I can't wait for (Covenants)

People already get rejected for no reason.

Also what if a right wing HMP joins Kyrian cuz muh justice and muh conformity only to find out one of their soulbinds is trans and rage at the forums about sjws xD

Anyone decent at the game knows they can find a group without meta covenant


Covenants shouldn’t be changed easily, sure. But then they also shouldn’t be nerfed, because it would invalidate initial choice for any reason

Are you saying “Karens” will join the Kyrians…



m8 its an rpg, rpgs by their design always are unbalanced and require constant tuning.

Their goal with covenants is for each to excel at different areas, one covenant will be better for one boss, the other for another boss, the other for m+ etc, the point is that no single character is ever able to be optimal for all bosses and m+

So you choose based on theme or GAMEPLAY, by gameplay I mean on my boomie I am most likely going venthyr, even if they nerf the haste from the covenant ability the gameplay will remain the same as it is a stacking haste buff

There is actually an asmongold video where he says the exact same thing. although it was while talking about PvP in response to Hazelnutties opinion on azerite gear. Apparently he thinks the game isn’t built around or fun when balanced when it comes to pvp. But has an entirely different opinion with PvE content. Confusing.

Would link the video, but the amount of cursing would net me a forum vacation.

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Blizzard does not balance this way. They haven’t “Tuned” a thing in entire wow existance. They can only have things nerfed to unplayable state or overpowered beyond measure

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Yet all specs are able to do a m15-20 and mythic, looks like they balance well enough in my book.

They ll never balance well enough for epeen 29s or pvp but pvp is another thing in mmorpgs that is impossible to balance well

I chose Kyrian because it looks cool and Pelegos is the best option to me. Thankfully he is transgender so Blizzard will never make him suck.

Yeah i think he’s all talk about everything - his “epic” M+ and raiding, his “superior” groups and his many kicks of “inferior” players, yet he only posts on a generic alt.

He’s all talk. He’s all trolling.

Still a better story than most of WOW lol.

I’d laugh if Blizzard did an April fool’s joke and
made all Worgen sparkle when they turned to their beast forms.