I can't play more than one character because RDF was removed

Look… I’m 100% pro RDF, but this “take” is what gives the Pro RDF crowd a bad wrap.

You literally want something for nothing… If you really do want to “slowly level up” those toons, then you will and not complain. You clearly don’t WANT to level them.

Also, stop making the same dang posts about the same dang stuff.

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100% agree, just quest and find dungeon groups naturally. Also you dont have to sit in a city to spam for groups, its called lookingforgroup channel lol. Also unless you have straight pumpers in your dungeon group questing is much faster.

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You didn’t even try the tool. You literally queue and then go do quests until you get an invite. I’ve had zero problems getting groups as DPS.

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LMAO they arent gatekeeping… they just dont want bad/undergeared players. Like they said make your own group its not hard

Sounds like you’d be interested in the Instant Dungeon Completer you could level all your alts at the click of a button


Thats my point. But these clowns think them not being invited to a group is others gatekeeping.

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Sounds like you dont really enjoy the game, World of Warcraft


Wouldnt spamming dungeons be just as boring in a dps spec? Also u would be part of the problem in a couple weeks having an alt dps thata could tank and i know and hopefully you know in another 2 weeks max tanks and healers will be scarce even with rdf.

They will probably be scarce now because of the nerfs to the boxes.

Seems like a lot of people should be playing shooters or another “action” genre if they dislike what essentially defines the traditional MMORPG genre so much.


I haven’t leveled a new character since cata. Has it really gotten so easy that people are this spoiled and entitled now???


That would be a hard YES. That’s also the primary reason why a huge chunk of the player base are now cheaters/exploiters - but Blizzard turns a blind eye to keep all those $$$ subs going.

“The level gap is an RDF issue” that’s a reach if I’ve ever seen one.

After using group finder a few times to great success, I then found a group that wants to continually run dungeons till level 80. That’s how others did it as well; they formed connections, they didn’t rely on ques to do it for them

What you have isn’t a RDF issue, it’s a skill issue. Git gud


I want RDF to be added, but this argument for it is not great. lol

Group finder is a joke. When I tried it out just to experience it, I kept getting blind-invited to groups for dungeons that wasn’t even signed up for, because people are gaming the tool information to hopefully snag tanks/healers easier & faster. But, keep flexing those skinnyfat arms to make yourself feel “gud” about yourself.

put the retail lfg tool in classic at least if we gotta use this system for groups. the classic one just doesn’t add anything to the game, it’s just annoying to use.

Keep projecting, too specific for it not to be

Once again, sounds like a personal problem. Have you tried learning how to play the game?

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That’s just crazy to me that people are coming here expecting to be level cap in a few hours


That affects me, the one choosing to use rdf. The question I asked is how does it affect YOU, unless you choose to use it?

It does effect me and the whole game. Classic is for old school fans who like the old school vibe of MMOs and without that it has no point, thisnis why it exist in the first place. Retail has RDF, so go play that. It literally has everything you are crying about. Click chromie and spam wrath dungeons and it takes less time to level for all those people with 5 kids and no time. It’s perfect for you. Would recomend.

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“It affects me!!!”

“How does it affect you?”

“It affects me!!!”

I don’t want to play retail. I want to play Wrath, with RDF, which was in wrath. Classic vanilla has no RDF, so go play that. It literally has nothing you are crying about. Click I and spam “LFM 1 tank 1 healer” for hours upon hours to your heart’s content. It’s perfect for you. Would recommend.

How dare you pretend you have more ownership of Wrath than I do. Go jump.