I can't wait for (Covenants)

I can’t wait for people to choose their min/max covenant then blizzard nerfing it later


I can’t wait to join the Vampires as a BDK

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I can’t wait for OP to actually level up.

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The Edward Covenant will gladly accept another Sephiroth in their ranks.

I can’t wait until the rise of the secret 5th covenant in 9.1. The Foh’ruhm Goar. Apparently they’re empowered with the pandemonium all the other covenants and their meaningful choices have brought to the heroes from Azeroth. They make a bid for power to seize the maw and dominate the Shadowlands.

What about the For’oom Tarolls. Their primary power comes from the salt from the forums which is mined during the pre-patch event. With the WoTLK 2.0 invasion.


i cant believe its not butter

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Ahh a man of lore as well! I approve!

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Waiting for you to level up too.

Waiting for you to make more posts… only 322? Pfffft your opinion don’t matter until you pass the 5k mark.

Am I doing this right?


Almost 7k posts and yet…have you really said anything?

That was your daily dose of forum philosophy


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Aww don’t be too mean,worgen are not the brightest.

Prepared a thread about it xD

I actually said a lot. All my posts that was trash talking got deleted so they don’t count. Although I probably should of said more. I do try.

Imagine people pick covenant out of personal preference and then it’s get nerfed anyway

You know what would suck… if people Pick vampires because they are cool right…

Then instead of having this cool blood look to them… They turn them into little sparkling vampires. Their abilities all sparkle and have rainbows…

So their choice still stands lol, nerfs dont matter to ppl who choose based on theme

What if they nerf the theme though? LOL.

Blizzard: Sorry vamps you look too cool, your now all Edward.

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it matter for people around. Getting punished and rejected for no reason at all.

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