I cant continue to support this company anymore

Ban Waves are not enough, real GMs could filter through obvious bots quickly. It’s a greed issue.


Where are you getting this information? Is this something you simply accept as an axiom?

Temporarily. LLMs are going to make differentiation from players even more difficult going forward.

The obvious “cheap” bots are easy to spot, but it will only get more difficult from here.

They have said, many times, that they do not make money from bot/farmer subscriptions.

Either the botter is using a stolen account, so they aren’t paying a subscription at all, or they use a VPN to pose as being from a country where the currency exchange rate is so low that the monthly fee is basically zero.

Blizzard doesn’t want bots in the game any more than we do.

It is absolutely mind boggling how much misinformation is spewed on these forums…

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You’re probably right. I was just trying to avoid putting in a link that was 4 lines long. I’ll avoid using them in the future.

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That’s still blizzard’s fault for allowing regional pricing while also allowing those accounts to play on NA servers.

If they’re gonna do regional pricing, those accounts should be locked to that region to prevent such easy abuse.

Blizzard may say they don’t like having bots in their game, but they sure have a weird way of showing it. Actions speak louder than words, and the action they are displaying is abject apathy.

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Are there NA-specific servers? I thought the region was just called “Americas”.

Maybe not in Fresh, but there certainly are, or at least were LATAM based servers.

Back in the day I always dreaded getting players from certain realms in my groups because of the high ping they had.

I used the wrong word. My apologies. I did not mean to ask if there were NA-specific servers ; I meant to ask if there is a NA-specific region.

As far as I know there is not:

  • Americas and Oceanic
  • Europe
  • Korea
  • Taiwan

So, where else is Blizzard supposed to put Latin America players?

Lemonshark has left the chat

Couldn’t resist…

Agree. Death threats are a law enforcement issue not a game one. Not the responsibility of the game designers or company as a whole to step in place of law enforcement in such an issue. If they have strong evidence of who the bad actors are (the ones making the threats) they can ban their accounts but not much else.

As for blizzard doing nothing about bots not to defend them but I think people or at least some people misunderstand how this works. There’s not a set number of bots you simply ban and puff that’s it. New ones happen all the time.

IPs can be spoofed among other things to make finding those responsible difficult.

I they they should step up their efforts and increase resources to address the bot problem. But again it’s not simple “click here and type delete all bots”

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This is precisely how you deal with the situation. GMs monitoring the game in real-time, instantly banning obvious bots. And yes, they’re completely obvious.

But the higher-ups at the company don’t want that. They don’t want to pay the GMs. They don’t want to ban bots long-term (a sub is a sub).

The occasional ban waves accomplish nothing. They’re just for show.

It’s true, the way almost everything is handled is a joke. They have a captive/addicted audience and have no need to treat us with respect. CS has zug-zugged all over me multiple times, and I am ashamed to even be subscribed RN, even thought its only for one month for a very specific reason(that’s private).

Most companies would be in their death throes right now, but Blizzard has a unique situation with the levels of addiction and nostalgia associated with this game, so we keep coming back like sheep saying thank you sir may we have another as the zug keeps pouring all over us.

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So in retail the botters buy accounts there, they farm gold with their bots, and the bots buy battlenet balance with the gold tokens that they buy with the gold they sell on the AH, this is then used to farm up more battlenet balance and expand the botting empire.

Its not a complex thing to work out, and furthermore the botters use those same retail subs to bot on Era.

They don’t need to steal anything when the whole system pays for itself.

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Blizzard makes extra money every time someone buys a token. Weren’t the tokens supposed to combat RMT? :rofl:

Really Blizzard…

Lol yup. Oh but all those goofs that said gold token will fix it are likely just gold buyers who wanted so badly to make their gold buying legal play.

Were still killing them and nobody from russia or tai or anywhere else in the world is ever going to step foot in the US to kill anybody. I don’t know where that guy lives but that kind of thing only happens in movies. They’re just trying to scare the dude.

Call the bluff, were still killing them.

Bots are automated.

Gold sellers work for low wages to us because they most likely are paid in USD which is high for their country.

Both sell gold.

Like you could have bots mining and herbing or doing other things like that.

You could have people working selling boosts and summons or buffs for gold, that gold gets sent to whoever is paying them and they then sell the gold on websites like g2g.