Well this does it for me. I have been supporting this game and company for 20 some years. What has made me go over the edge is this:
There is a youtuber who takes matters to his own hands to remove the bots in the game that Blizzard refuses to do anything about. He kills them in hardcore to make the game a better place. He has since received very descriptive death threats and threats to his family. He is doing what this company fails to do. For someone to receive death threats and blizzard just does not care what these bots are doing and affecting real life players who play their game is just heartbreaking. I will no longer support this company. Their greed and blind eye to the bots of this game is disgusting.
I have unsubbed and uninstalled every game from this disgusting company.
Im out.
blizzard, just ban the bots… 
Death threats are bad, (controversial statement I know)
But what is blizzard going to do? Send the minimum wage campus security guards after these people?
Contact law enforcement for any death threats.

Literally anything. Just something. Actually put effort into dealing with bots. They aren’t. Their bot handling methods are a pathetic joke. If I report a bot I can expect them to still be there for months. It should not take months to determine if someone is a bot. I can tell in about 5 seconds if a character is a bot. Absolutely no reason Blizzard can’t do it faster.
Lmao, the fact that people take a game so seriously is kind of commical.
The video OP is talking about.
tell me you dont know how bot bans work without telling me.
Explain how they work and why it’s a good idea that it’s done in the manner they do it.
This whole situation is just another reason to region lock servers IMO.
they ban them in batches because if they dont and just ban them constantly the bot makers find out how they are being detected and fix it making it harder and harder to actually fight them. player reports really make up a very small portion of the bans themselves and its more the detection software that does the heavy lifting.
were talking hundreds of thousands of bots btw. thats what they are up against.
Yeah man, I wonder how these bots got detected.
I know this is an older video but I’ve seen countless bots behaving in the same manner in Era/Anni realms. I’m not buying Blizzards explanation.
ok then come up with a better system introduce it to the gaming industry and make millions in profits. there is huge money involved in fighting bots and companys like blizzard pay crap tons of it to do it. you think blizzard like companies selling gold that they dont get a piece of? no sub even comes close to the amount they make off the shop and tokens.
I believe bot ban waves are needed for the automatic detection methods.
But this is NOT enough. Blizzard should not be permitted to hide behind this lame excuse (Oh they will fix and not be detected next time) as a reason to ignore things.
Yes, do the ban waves for bots that have been automatically detected. BUT there needs to be manual bans for blatantly obvious bots.
These botters probably use methods that have already been detected before, but are taking advantage of the delay and calculating the incoming ban as a part of the cost of doing business.
Doing nothing about the obvious botters and waiting to ban them in waves is probably the worst decision they can make.
Unfortunately I don’t have millions of dollars in resources and liquid cash to try and solve the problem.
But if you receive hundreds of reports for bot trains running in and out of stockades, maybe send a GM to have a look? It’s so incredibly obvious what characters are botting.
The botting is out of control once again.
Screw us I guess, right Blizzard?
Love seeing all the Hunter bots in Badlands looking for Broken Tooth… every… single… layer… same spot… same actions.
Yep by the time they are banned they’ve already injected the economy with thousands of raw gold and goods.
Blizzard’s gaslighting is exactly that, gaslighting.
If Riot can do it, so can Blizzard. Stop accepting mediocrity.
The level of cheating going on in this game is simply unacceptable.
yeah that sounds great in theory but in the meantime we have to deal with being ravaged by bots for months? lol 
there has to be another way
Just report the bots so they can take them down. Everyone acts like bots don’t get banned but they do
Gold buyers should also be perma banned, not just have their gold taken away.