I can't do this anymore

I knew just by the title what kind of content I was about to read. I suffer too. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’ve lost all four of my grandparents and my mother.

There are a few ways you can approach this. First, ask yourself, do you really want to quit? Don’t think, just yes or no. If the answer is yes, then do it. No excuses or else you have no grounds to whine about it.

If the answer is no, then you need to figure out what the biggest issues are that you’re having with the game are. Make a list and try to tackle them one by one.

The two biggest issues I have with what you wrote are “the toxicity of the community” and you being at the lowest point in your life. That’s a dangerous combination right there. I’m a survivor (literally) and I feel this deeply. People here have left rude comments just proving your point. But, you need to learn to ignore it. You’ll read things that will make you cringe, or hurt, or anger but just force yourself to move on by. Engage with people who are kind.

You came here to the Blizzard forums to post this. I’m concerned about that. Some people may jump all over what I’m about to say, and you might too, but I think your first step should be to call a therapist. Find someone who you can spill your guts to who will never judge you, who will listen, and has the expertise to give you good, sound, and polite advice. It helps.

Take one day at a time and if that’s too much, an hour or minute works too.

Be well friend. You’ll be okay.

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I have not read the entire thread but I have read enough to recognize that talking about the way you are feeling now and the reasons for it and the severity of it is something you really need to be talking to a therapist about not random strangers on a forum. What you are feeling is rooted in a lot more than World of Warcraft. What goes on with you and WoW is a symptom of a greater problem I sincerely hope you are receiving care for or will in the near future.

I don’t need to know about your personal life or what care you have or choose not to have. It’s not that I don’t care but again, here is not the appropriate place for that and I am not entitled to any explanations from you either. I am telling you what I am telling you because I cared enough to bother. I hope you could hear me.

I’m sorry about ur grandpa :frowning: