I can't play more than one character because RDF was removed

Why can’t you quest? Dungeon zip is terrible unless you’re in a well heated farm group.

Okay, you’re gonna need a time machine for that, cause Wrath is over, and Wrath Classic doesn’t have RDF.

We all have absolutely ZERO ownership. Blizzard owns it, and you’re not their target audience.

In plain terms, tell me what you mean by this? Sure sounds like you’re advocating suicide in an innocuous way.


classic is over. retail is alive. If you can’t see how RDF effects and changes the whole game and all players then I don’t know what to tell you.

Whatever happened to just… Playing the role-playing game you signed up for? I swear, more and more people in this community are a case for classic rot brain burn out. Just go have fun in the open world! That’s why we are here right? To. Play. A. Video. Game.

When I played Wrath as a teen during original launch, I remember days into each level, wonderful sprawling zones with fun story, getting that random world drop and calling my friend to freak out for an hour over it, and day dreaming about what adventure I had in store next. Classic isn’t always about “ding, wahoo, number go up!” It’s about taking a step back and enjoying the journey. You don’t have a group? Cool, make one. You want to go do a dungeon? No one is stopping you, but don’t come here to complain a few days after release because you can’t imagine how you’re going to level alts… Seriously? You haven’t even experienced the game on your main.

From personal experience, none of my friend group or I’d say about 95% of my guild at the time of original release were trying to optimize the leveling experience. We were just happy to be in Northrend working toward the next adventure. So, with all that being said, just… relax dude. Enjoy it now because you may never get to experience this ever again. I know I didn’t think I’d get to If it’s not for you, then don’t be one of the loud children throwing a tantrum and spoil it for a ton of people that want that true RPG experience.



Literal vs. figurative. People like to pretend they have more right to have classic designed the way they want than others; they don’t. First it was the “no changers”, who have now become the “no changers - except for the changers that I want”. Funny that; hypocriticism much?

RDF was a major part of Wrath, and thus, calls for its return will be unending until it does. I want to play wrath; not a version bastardised by social butterflies who think people give a crap about their need for validation from strangers in the form of perfunctory greetings.

The people that WANT those things can have them; LFG exists and guilds exist. the friends list and battle.net social tools are much better than they were. What they actually want, by denying RDF, is subordination of an unwilling cohort; to force perfunctory socialisation from people who don’t want it.

I would have thought it would be self evident. Any more “gotchas” you want to try to pull? Feeling fulfilled?

Yet you came here on your level 10 to hide your main

That really depends on the server you get stuck on at this point. Just because you dont have those problems doesn’t mean thay no one does. Why is it so hard to understand that everyone’s experience isnt the same there are a lot of factors.

i feel like people already forgot why they hate retail and asked for classic so much


there is a good chance that I wont do alts as well. after 20 years of leveling I hate it. RDF was the most painless way of lvling for me and I could lvl as a heal or tank spec. oh well back to raid logging when the raiding starts

I’ve been playing extremely casually since launch with a friend who has to work 12 hour shifts during harvest. We’re currently halfway through 74 after playing maybe 2 - 3 hours a night of only questing. If you’re struggling to hit 80 on an alt, I feel it brings into question your overall cognitive ability or your ability to sit still for longer periods of time like someone over the age of 6.

That being said, I’m not opposed to RDF because I’m lazy and don’t want to interact with all the stupid sweatlords on my server in LFG. They make the game very unfun.

Bruh. Boost already. Or go retail.

It would be hypocritical if there was any evidence to suggest they’re entirely the same group of people that said both, which there isn’t.

In retail? Yes.

Just placing yourself in LFG can take a long time. But, if you make your own group, it goes way faster. Take responsibility for your dungeon runs. Don’t be a lazy scrub. RDF isn’t going to help you not be bad.

All the bad dps that can’t get into groups are not going to give you an efficient xp farm in dungeons. And if you get the good players that won’t currently take the bad dps, which you’re presumably a part of since you can’t get a group or make your own, they will just kick you for dragging them down.

You are just a victim of your own laziness or business, neither of which are our problems.

Just tell the truth, you hate questing. It’s a valid reason, you don’t need to play the victim. Hyperbole is annoying.

Are you suggesting someone self harm? Completely inappropriate.

Blizzard knows they lost the magic with wow. It’s been steadily loosing subscriptions literally since RDF was added into the game and for sure LFR. Many believe RDF was the beginning of the end for Wow, that and the Spectrial Steed. If the go back and create classic with all the same mistakes what was the point. Classic is meant to be different than retail. If they added RDF they know they can never take it back out and at that point classic is lost. RDF is the literal line of where blizzard started changing the the core values of what made Wow great. It’s not the only thing but it marks the beginning. LFG is a great compromise, it is damn near the same except you might have to actually interact with another player and you have to travel to the dungeon. Just be happy with the compromise. Blizzard is scramling right now trying to recreate the magic in retail because they possibly now realised they have made many bad decisions. A whole bunch of small decisions that add up to a lot.

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Classic was meant to be a way for us to play the game as we remember it, such as having RDF in patch 3.3. It was not meant to be different, no one asked for that

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Yea there is a lot of factors. But each of those factors can be solved by you.

Just like blizzard said the que issue could be solved by us transferring to other servers.

Isnt classic with RDF called retail???