I cant wait for the prepatch


Uh… okay? Well, this has been a thing for the past 15 years. You’re always replacing your gear.

Corruption, Warforging, Titanforging, and Azerite are all going away in Shadowlands, and Tier Sets are likely to return shortly after launch.

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Corruption azerite and the rest are bad systems, but they make the gameplay better. When you remove them you will have bad gameplay, and what ever system Acti-Blizz puts in. And given their track record on systems its going to be terrible. Its because they aren’t selling an MMO anymore they are selling tokens skins and mounts. The game is designed for bots to inflate the metrics, and spergs to spend their neet bux so they can ride around feeling superior to said bots.

Lol no.

They’re just removing the RNG that everyone hated. What are you going on about?


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It’s best not give that one attention, he seems to be confused about alot of things.

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Go during timewalking get head chest shoulders back and neck. Go play with those and tell me how it feels.

I didn’t say anything about RNG

Do you not think that a significant portion of people logged into WoW are bots? Just go look around

There’s a reason class changes exist you know. Every class is getting changed up a bit in SL.

Then why did you praise TF, WF, and Corruption.

I’m assuming you’re walking around in Boralus. Hint: hubs are usually where people AFK.

I said even though those systems are BAD they do SOME good, so removing them does SOME harm. In this case base class gameplay is garbage which is alleviated a bit by corruptions and azertie.

Bots are out farming not in town

I have no faith that Acti-Blizz will deliver satisfying class gameplay. They aren’t selling you the World of Warcaft anymore they are selling the Patch of Warcraft. Some times they sell a mount for $100 and give you 6 months of game time free.

I’ll be too busy enjoying the fastest and most enjoyable WoW leveling we’ve had in years.


That’s what you’ve said about BfA this whole expansion too. It can’t be that much of a dumpster fire since you’re still here spending your time and money on the game and actively playing it.

And it will be a death of a thousand cuts

BFA is a dumpster fire. I didn’t say the rest of WoW. Learn the difference and read the thread next time!

LOL so true though

This is the same song and dance that many people claim each expansion even though they actively play the current expansions content, just like you are playing BfA content. Instead of trying to find the negative in things maybe start looking for the positives and you’re outlook might change for the better.

“Hey guys, anyone know any good BfA private servers?”

If you choose to not read the thread that is fine. But we are talking about prepatch not what you think of me or other people.

So what do you think about prepatch? Would you like to participate in this thread?

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I think it’s going to be another great prepatch, I don’t recall being let down on any of the prepatches. Most of us are all sorts of hyped about next expansion as it looks amazing.

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Sad to hear but I can see how prepatch is going to be a trainwreck. Some believe it will be amazing to see classes broken with prepatch which is an odd position to take.

Why are we in the Wrath prepatch with a scourge invasion? Is this Wrath Classic?

I’m certainly not. Prepatch is going to suck my suggestion solo everything you can now cause it’ll be borked for at least three months.