I cant continue to support this company anymore

Entitled to? No, you’re entitled to nothing. Should you get good customer service? Yeah, you should. That seems to look good for business and help profits. But again, you arent entitled to it.

Typically, when i have a bad experience with a business in terms of customer service. I just go some where else next time. Maybe, you should do the same.

Yes we are. And all customers regardless of the business should expect quality customer service. After all, it’s the customers that support the business.

It’s not like people don’t dump Blizzard games every day for this very reason.

I’m starting to get the impression he’s a Blizzard employee. Who else would defend this crap?

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You are literally entiteld to NOTHING. Sure, you can want and should expect good customer service. Are you entitled to it? No, you arent. Yes, customers do support a business. That’s why it is best for companies to attempt to provide good customer service. You know, to stop customers from going some where else.

Ive already told you guys in post that I am a medical provider at a hospital, and I deal with the same mentality of entitlement.

“People who pay for stuff aren’t entitled to stuff.”


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You paid for access to the servers. You received access to the servers.

You paid for expansion content. You received expansion content.

You received what you paid for.

Here is going to be the next big brain shock for you. When you buy something for WoW, you actually do not own it, and can have your privilege to it revoked at anytime fir any reason, and you agreed to it. Blizzard reserves the right to be the owner to all in-game materials, items, characters, etc.

Ever thought they probably ignore you because you’re wrong 90% of the time.
Reminds me of New World. Silly chumps.

Imagine you pay to play the game, just to do someone elses job. The real problem is the guy trying to kill the bots. He isjust an attention seeker trying to gain “clout”. If he truly didnt want to support them, he wouldnt pay the company monthly. Botting has and always will be a part of wow. There are rules on the forums in place to protect cheaters as well. Only thing you can do is unsub.

So it is just a failed youtuber trying to gain attention.

It doesn’t matter. I don’t own the gym I go to either. But if I’m harassed at that gym, or if I go in week after week and none of the equipment functions, or if the gym improperly bills me, and so on and so forth, the onus is on the owner to fix those problems. And when they don’t, that’s when they get sued.

No customer service means no problems are resolved. And yes, businesses have the responsibility to take care of problems that involve their product. Customer service isn’t “they should have,” it’s “they need to have.”

Here is going to be the next big brain shock for you, people win those suits all the time, even when they sign a waiver. This applies TO ALL BUSINESSES that preemptively take payment. The courts have consistently upheld the premise that businesses are required to meet reasonable expectations. That means a safe environment, and one that delivers the product they advertise.

WoW is no different just because it’s a game. According to you, Blizzard can take your money and plop you into a server with no NPC’s and no abilities. There. You have access to the server. :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard is sued by their customers at some point. They’ve already been sued for maintaining a deplorable work environment.

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No. A mage re-casting frost armor every time I dispell them until they’re OOM while they continue to walk in a straight line is a bot 100% of the time. Real players would literally never do that. You’re missing brain matter if you can’t spot some of these bots.

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Tell me you know how boots taste without telling me.

It’s why WoW is still alive 20 years later. People live for the drama of Azeroth. You shoulda seen trade chat on Moonguard s couple weeks ago when it turned out that WoW Made Easy community was using that tragic kid from the documentary to make a profit off donations

There was a video before in 1 of the classic versions i forget which 1.

It was a dude recording all the bots going into Stocks.

They need to hire 100s of GM’s.

They wont.

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Remember the video of the bot farm with like 50 instances of WoW running on a single PC.

Blizzard can’t actually beat the bots because players buy gold and Classic gold probably rivals the GDP of some poor countries.

Better off banning gold buyers to stick it to the bots.

You’re really reaching here. 1. When you sign up for a gym membership you typically sign a binding legal contract with clear guidelines. If either party violates said contract it’s ground for legal actions. With that being said, are you going to sue the gym because a piece of equipment you want to use is broken when there are other 100% operational equipment next to it? If someone is harrassing you on their property there also isnt much they can do. They can ask the other party to stop, or leave. What happens if someone at the same gym threatens you while neither party are at the gym? Is it the gyms responsibility to take action just because the threatening party uses the same gym?

