out or no AOE damage one sounds good, as do the rest, you can troll pretty hard with those other options in WM. But if you are being serious, than no, none of them will happen.