I cant start BFA

its sad eu does not have a bug report forum like this cause they might not even know its also a issue on eu and only working on a fix for us

I think he was referring to a previous development team, not necessarily their chronological age. But we really couldn’t say for sure if, for example, Ghostcrawler’s team would have had the foresight to aviod this particular glitch.


Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Maintain social distance. Listen to Science. Be safe!

ah wel for a week or 2 or endgame content now is legion again xd

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Generally game play bugs affect everyone globally because everyone is using the same game client. So, when a bug is fixed for NA those fixes get applied globally as well.

There are other bugs that can be region specific, but if you see one regarding a quest it usually isn’t region specific.


I partially did this already though I didn’t try to level my toon in the area. Like I said, I don’t even have the necklace. It’s like BFA doesn’t exist in any form for me. Here is what I did, “I will try to get some XP in panda land then switch back this afternoon when I get home from work”.

  1. Went to Chromie and chose Pandaria Expansion.
  2. Arrived in that “timeline” and exited game.
  3. Ran the .bat file I wrote to remove recursively, the entirety of the Cache folder contents but not the actual folder.
  4. Logged back into game on this toon and then went back to Chromie to take me to current time line.
  5. Arrived at current timeline and nothing automatically populated to get me going for BFA starting quests.

So, the only thing I didn’t try was getting XP in Pandaria before going back to modern time. “Or do you mean actually going up a full level before returning to present time?”


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No, the suggestion was to just switch around in Chromie Time to see if doing so would push out the quest. I think we’ve seen enough attempts to say that probably isn’t working :frowning:

The QA team considers this a high priority though and are working on a fix. Hopefully we’ll have some updates soon.


Just to give it a test, this morning I made a NElf hunter and headed off to Exile’s Reach. I did the questing and also ran the Dungeon 3 times for the gear. After that, I continued on and headed to Stormwind, doing the Stormwind tour. After I turned in the tour quest to Captain Garrick, she offered me the quest, Tides of War.

That quest sent me to Jaina at the docks and the quest Nation of Kul Tiras. Talking to her and selecting “I’m ready…” triggered the normal travel map loading screen, which ended not in the cinematic, but a black screen I couldn’t get out of. This lasted a few seconds before I was dumped into the water of Boralus Harbor.

Now the Kul Tiras quest in my log is directing me BACK to Stormwind to talk to Captain Garrick in the Keep. I talked to her and now I’m being sent back to talk to Jaina again at the docks. Again, I tell her I’m ready.

This time I got the cinematic and am now starting the quest chain to accompany Jaina to speak to Katherine. Looks like there is no way to skip this questline.

Perhaps the problem is in skipping the tour? That might break the ability to get to BFA.

Looking as I have a similar issue and what players have experienced. I noticed on my alt I had a few new quests mostly directed at the dudes by the Board in Stormwind. I dropped those quests and proceeded to lvl up my 43 DK the way I have before the pre patch. Once 50 the guys at the board were useless.

I wonder if the problem lies with how the quests are given and how they interact or assume that if your max level you dont need them anymore. Also looking into if you drop them do they trigger to pop back up. I know this is a headache to fix but one suggestion as I have played another MMO with broken quest triggers before is create an NPC and just put the main starting quests on them. This might look tacky but it keeps everyone happy while QA works on a solution. The problem isnt the quest but its how its being triggered / delivered. I would of put an NPC and hard coded the quest as a hotfix named him whatever and worked on fixing the behind the scenes of the actual issue. Which it’s probably if you abandon or dont do the quest in a certain order it falls back to Anduin who is now phased to be missing because of how the upcoming event evolves.

Honestly instead of doing a complete fix I would suggest a patch npc with the quest. Trying to do a complete fix that might break other things in an attempt to rush will only make things worse and ruin the pre patch events coming and the entire idea of this pre patch. Most will or would of just not wanted a pre patch event if thats tue case as this one hasnt added anything gameplay wise besides alt play which has obviously been hindered

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Thats great that you are working on a fix! Glad to hear it!
Just levled up my old DK that i tanked on in MOP and it was rly fun playing that again, looking forward of gearing it up when the fix is live.

But one major problem is that there is currently no communication in the EU forums.
The only real clues we get over there is when peoples link the replies that you guys post at the US forums.
Imo the forums should just get merged, it would make your jobs easier and would also make the peoples at EU have more of a clue whats going on.

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I don’t think it’s that simple.

I started a Kul Tiran character, went into Stormwind. Did the intro quests, talked to the guy next to the board…and then nothing. Can’t get quests in BfA or anything. Same for my characters who existed before the prepatch, the only ones who can do BfA are the ones who could do it before the patch or characters I level from 1-10 in Exile’s Reach and then do all the tours and everything without skipping.

This is all on Alliance, I haven’t tested Horde.

Its not simple and im not a dev but I have worked with some and know some. As for your issue I had similar there are a few quests involved with BFA intro many have a dying world which gets you the heart but that was early in the expansion. The one making people stuck is the one that advances the war aka the essences, zuldazar which leads to nazjatar. Most importantly is the catch up xp for the heart which is huge and then the cloak after.

You can brute force your way through as a tank and gear up since its easy to find groups but the essences are crucial as well as the cloak to do N’zoth. Its just a massive issue when their isnt anything else to do and doing something as simple as putting an NPC that gives ‘Tides of War’ buys them time to work on an actual fix that they can test and that doesn’t break something else.

Skipping the tour is one of the problems. I created a human mage, did exiles reach, got to SW and skipped the tour quests and wasn’t able to start BFA.

The other part of the problem is allied races don’t get the option to do exiles reach so there is no SW tour for them. The Tides of War quest doesn’t exist for them or at least any I’ve tried. I started a DI mage, set it to the Legion time period, leveled to 17 and returned to SW. Still can’t access BFA. I tried changing time periods several times to no avail.


I’m a dev (not a game dev) for many years. Things can definitely get complicated quickly.

I don’t think that’s it, or at least that’s only a part of it. I have characters who started through Exile reach, don’t have the heart, and have the BfA quests.

So im having this problem as well.

My character was a very old character that was created in Cataclysm. I quit playing it and deleted it sometime in MOP. I recovered it last week. Leveled it from level 27 - 40 In legion. I am now in SW and cannot get the quest to trigger for BFA

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It’s part of the 9.0.1 known issues


I just got a character to 45 and can’t do BfA content so…

It’s been like that for most people that play Alliance characters for almost three days now? It’s frustrating. Just have to wait until the devs implement a hotfix for it.

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Yep, as I said I’ve been investigating it as much as possible. So far the only ways I can get to BfA content are to have a character who started it before the prepatch or to level a character through the exile start area and then not skip anything.

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Well we can go to BFA and unlock world quests, we don’t have the main story line characters appearing to do the war campaign and then go to najitar

You can’t switch timelines if you’re level 50. (Which is another discussion for this poor decision)