I can't play more than one character because RDF was removed

Crazy idea. Make friends, its a mmo.

wait if u cant level an alt without rdf why can i?

bull, classic was created for people who think retail is trash. For people who hate what wow has become.

I have friends in my guild so far I have only done dungeons in guild groups. LFG is not worth wasting precious playing time

What do you mean “RDF was removed”. It was never a part of TBC or early WOTLK. You’re just being a whiny baby who wants instant gratification and works for nothing. Retail has RDF, go play there.

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I’m employed and still got 80 in 4 days. You’re just bad at time management and putting off responsibilities. MMOs are not made for people like you :slight_smile:

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like idk if u said this as a meme but man, people just throw these words out for no reason at this point.

obviously he doesn’t want to play retail or else he wouldn’t be here complaining. like why do i even have to type this out

People keep asking for features that are in retail that were never in the version we are following in classic. Everyone’s been told the oath the game is taking. If you can’t deal with the grind that is classic, there is an alternative that has EVERYTHING someone could want, a la retail.

You are aware that RDF wasn’t implemented until ICC right? Even they released they it was released in OG Wrath, you’d still be grinding at the start of the xpac

Having multiple characters is literally 10X easier than having only a single character when you do not have RDF because if you spread your characters slightly by like 5 levels of so across the board; then you have access to far more options for groups.

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yea those people complaining are classic players not the retail refugees. I promise you that LOL

just look at the characters who comment. i doubt any of them want to “jUST PlaY ReTAiL”

“JuST play a DifferenT GamE BRo”

You’re leveling slowly has nothing to do with the availability of RDF. The world first 80 killed a bunch of zombies to get there in like 10hrs. I think you’ll be fine without RDF…

Because if you want RDF retail is where you find it. Pretty simple

yea i mean if we are using ur logic i should go to any other game then that has rdf?

i barely use RDF even in retail, lmao

Go play retail then rookie boy🤣

I don’t support OP but I disagree with your post. Some people don’t have five-six hours per day to play video games anymore - which is fine. It’s not poor time management but nor is it a problem that Blizzard must fix.

With respect, it sounds like you probably don’t have any responsibilities outside of your job.

Yes you can. You just want it all now as fast as you can get it.

Blizzard only gives you free transfers to dead servers, so if want play with other people you have to pay to transfer to server that isnt dead. They could add RDF they people who are pretty much forced to transfer to dead realm would still be able to lvl and run dungeons with people at least or not charge $25 to transfer to non dead realm.

How are people supposed to solve these problems exactly if blizzard cant be bothered to give people tools to get out of a dead server or ridiculous que times? I swear it is easier explaining things to brick wall, then to you self absorbed people who think about themselves.

By convincing enough people to take the free transfer and the dead server becomes ALIVE! The issue is then resolved by the player base who actually created the problem to begin with.

The tools are available to resolve the issue. If the players don’t want to resolve it, it won’t happen.

30000 pop is now a dead server. Ill let eranikus know.