I can't do this anymore

I’m on MG bc I love watching the RPers. Its relaxing

But you spent $400 on DF. See where I’m going with this? Addiction is addiction no matter what you’re addicted to. Seek real life help for reals.

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I have an appointment in 2 weeks to get tested for stuff, Best I can do.

And you can still have a toon on MG to do that, but for the content you want to do you wont really find a guild on Moon Guard. Most of the time when I was looking for a guild, it was either Area 52, Sargeras, or Illidan guilds that reached out to me. I’m in the guild I’m in now only because I knew a member really well and he vouched for me.



When did talking like a 1960s diner waitress become a thing on the internet?

I’m from the south hun. Lmao
Yall aint never heard of hun before in modern times?

Damn bro. It’s just a game.

I’ve had this game since I was 9 years old. My aunt played since I was basically born in WC2. I;ve been around warcraft literally my entire life.

Delete your toon

That’s a potato in your playing tailpipe for a while

If I did that I probably wouldn’t play ever again

Lmfao, tried that. Remove the undelete feature then I might.

Sorry to hear about your loss OP. Have you tried maybe reaching out to your family? I personally found myself attached to this game for almost a decade so much so that it affected my Rl relationships. I mean I had fond memories at the start of playing WoW and maybe BFA. But nothing that really lasted up until now just loneliness.

If you truly feel like it’s been difficult to find that positive outlet maybe look into other games, hobbies, reconnect with family.

I notice I’m much happier when I take a break from this game.

Put in a ticket to have your account deleted

My family basically tells me to get over it and suck it up. which yeah I prolly should, but yknow. I’m soft.

Get a new life then. A real one with real humans.

Yeah lol uh mines say something similar. Except you REALLY need to break away from that game.

Eh, I can stomach the game if I have some people to play with. otherwise I just get mad at myself even when I nkow I’m a decent player.

It’s really not that bad bro. Get a grip. So dramatic.:roll_eyes:

Oh, do you compare yourself to others?

I compare myself to the people who are 3k+ IO, 3k+ arena rating, etc.

Yeah ik what you mean and doesnt help when ppl throw the negativity in your face either