I compiled a list of polls on RDF - the majority wants RDF

pretty sure he meant size of said sample
but you are right about the quality of it

DPS averages.

So kill times do matter but not as much as you would think.

I mean how hard is it to press shadowbolt, unless you’re just bad at mechanics.

It’s not like you’re a hunter who has an actual rotation.

Thank you for proving my point about your lack of comprehension.

The keyword here was size. Not the method of acquisition or type of data or from what source that data was from.

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The only thing that has been proven is that you are not that familiar with research methodologies, at least, in any sort of professional or elite setting.

Nothing wrong with that, but it does make it inappropriate for you to bring it up under the guise of authority.


SnD uptime, rupture uptime, expose armor uptime, having to physically be near your target to attack them, CD management, hastepots and thistle tea, tracking mongoose / DST procs.

Yup, but all those things average out.

If you can sim go sim a 4 minute fight then go sim a 6 minute fight.

Your dps will be around the same because you don’t really dip as much as you think.

That’s probably one of the worst interpretations I’ve read.

It is what it is. Blizzard has justified it in some way or another.

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Once again you sad little troll. I said nothing about methodology. I said size. Get that through your thick skull and stop putting words into peoples mouths they didn’t say.

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Those are YOUR words Jirukon. I quoted you directly. It’s what YOU said.

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please show me where I mention any form of methodology. As so far the only thing you quoted mentions no such thing. Just that you put that quoted my mention of the size of data researchers use. Then somehow got from size… to acquisition of the data, the source of data, the methodology used to process that data. etc. None of which were my words but your own.

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You didn’t mention methodology, I mentioned that you must be unfamiliar with standard research methodologies, if you truly believe that researches would kill for strawpoll and Youtube based samples.

That is the crux of the issue with your statement. Your unfamiliarity with standard research procedures and protocols directly led to a misinformed statement.

That is what we are talking about, Jirukon. Your claims.

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Once again… putting words into my mouth that I didn’t say and once again showing a lack of comprehension.

Size is not the same as the source of the data. You keep saying I claim that the source in this case straw poll and youtube is what researching would kill for. When what I actually said is …

… that SIZE is what the researchers would kill for. The SIZE of the data sample. Not the SOURCE of the data sample.

The issue with your claims is that you seem to believe that the size of something means the source of something. Your unfamiliarity with the English language directly led to your misunderstanding of information.

That is what we are talking about, Bloomsday. Your false claims.

I’m done here. Go bother someone else with your lack of comprehension and understanding.


You always act all so knowing…Well, go on then. Educate us. Clearly you know it all. I’m yet to see you say anything of value. All you do is spam threads with pointless & rather useless junk comment.

Oh wait…you can’t…cuz we all know you are a troll who doesn’t know jack.

5 non official polls where anyone could vote
they are just as valid as a fanfic written on a napkin
unless blizzard does it, it is irrelevant


Everything I’ve put into your mouth has been directly quoted from your posts. You said it Jirukon, verbatim.

Except it is when the sources you claim researchers would kill for are Strawpolls, which people can hack and vote multiple times on, and Youtube polls, which people can switch accounts and also vote multiple times on.

If you think researchers would kill for that kind of data, you are simply unfamiliar with standard research methodologies and protocols. Nothing wrong with that, but you should not speak as if you are an authority on the manner, as it’s inappropriate.

I would love to, but I’m simply not being compensated for the time it would take to explain centuries of research methodologies. Ever hear the phrase: “If you’re good at something, never do it for free?”

Thankfully, google is not only free, but fast and effective.


Lies. You know for a fact you got a fanny pack of dobbers in your attic.

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True, hes never really said anything of value.

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a 70/30 is a piss poor excuse to “justify” not doing, now if it was 60/40, it could be argued. Which it’s not.

As someone who wanted LFD, I don’t care that they removed it anymore. If it’s something that you can’t live without, maybe Classic isn’t the game for you (respectfully). The issue with dungeon finder is that even though you don’t have to spam in chat for an hour, you would still sit in Q for 20-30 mins as a DPS sometimes looking for a Tank or Healer. The upside is that LFD wasn’t releaseed until 3.3.2 so there’s still time for Blizzard to change their minds (unlikely).

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