I constantly die from going AFK

I didn’t know that so many life coaches played WoW.

  1. My priorities are none of your business.
  2. Having to pee during a WQ involving elite mobs qualifies as an emergent situation.
  3. Logging out doesn’t help, as I will just get aggroed/killed before the logout timer expires.
  4. How, exactly, will players abuse a status freeze? If they can’t move, heal, or attack, all they’re doing is suspending time until they return to the same situation they were in before they left. This ability would obviously be disabled in Warmode.
  5. What do you have against QoL improvements for people who could use them?

Now to respond to some gems.

I don’t see a problem with this. It would be disabled in PvP, and avoiding combat with monsters by logging out isn’t a big deal. You can’t do anything logged out, so you aren’t securing an advantage.

I think I’ll try this, but it’s inconvenient that I have to spend gold just to tell the game, “one sec, brb.” Typing /away when out of combat should make your character insubstantial and untargetable.

Those are absolutely emergencies. A pot boiling over can start a fire. A lightbulb going out can cause distress to other people who may need the light, and their distress can disrupt the person playing WoW.

Because, without it, nobody can see. I live with short people who read. They can’t reach the light bulb to replace it, and if they can’t read, I can’t play.

We consider different things important. :man_shrugging:


I didn’t say a family emergency. I said an emergency. This could be anything. Maybe Twilight comes on Netflix after your show ends and you have to turn it off immediately. Emergencies are simply unforeseen circumstances/events that require an immediate response. They become issues when you are completely occupied by trying not to die. There should be some respite in these densely populated WQ areas.

The point is to request a feature that would improve my Quality of Life within World of WarCraft.

There are no such things as PvP servers and I don’t play with War Mode on.

In what meaningful way?

It’s annoying when you have to spend 30 seconds walking back and pay a repair bill because the pizza guy came to the door and you had to quickly collect the food.

Yes. I average 4 or 5 emergencies an hour during the daytime. I have a pack of huskies and a full house. Things are constantly happening.

If I had 10 seconds to fly all the way to the top of the skybox, I wouldn’t need the feature in the first place. I don’t have 10 seconds. I need to respond to whatever is going on sooner than that.

There is literally never a moment I’m not doing something in addition to playing WoW. My life is busy. This is how many people have to play. I envy you if you can play WoW with no distractions. I legitimately wonder what that would even be like.

Emergency (n.) - 1 : an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action.

This includes having to pee or getting a pizza delivery or something getting knocked over and making a mess.

I don’t care who’s fault it is. I don’t pay for this game to find and improve my faults. I play to enjoy myself. I’ve requested a feature to address an issue I’m having. I really don’t care what your assessment of me or my situation is. :slight_smile:

I have been doing that for 17 years. I’m asking for a feature to give me a respite from ALWAYS taking the death. Coming back to find myself dead is my everyday WoW playing experience. Happens often and I’d rather it didn’t. But I expect nothing to change, and that I will continue “taking the death” for the rest of my natural life.

If you exit instantly, your toon stays in the game until the logout timer ticks down. They can still die.

Chaos is my religion, but always returning to find myself dead is predictable and, therefore, orderly. I’d like a mechanic to help avoid that outcome.

Why does everyone think an emergency is a house fire or a heart attack? Sometimes the phone rings and someone needs information or some money transferred ASAP or directions somewhere. These are all emergencies.

YES!!! At last, someone gets it.




Lesson learned.

Imagine posting on a public forum and then complaining when people respond to you.

It’s obviously up to you if you want to play a game knowing you’re going to constantly be interrupted but don’t act like this is common for people lol. Sounds like there are more important things in your life that require your attention other than WoW but you do you.


Have you ever met a parent?

Don’t fall for it! This is “I have a life” type reply!


Yeah, that will never be exploited.

If you are having a real life emergency, what happens to you in game should be at the bottom of your list of things to be concerned about.


Yeah of course and they play WoW when their kids aren’t home or asleep. Otherwise they’re spending time with their kids like normal parents lol.


That’s why it took you so long to respond! I saw your icon down below for quite some time.:grinning:

I’m not a life coach, but I don’t think your problem is of much importance to the population at large. If you honestly feel it’s worthy of developer attention, this is the wrong place to do it. Only moderators read this forum after all.

Have you tried using the in-game feedback option? That, at least, is better than posting here, which is the equivalent of going to the cellar and screaming into a pillow.

I wish you nothing but success on your quest.:facepunch:


“Quick, delete my characters because DoorDash is approaching.”
“Why should I delete your characters?”
“IDK, what happens to me in game is at the bottom of my list of things to be concerned about.”

Edgy attempt 1/10.

At least you spelled the words correctly.


They are indeed but you used yourself as an example (eg “I’ve been dealing with this for 17 years”) so its not unreasonable to respond to your example.

I doubt anyone who has ever played a game has not had a moment or two where they need to take a bio break. Can’t see how the devs should be held responsible for not taking your pee needs into consideration. There is a point where each person has to take personal responsibility for their life requirements.

Then you take a moment or two extra to shift yourself to a more safe location and THEN log out. I mean you even say in your post “so we can fly up and out of the way” which takes time to do. So do that - mount up, fly to a safe spot, sit there or log off. I mean, you suggested it, right?

I have nothing at all against QoL improvements, if they make sense. Yours doesn’t, since there are clear alternatives. Why add something to the game that isn’t needed and is a potential of misuse?


This is such a non-issue. Everyone gets up to do stuff once in a while and yeah if you come back to a death screen then it’s a slight inconvenience but it takes less than a minute to resurrect.

If you’re actually getting up to tend to your kids, dogs, food, etc often enough that this is actually an issue then you really shouldn’t even be playing. Craziness


Buy an invisibility potion for emergencies. Use. Log Out.

Honestly, how often does something come up that requires your immediate attention?

This idea won’t be abused like this was. No chance.

That wasn’t an edgy attempt. This is an edgy attempt.

“Dad, DoorDash is approaching.”
“Of course it is, because I am cursed. All my life, I’ve tried to complete quests, but I can’t find a moment’s peace. This world is never satisfied until I start bleeding from my eyes and my crimson tears wet the decaying soil beneath my feet like they did that day so long ago when my abject loneliness drove me to first pick up World of WarCraft, but it was all for naught. Though I have toiled for 17 years, trying my best to build something good that I could be proud of, it shall all be discarded in a matter of moments this night, because Egg Rolls are at the door.”


Then don’t. Here are your options for different classes/races:

  1. Hearth out.
  2. Spend two seconds getting to a spot you know is safe.
  3. Put your pets on defensive.
  4. Feign Death.
  5. Shadowmeld.
  6. Stealth.
  7. Wormhole Generator.
  8. Dalaran hearth.
  9. Mage portal.
  10. Get on a road.
  11. Stop caring if you die. It’s not like it costs much to repair and if you’re in the Maw, your stygia should all be spent by this point or meaningless.

Apparently constantly for them?

At least dying in this game is just a little inconvenient unlike, say, Everquest where you can lose a level and spend the next 30 minutes or more grinding the exp back.


Then learn from your mistakes and get in better positions to spontaneous afk. If you haven’t figured out how to avoid this after 17 years then idk wtf to tell you.