I can't play more than one character because RDF was removed

Your full of crap 100 percent no chance your day is that full and you have time to level and raid no chance. Especially being on grobbulois with 10k que try again…

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You think you do, but you don’t

It was added in patch 3.3.5… guess what patch we are on 3.3.5…if that’s the case the pvpers should have to manually go to the bg to que… See how long that lasts within 30days wrath servers will be just like bc servers mostly empty with 1 or 2 mega servers…

Its so hard to quest grind and do dungeons when the dungeon thats in your level range is in the same zone you are questing.

So haaaaaaaaaaard!



You’re welcome :slight_smile:

The rest of what you said is incoherent. Try again.

Didn’t Wrath classic just come out? I don’t know why people would expect to be max level already unless you planned a route for it. Like come on, playing the game isn’t that bad lol


He just want fast leveling to 80 in 2 days without any kind of effort… Like most players out there…

I don’t get so my cry…
I make lots of dungeons every day… I’m making my own groups… Not that hard


Whomp whomp lmao

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Look, I want RDF. But lets not act like you can’t just quest normally and level. I’m actually having more fun questing than running the same dungeons over and over. I’ll never understand how this game managed to attract so many people who really don’t like RPGs.


I’ve been running the same dungeons over and over and I want to be questing too. That makes it feel more like real Wrath to me. I’ll do the questing with toon #2.

idc about any other argument if u don’t even attempt to make your own group. everyone is looking for groups rn

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… 25 characters multiboxed manually without mirroring commands.

If I can do it, you can too!

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Man if only there was a system that allowed you to have multiple specs. Like if you had 2 you could call it duel spec. That would be so cool

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This is where I leave the forums until Dragonflight. You people are delusional and sad. You hate anyone that has a life outside of WoW.


I’m 72 on my brutal geared tank DK.

I refuse to do dungeons with pugs. And while out in the world, I spend more time farming than questing.

I’ll eventually get to 80 on the DK. Then I’ll level another tank alt, with the same group of friends, and we’ll eventually start running some light raids in between leveling and farming with each other.

But I won’t be doing pugs. Not without RDF, as it’s supposed to be.

I’m going to try to run each dungeon enough to get the upgrades, but then I’ll stop. I figure I’ll be running them a ton at max level for badges so I’ll try to “save” the runs for that.


Cry me a river, baby. If you have a problem with working for alts, then yes, PLEASE screw off back to retail and steer far away from Classic.

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If they were to stick with the original formula, then you wouldn’t see dungeon finder implemented until near the end of the expansion (close to 2 years) anyways. From what I have been seeing they have no intention of adding it at all. But heck they are even considering bringing a mythic dungeon type system to Wolk classic, so who knows lol. If folks are ok with them not adding dungeon finder eventually, then they shouldn’t be ok with them bringing mythic type garbage to wrath classic also. My guess is if participation for dungeons is low, then dungeon finder will probably be added down the road.

Dungeons are worse exp than questing and much more boring. What is your issue? Are you just legit terrible at playing the game and need 4 other players to carry you around?

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I like the idea of RDF but this is just silly.

Quest or make your own group lmao

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