I can't do this anymore


Oh gee, what a wonderful suggestion! If only I tried that already!

Then what don’t you like about the current PVP system?
Also… what in the heck could you have possibly spent $400 on this expac?


The balance, if you PvPd at all you’d know how bad the balance is atm. also I bought the epic edition twice, as well as some faction/server transfers.
Stupidest choice I ever made

I’m sorry about your grampa, that’s rough.

I would suggest taking a break. The game will still be here when you get back. Good luck.

Why on EARTH would you buy the epic edition twice?

Bc I got perma banned on my main account after a depression episode.
My grandpa bought it for me before he died. he wouldn’t let me say no

If the game is making you unhappy you need to invest yourself in other ways. I worked out a lot on my time off, you need something to keep you busy. Even if you only take off for a couple of weeks it will give you some perspective.

I’m very sorry for your loss. I believe your real life problems are probably bleeding over into the game and coloring your view.

Still, if you’re not having fun to the point of losing sleep, you should seriously consider a break. You don’t have to unsub if you can’t bring yourself to do so. Just don’t log in. Or if you do log in, do something completely different than you’ve been doing. Look at the game from a completely different perspective. Do dumb things like walking a level one character all across Azeroth. Anything but what you’ve been doing.

But honestly, quitting the game (for a little while at least) is probably the best thing for you right now.

Its made me unhappy since legion, mate. I played for friends, but now I have no friends bc they all quit when DF came out

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You can simply inspect me to see I do in fact pvp. The game has never been balanced though, like literally ever.

That’s really just how it is, even in MoP.
Best suggests that I have for you is just don’t do rated if it stresses you out. Do enough to get the gear and then stick to all the normal stuff, it’s less meta-dependent and more enjoyable

Then why do so manypeople praise mop and wod? Because it was the most “balanced” pvp ever was. or so that’s what I remember being said.

  1. I’m sorry about your grandfather. My grandfather recently had a scare and I can understand how depression would cause that. I hope you took the time necessary to express your grief in a healthy manner.
  2. Perhaps a secondary hobby so you can take a break from WoW when it gets to be to much for you. One person suggested weightlifting/exercise. If thats not your speed, perhaps models?

I wish I could find another hobby. I have so many mental conditions that cause me to get extremely violent for the absolute smallest of reasons I haven’t even had a chance to grief fully. I don’t want pity, I just want help and to have fun again.


sorry for your suffering and ur grandfather <3

No, they say it was the best because there was no rating gated gear and they are right for saying that.
DF also has no rating gating.

As far as balance goes, wod was probably actually THE most imbalance this game has ever been and ever will be, however it was enjoyable because everyone could gear.

But as I mentioned, if I were you I would not do rated content, it’s boring it’s stressful and it’s always been meta dependent. Just do enough to gear up and then do normal stuff.

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now yes, I am aware there is stuff to do in the game.
I miss daily WQs, Timeless Isle Dailies, maw dailies, callings, I miss actual DAILIES, not weeklies or bi-dailies.
I played for PvP, raid and m+. but now all I have left is solo, so idk what to do. I’ve got over 2500 days played total, I can’t just leave.

I would suggest a real life professional therapist, and not some random people in an online forum, would be the more fitting audience for your issues tbh.


I don’t have the $450 an hour for that. Trust me I’d love one.

You can just leave if the game is not enjoyable for you anymore. Also if your main is on Moon Guard, and this is coming from someone on Moon Guard, you’re on the wrong server for content as most guilds on the server are extremely casual roleplay guilds. I’d suggest Area 52 or Sargeras.