What happens if you get hurt because you were improperly using their equipment? Are you going to sue? Did you read the contract you signed before being able to use their equipment? You know, the part where it says you’re liable for all injuries caused by yourself, or if you damage their equipment, you will havd to pay for it.

If someone else injuries you, typically you sue the party that caused the injuries. You can sue the property owner, but you will technically be suing their insurance and most likely will not win your case. Especially if they can prove either party member was being negligent.

Literally every time ive reached out to blizzard with an issue it has been resolved within a timely manner. They have customer service. It just doesn’t meet your standards.

Yes, people might win some of these cases but lose more of them. When they lose, they lost the money it cost to sue as well. In return Blizzard can counter sue for the expenses it cost them to defend themselves against nonsense law suits. News flash, if you look at me wrong here in the united states. I can sue you. Doesn’t mean i will win.

If they did not advertise anything then yes. You received what you paid for. Show me where Blizzard advertises a bot free environment. If you harass someone typically while using their program. You will be repremended. But if you are being harassed, lets say on facebook because of an issue that occured in WoW, Blizzard is no longer responsible for said persons actions.

Lol, so now you’re super reaching here.

I miss the Thursday company crawls.

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First of all, the gym was an example of businesses that allow the public into their space. The same expectations apply to all these businesses. You trotted out the irrelevant point that WoW owns their games, you don’t. Once again, IT DOESN’T MATTER.

But back to gyms . . . gyms have members sign liability waivers, and it doesn’t matter. They could have you sign in blood and relinquish your first born. Legally that’s nothing more than toilet paper. They are still responsible for maintaining a safe environment and giving their customers access to what they paid for (which is more than just being allowed to walk into their building).

And YES, if a member of that gym sends you death threats through social media and you inform the gym, then they are legally required to take reasonable steps to ensure your safety - for instance revoking that person’s membership, contacting authorities etc.

Social media SHOULD be responsible for ensuring a safe environment, but because of section 230 of the CDA, they are not. (FYI, there are members of Congress seeking to overturn section 230.) There are no such protections for other businesses that allow you to use their facilities, whether they preemptively charge you or not. And that includes online games.

To recap:

  1. It’s irrelevant that you do not actually own the game.
  2. Blizzard DOES have a responsibility to take steps against any of their customers who threaten someone whether or not those threats happen in game.
  3. Blizzard CS is virtually nonexistent. Most of the CS you get through support are unqualified randos who reply with automated responses such as this: https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1c5iyox/blizzard_support_is_100_automated_and_has_no/#lightbox .

They more often than not don’t even read your ticket, let alone address the problem:




Often when submitting further tickets, you’re threatened with a ban if you continue to do so: https://tinyurl.com/krwsy4yk

When your problem IS resolved, it can take weeks or even months after scripted response after scripted response and threats of being banned, such as this guy:

None of this is okay. And if you think I’m “reaching” here, you really need to familiarize yourself with common law and consumer protection laws. CS is a joke. The way Blizzard maintains their game is a joke. The way they handle bots is a joke. And yes, businesses get away with this. Until they don’t.


Blizzard hates its customers. It’s why everything’s automated. We aren’t worth their time.

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Are bots programs, AI, or are they people working for 2c an hour using an actual keyboard?

Agreed. Buddy you’re talking to is just a troll. Report, ignore, move on.

Every time there’s a thread like this you always get victim blamers and people standing on a pedestal trying to argue some XYZ technicality. It’s always the same.

Also, if you make too much sense, they’ll mass report your posts and get them taken down for a week until a mod can review them and restore. Blizzard put too much power in the wrong hands in their efforts to not have to police their own game.

(side note… i’m not sure if there’s any forum rules against it but maybe be wary of using tinyurls in your post. They can go anywhere and people, including yourself, should really avoid them)