I can't play more than one character because RDF was removed

Nobody is gatekeeping groups. There are tons of ppl lfg now they are just to stupid to do the inviting.

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I could not care less. You can’t articulate a point anyway.


Yeah idk on my server these people aren’t even taking you into groups unless you’re like a specific AoE class/spec.

Lmao you’re like a failed version of that RDF troll guy, all you do is say the same things he does. At least be more creative in your trolling.


Gotta love the retail andy ignoring everybody cus hes lazy lul


“Anyone who disagrees with me is a troll”. Keep crying for RDF, maybe it’ll help you level faster.


Ahh you love to see it, when forum moderation can’t ban the trolls you can ignore them yourself :slight_smile:

So you are complaining just now about ppl doing spell cleave or melee cleave groups? They been doing that since classic. Its not gatekeeping…you can still go and do those dungeons with others.

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It is gatekeeping, you’re right I can play with others but even back then that was gatekeeping. Not every class is going to fill that cleave role.

Yeah this doesn’t make your point any less plainly stupid.


He is on retail, retail LFG, retail Mythic+, etc.


Should just rename this Wrath Retail tbh.

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Bruh the only ones running spell cleave are super try hard andys and they make up a tiny minority of overall players

  1. List self on LFG
  2. Continue questing
  3. Get invited and do dungeon

It’s not particularly complex


There are not “tons” in the lower levels, and the higher ones the majority are there so they can chat in a worldwide channel, it’s basically the new trade chat.

You forgot some steps
Wait hours for an invite
Get invited and get to the dungeon that could be anywhere from 5 mins to 15 minutes away from you.
Then wait again until one other person bothers to come so you can them summon the others that didn’t bother to come just spamming “summon”.
Finish dungeon hopefully without having to replace someone, and wait for them, get back to the quest area again 5 - 15 minutes.

As opposed to.
Join queue and quest,
Accept invite and meet inside dungeon automatically without having to travel.
Do dungeon and be put right back where you were and continue questing.
And if someone leaves select get new player.


Yea there are tons of ppl level 70-79 ppl lower than that has thier own issues.

Bait post is bait

These RDF posts get more hilariously pathetic every day.

Making me not want it added so I can keep reading all the crying.


it wasn’t removed. Rdf was added at the tail end of wrath. Almost the whole expansion was played without out it back in the day. If they add rdf into classic then what is the point of classic? It is features such as rdf that made people want classic in the first place. If you want speed leveing and rdf just play retail. It has everything you want.


wow the anti-rdf trolls came in enmasse