I can't do this anymore

Well, in my opinion MoP was by far the best PvP had or has ever been. It may or may not have been balanced, but class design was great, every spec was viable and had tools, and it was in general just a great time to PvP.


That’s unfortunate. IMO, the only time you should lose sleep over a game is because you simply can not put it down.

Join Old Gods. We’re great. Multiple servers, too.

I understand your frustrations but remember, it’s only a video game. Def step back if it’s causing so much stress that you cannot cope.

Also, don’t fall victim to social media; that will add to your anxiety as well. No one has 500 friends and goes to the beach daily

I am sorry about your grandfather. Prayers for strength and healing :pray::heart:

Hey buddy take it slow you cant fix everything in a day.

Also you sound very emotional right now and that never turns out well.

I would suggest walking around town parks trails till you feel a little better. Outside seeing stuff does wonders when your pissed off.

Also everyone pissed off right now it what happens when you put no maintenance into the human race for 40 years.

Finally find a hobby with a group of people it will change your life when you feel better.

Wow is not the spot to make your self feel better it is where you yell and rage lol

Honestly. I’ve been there.

Take a break and come back with a clear head and a larger view on the game. Its going to be that much more enjoyable.

Or don’t. Its a video game, if its making you miserable its failing at its one purpose in your life and need to be cut entirely.

Honestly i personally came back when i didn’t expect i would and i’m having fun. Just don’t over think it. Leisure time should be entertaining and/or relaxing, that’s it.

Name of main? Class? I’ll see what I can do.

Try playing a new game to clear your head! I recommend animal crossing if you never played. It’s extremely calming.

OP name checks out. Hope OP feels better soon.

Username checks out. Drop your sub and seek professional help cuz, posting this in GD is just asking for it.

You need to fix your life. Put the WoW down and go for a walk

If you think kung fu pandas were the coolest, then you should’ve quit a long time ago…

Go on a somewhat low pop server. Not a complete dead server you get what I’m saying. Any full server is going to be serious.

You know what, I take that back. Put the game down and get professional help.

This seems less like a wow issue and more of a mental health issue. Unless you’re adding some type of toxicity somehow someway, most people are actually pretty chill and down to help you. DF has been anything BUT stressful, since the game isn’t a part-time job anymore. Its also ok to have other hobbies and play other games.

If a game is making you lose sleep over it, it’s not the games’ problem, It’s something going on with you that you need to figure out and hopefully fix.


There’s a lot to do… it’s just not always worth doing. Is that what you mean by “nothing to do”?

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You may want to travel around wow and just visit old stomping grounds for relaxing fun. Why do that thing that makes you angry? or better yet, go outside and go for a hike every day or something.

Sorry but what… You avoid things, move out of things… None of the current dungeons are over tuned, the raids dont seem more difficult than usual (ok Mythic Raz, you may be laughing in Dragon at me over that comment)

Nice attempt at a Troll post, 2/10. would not recommend.

OP I am curious what you spent $400 on ? subscriptions/ wow tokens? store mounts?

Based solely on your original post, I suspect you’re dealing with a larger quality of life issue than the game. The flaws in the game are obnoxious, certainly, but you mentioned things that the game can’t fix.

I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you have many fond memories of him that you can carry with you.

As for the rest, may I suggest spending that money on therapy. Honestly, we all should, even if we think we’re well adjusted. Though, cutting out what appears to be a large part of your life (the game) could prove to be easier with guidance.

Good luck with whatever you do next.