I constantly die from going AFK

both the examples you gave sound like you’d be gone longer than 30 seconds, so why not log out to be safe?

My theoretical mechanic would ideally be a reworking of the /away or /afk command.

You could not go /away or /afk while in combat, so if you’re being attacked, you can’t even use the feature I’m describing.

When you type /away or /afk or go idle while standing still, it would essentially phase you out. Your character becomes transparent as if stealthed, and nothing can target them. This lasts until automatic logout or until you move. Moving breaks the phase out and removes your status.

Every time Shreds getting killed due to an emergency…

Warning, the following scene is graphic in nature. Some viewers may want to look away now.


Pretty much me how I feel everytime i die from AFK.

I did ragequit for good in Classic WoW when a level 51 Gnome mage kept killing me and it took me over 1 hour to get into BRD when I was full BiS as a prot warrior.

Had to use a fap potion just to keep up with the little guy.

Just the way the game is oof.

/camp does exactly that. You’re welcome.

Side note, I used to love hiding underwater on my shaman back in the days of water breathing. I would pop that on everyone, and my friends and I would go out and have a smoke.

If it were an real emergency it is best to just log off.

As for flying aggro,well yes blizzard did add more in 9.1.0 those you see now weren’t there before because we now have flying.

That would be perfectly fine, I’ve died many times from AFK due to a variety of emergencies. Knocked over drink being by far the most common via myself or the cat.

I usually take the death and just run back, but if it can’t be abused I don’t see why not.

People that don’t like it just don’t use it.

If youre more worried about your toon in a real life emergency…you got bigger issues that need addressing then fast log out…

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Playing wow while a pot is boiling is you having a game addiction

Cook the stuff first then go back to WoW

Unless you have only one lightbulb lit in your house this scenario is invalid

So you’re saying everyone including you is all bunched up to one light source?


I would also accept a rework to /camp so that you can log out instantly if out of combat, but if this happens, I would want the idle timer on character selection to be doubled because I don’t know how long I’ll be away, and the whole point is that I don’t want to have to go through login again when I get back or waste time running to my body.

Yeah, this is what I always kind of figured, so I have always just sighed and done the corpse run, lumped the repair bill, and avoided group content by and large. I’ve got huge empathy for the OP though.

Funny story, one time I went AFK while I was in flight on a taxi, and I figured I’d be logged out whenever I came back, because that’s what always happened. I came back 3 hours later, and there’s my toon standing by the flight master, drawing aggro from a mob but not actually able to be attacked by it. Perma logged in. I thought that was humorous.

Two. We have halogen floor lamps in the living room. We have NanoLeaf Elements on the wall, but you can’t really read by them. Although, one reads on tablet, so she couldn’t care less if a light goes out. The rest prefer paper publications that are not backlit, and while the floor lamps put off plenty of light for reading, a burn-out would mean moving to the other side of the room or replacing the lamp that burned out.

so are you telling me you have ONE halogen floor lamp and when it goes out its completely dark?

so all of you in this “full house” are all bunched up together to this one source of light? right?

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that has 7 panels of light sources, are you telling me you literally don’t change it till the very last light source is burned out?

Just… log out? Or fly into the air? Or hearthstone to a safe spot for a second? This is a problem I have not dealt with once since I was 10 years old in Wrath. This is such a non issue. I hope they do not dedicate any development time to making classes have some way to evade AFK damage (especially because wow, imagine how that could be exploited).

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I’m proud to say that I have soloed in this game since 2004 and the only time I ever did group content was in Wrath when my guild couldn’t get any tanks and I agreed to go as my DK. I became their regular tank, and it was fine because they let me lead and they didn’t go until I did. I haven’t done group content since then really, and I am more strict about not doing it with each year that passes.

For one, I don’t enjoy it, and for another thing - you’re right. I am simply not a reliable person to play with. I never know what’s going to come up or when, so I never do group content because I don’t want to subject others to the chaos of my life.

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Worth repeating. Been there, done that. Once only! I even set an alarm but ignored it because I want to finish the task in about a minute then promptly forgot the pot cooking on the stove.

at that point its not blizzards fault you died afk its their fault

leaving a stove on cooking while you’re playing WoW is really a great way to get a darwin award imo

True dat
/10 char