I cant continue to support this company anymore

Clean up the gold selling rackets so these people have now power to literally threaten your paying customers with death?


Since it said so many times these are foreigners, its now international.

will foreign country x care if US company calls up the “local” police?
Probably not.

Blizzard could see if the FBI or higher cares as state and country lines are crossed. Not likely.

Interpol, goes bllzzard, we have a death threat from this dude in country X.

Interpol goes yeah, get right on this. right after we track down way more important crap. death threat, 3 country drug ring? So hard to choose.

Some who have not lived abroad don’t get “I am an American, I demand action!”…doesn’t fly so well in foreign countries. Until an embassy gets involved. and they won’t be tracking this with great interest either.

This is why us expats immerse real fast. they already know we are American. We aim to be the good Americans who act like the locals. it really helps, a lot.

In my state this is a class blah felony under section blah blah.

Cool, tht place isn’t your state, nor your country. welcome to living abroad.


well rogues can’t dispell so there’s that
all the mages I see are doing the same thing, frost farming
likely making more gold than 'bot ’

its not the bots really, its the people buying gold. ban all gold buyers, and bots will leave


They’ve been banning in batches for years and years but never once do they actually fix the damage bots do.

It’s absolutely ridiculous.

“We banned 60,000 bot accounts after letting them completely run amok on your servers for the last 6 months letting them farm completely unhindered.”

A week later and those 60000 bots are back for another 6 month run.

whats worse is how useless the subscription realistically is now… xbox pass can get you half the battle.net games and hundreds more for the same price as this stand alone game. and they really are not missing out on the money as the money they make from microtransactions is huge…

Their last bot ban wave got a lot of false positives and we saw a lot of those people who were falsely banned for botting complaining in the forums.

Lots of mages got banned for aoe leveling and aoe matt farming. Hunters got banned for the same and those were legit players too. People got banned for mob tagging cuz Blizzard thought that was botting too.

Big corporations are garbage.

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Anyone who believes all of Blizzards lies about trying to fight the bots and why they don’t ban them right away instead of letting them farm for 3-6 months first needs their head checked. They are making a fortune off these bots, despite fairy tales people keep spreading saying they make nothing from them.

Blizz is playing both sides of the field and most of us are suckers that believe the hogwash. We are playing a shell of a game that used to be great. Blizz is doing everything they can to drain money out of it/us with the absolute minimum of support they can get by with.

I commend them, honestly, in a bizarre sort of way it is admirable the way they are juicing this thing and pulling off the perfect mind job…

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Money grubbing pigs.

It is crazy that all of the old crap is back. I hate bots. But the problem is that leveling in Classic is so bad. Not bad because it’s hard, but because they took a small amount of content and stretched it out to absurd lengths of repetitive farming with low drop rates, and having to run across the world on foot for most of it. It is an extreme test of patience. And the less of a life you have, the better you do in the game. Did you know that only a small number of Riverpaw Gnolls in Westfall actually have paws? And only a small number of Goretusks have intestines? I don’t know if it would ruin things to have some way for people to legitimately level faster, as in retail, but that would probably stop the bots. By Wrath they let you have a mount earlier, and they added Heirlooms for alts. Maybe giving you a mount at 10 and letting people buy Heirlooms from the Store for first characters in Vanilla would fix it. But I guess people wouldn’t accept that. Not authentic. I’m struggling to stay with it, even though there are a lot of things about Classic that were better. It just helps you realize why they made some of the changes they did. I’m stuck with being split between retail and classic because there are things I prefer about each. I also like Dungeon Finder, but not Raid Finder. Maybe I’m the only one. They could at least change the tuning a little, increase drop rates and so forth. I don’t think that would be a big deal at all. Nostalgia only goes so far.

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Just because you personally don’t have a solution doesn’t mean there isn’t one. What do you even know about cyber security or ban waves? The fact that your words gain traction with others is terrifying, because you spoke from a place of ignorance. And trying to gaslight people into believing they should be complacent because you don’t have an answer? These forums are toxic.

What is controversial about

“If I get a death threat I’m not talking to Blizzards automated customer service, I’m contacting my local law enforcement and their cyber crime division?”

I promise you, Blizzard cares significantly more about being contacted by a law enforcement agency than they do about any of their customers.

By your logic if I saw “other” illegal activity such as certain pictures or videos I should just reach out to Facebook or Instagram if I saw that on these platforms.

No, that gets the police involved also if I saw it.

Gameplay issues → Blizzard

Criminal actions → Law enforcement

It really isn’t that hard to understand.

Not sure what you’re seeing in my previous post telling people to be complacent to crimes directed at them unless you didn’t read my post entirely.


There were thousands of bots openly flyhacking on Era for almost all of 2023. Their detection software is non-existent. Bottom of the barrel private servers have detection software that instant bans flyhacking. That has nothing to do with the complexity of the bot.

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don’t waste your breath that kid believes all of blizzard’s lies…

blizzard has chosen the side they stand on , killers and fraudsters

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It’s still Bobby’s world.

I cant believe they’re not being sued at this point. negligence at its finest. I’m sure a fancy lawyer could put together a class action against them.

We literally pay them a premium monthly subscription fees for this game and they’re offering us a dangerous environment and a defective product all the while putting peoples lives at stake.


You can’t spit on people because Blizz didn’t want players discouraged from buying Deluxe Editions.

It’s always just about $$$$.

This seriously needs blizzards attention, no one should receive death threats irl because blizzard can’t fix the botting issue. I imagine a healthy lawsuit might come about soon if someone gets hurt