I constantly die from going AFK

That’s the one.

Alt-F4 or deal with your pixels dying.

If it’s an emergency, you shouldn’t care if your toon dies or not.

If it’s not an emergency, you can take the 5 seconds to get somewhere safe.

How is this even an issue lol?


It’s not. OP just wants to whine and complain.


Your “pause feature” in this game is the following:

  1. alt+f4
  2. log out
  3. hearth
  4. safe place a couple seconds from where you are
  5. stop caring because dying is irrelevant in this game
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Why do people think this nonsense?

If it’s not an emergency, I can just keep questing.

How was that even a response?

The log out button works great for me.

Irrelevant to you, but I get annoyed when I have to run back/repair and that cuts down the amount of WoW I am willing to play that day. So, while it isn’t the most important issue to me right now, it’s certainly relevant in my estimation.

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We all do to some extent. But that’s not much of a punishment. It takes no time at all to get to your body now. Especially since most places, your ghost can fly. You also have other options that you completely ignored. But that’s not surprising.

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You’re either trolling at this point or your priorities are way off lol.

Most likely the former.


you are out of date there.

Its cellphones, tablets and youtube/netflix. Kids don’t know what tv is these days.

Irks the hell out of me. NIce tv, apple tv to it. The kid watches youtube on a pad/phone. Wife does too. They like it better that way.

They railroaded themselves into particular trains of thought. If things were to be redone from the beginning perhaps a 5 minute mandatory pause or something like that would suffice. That would be a long enough time were people wouldn’t be tempted to abuse it outside of warmode. I don’t think there is any good alternative solution in pvp focused games.

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True. My kid turned 21 this year.

I may have agreed with you in Vanilla WoW 17 years ago when you ran 10 minutes back to your body.

But now its unnecessary, although I could use something like that every time I’m about to die while running through Korthia.

Instant god mode :+1:

How could you use something like this? “Oh no, mobs are in front of me. Let me freeze myself in place, unable to move, for an undetermined about of time, only to return to the same situation I was in before I used the ability.”?

Doesn’t make a lot of sense. You can’t use the ability while in combat, so it won’t drop aggro.

What advantage could you extract from such an ability other than surviving an unexpected trip AFK?

I agree with the other players. In a real life emergency, WoW should be the last thing on your mind.

With that said, I do so ever-miss Stealthman-54! Bring back a variation of it.


Slip deeper into the shadowlands, concealing you from most threats.

  • Instant cast
  • Cannot be targeted by normal mobs
  • Elite and rare mobs can still target you
  • Players, less than 1 yard in range, may be able to detect you.

Make it a toy with 15 min cool down, or an item that can stack to 20 or so. Give it a potion cool down if it’s an item and not a toy or reusable.

This is what you said, you never specified how it actually worked.

Just looking at it I’d assume you get suspended until when you’re ready to come back and all mobs de aggro and run back to where they spawned?

So i’m running through Korthia getting hit by 4-5 mobs because I have this skill in my back pocket, they get me to 50% and i’m staggered so i freeze myself in place and become invincible. The mobs deaggro and I continue on with my day?

Or does this mechanic work completely different to what I’m describing?

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What do you call it when UPS comes to the door to have you sign for a package and if you don’t get up from WoW immediately he may return the package to the post office and you don’t want to go to the freaking post office?

Is that not an emergency to you?


Never bothered me because whenever I’ve to step away from WoW immediately, I know something needs my attention now and death in wow is not even on the radar. Sure, I would be annoyed by the corpse walk later on, but I simply shrug and continue.