I compiled a list of polls on RDF - the majority wants RDF

It’s kind of a strange thing to say ‘Classic isn’t the game for you’ because you want an authentic experience of Wrath.

During those 20 minutes you can be out doing dailies, you can be getting rep. You can be out gathering herbs and ore. You can be doing anything you want. LFD is freedom. You’re not staring at a screen, spamming the LFG channel between 9001 WTS and WTB dungeon run posts.

They’re not putting in LFD. They’re just not. Not ever. They’ve said they’re improving the lfg tool so it’s easier to manually form groups. Which the dungeon sellers and elitist gatekeeping players will continue to dominate. So pay gold to join, or quit. Yes, you can play with guildies…and LFD has no impact on that whatsoever.


Putting a few people on ignore really improves the forum experience.

Honestly - if anything - the WillE poll would be biased AGAINST RDF (given his audience), yet it was still the clear winner. I suspect that if the entire active playerbase was polled, RDF would win by an even-greater marign.

The audience that RDF benefits the most (mass casuals) are the least likely to be voting in these polls. They don’t consume every bit of info and obsess over every design decision like us freaks. If they were thrown into the mix, almost certainly the pro-RDF vote would be even more lopsided. Of course that’s just an assumption, but what’s not is these poll results.


10,000 of 10,000 Jedcows surveyed want LFD.

did you really compile it though? here’s the full copypaste, you missed the official forum threads.

US forum thread


EU forum thread


Strawpoll with the most votes I could find


Some youtuber’s poll (WillE)


Some other youtuber’s poll (Solheim Gaming)


And here’s the only poll I could find that supports no RDF jk it’s another poll that supports RDF


What does this prove? That blizzard was using the “the community” merely as an excuse to remove LFD, when really it was all about server transfer and boost profits all along? Well, duh. But we all knew that anyway.


Makes a bunch of assumptions, admits they’re assumptions… calls it data… acts like he’s got the scientific upper hand. Gotta love it! Stay classy GD!

It’s more data than want Blizzard presented or even got…

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I legit think they cant get it run properly without spending time and money into it

It doesn’t prevent people from forming their own groups, so your logic is flawed.


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