I can't do this anymore

The unbalance of the game, the nothing to do, the overwhelming dungeon mechanics, the raid, the toxicity of the community, I just can’t take this anymore. This has caused me so much stress since DF launched, I’ve literally lost sleep over a GAME. 14 years of playing, and I’m trying so hard to get myself to unsub. I kept playing because maybe, JUST maybe, the game would become even a shadow of its former self, but sadly that seems not the case.
MoP was the most fun I’ve ever had in this game aside from SL S2 in PvP when stuff was totally just broken.
I spent over $400 on DF but I just… idk what to do anymore. The game and the community just flat out suck.

Not to mention I’m at the lowest point of my life and I have no friends, no family, no nothing to rely on. I lost my grandpa recently and he was the one person I had that I could go to for anything.


Repeat after me
“my accomplishments in wow mean nothing”
find a guild


Bro I’ve been looking SINCE NATHRIA for a guild.
NONE of them care about just having fun in a community, they just want progression.


find a rp server guild, high pop low pop, just search around. They’re much less likely to be focused on one area of the game, and typically are forgiving for people who are polite even though rp is not their cup of tea.


If you can’t find joy with the simple things in a game then it’s time to take a break. Good luck.


My main is on moon guard. Can’t find anything.

Possibly try a bg/pvp community then? The ones which run premades handhold with their strategy fairly well, so its a easy entry for people who don’t necessarily enjoy the standard pvp. However it means you’re likely to meet many players who are similar minded/capable to do other things in the game with.

Sometimes you need to take a 6 month break and come back with tons of dailies and random stuff to catch up on. Unless you’re chain running repetitive content the game is a drag after 10 years, it can only change so much each expansion, the mystique is long gone after a couple rotations.

Considering the comments you make in other topics here’s the attention you were looking for.



I don’t want attention, but ty hun.

You’re welcome

I can give you my discord if you wanna see me having a panic attack and shaking to believe me :slight_smile:

This is a fat farking yikes from me chief.

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No thank you I don’t think a video game should do that to a person. Watching it would be disturbing

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Why is that?

These are two extremely different PVP experiences and I don’t think you are remembering either of them correctly.

the FOMO addiction goes away in 3 days…

just take the break, then quit altogether …


You’re letting a video game cause a panic attack. Thats definetly a sign you need to step back from the computer and the game.


Mists of Pandaria season 15. I was 14 years old.
We were running HPal TSG and it was my first 1750 ever. Trust me I remember it extremely well. Fast forward to SL s2 we got 2300 as the same comp.

Try ff14. It might be better for you.

I have an FF account, its not for me.