Yeah. Exactly. Good point. So the bot account runs an instance of retail. Earns enough gold to buy a WoW token for a free month’s subscription that somebody else pays $20 for and then they simultaneously run an Era/fresh bot and a retail bot to profit from both at the same time.
So the WoW token allows players purchasing WoW gold via the WoW token for $20 to facilitate 3rd party RMT for both retail and Classic! That’s amazing! Good job with the WoW token dealing with bots!
It’s actually quite brilliant on Blizzard’s part. They have the bots and players all making money for them through 1st and 3rd party RMT all the while convincing the playerbase that it’s for their benefit.
bruh this is literally the “sexual assault” case company.
you want to leave over this fine.
I’m just saying, Blizz has been a bad company for MANY years in a lot worse ways than not dealing with in-game botters. Leaving because of this and because someone decided to do something about it is rather shallow by comparison.
No I do not support sending death threats, that is undeserved regardless. But the dude got rid of the bots of his own volition because he for some reason felt he “had” to instead of “report” and then ignoring them and playing the game like everyone else.
Blizz has nothing to do with the response that was given, no matter how bad and undeserving that response is.
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I am so tired of that excuse. Someone said this once upon a time and everyone jumped on it, believing it to be true. It is not. First off, if bots are banned in batches how exactly would this prevent bot makers from “finding out how they are being detected and fix it?” It doesn’t even make sense that they’d only be able to do that if bots were banned on sight.
Secondly, bots and hackers circumvented Warden as soon as it was implemented. That was years ago, and Blizzard kept using it. Not sure what they’re using now if anything. Whatever it is, it’s trash. I wouldn’t be surprised if all they use are player reports.
Thirdly, botters expect to be banned at some point and they don’t care. By the time Blizzard bans them in one of their very ridiculous ban waves, their bots have been in the game weeks and sometimes months making that gold before that happens. They already have new armies of bots out by that time.
And lastly, you need eyes in the game to take bots out immediately. THAT is what hits them in their pocketbook. And that’s why this guy got death threats - because he’s actually hurting them.
well there ya go blizzard now doesnt make money off of bots because they are using the gold they farm for their subs. those tokens would have been purchased no matter what, the people purchasing them care nothing for who is buying them only that they get gold in the process.
that being said this convo was fun but i have to get back to work. have a fun day
you sure about that bud?
people got death threats for simply playing a Harry Potter game last year.
Like, you get death threats just for saying things on the internet.
You get death threats for playing better than other people.
He didn’t get death threats because he is hurting them
he got them because he made the botters mad by killing them.
He didn’t do much else or help with the problem in any REAL way. (because he can’t)
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Actually, perhaps not. The tokens don’t provide as much gold if the bots aren’t farming making them far less appealing.
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That mail is just thanking you for your report. I’ve gotten that mail and seen the same bot for 3 weeks after.
You sure about that bud?
He got death threats for killing bots.
They didn’t like it.
Can you guess why?
This is a little off topic…do you get perma banned for buying gold? I understand you could create a new account and start over but do they permanently disable your old account?
You should be. I don’t think they do. That’s probably part of the reason RMT is an issue.
Soda got caught buying gold on stream and got like…3 day suspension? Maybe not even that much. They might have just taken the gold back.
It should be permanent account closure. Strike 1 and you’re gone.
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It’s comical that you pay for a game and get subpar customer service…
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I understand where you’re coming from and I agree for the most part but the moment something like this is brought up it’s not about the game anymore and certainly not blizz and all their incompetence.
Death threats deserve contacting police and hopefully catching these degenerates that do this.

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It’s not. You don’t get one for every report you do.
It’s comical that you feel like you’re entitled to always get superior customer service and then whine and throw a tantrum the first time it isn’t given. I don’t play WoW with the expectation to have interactions with customer service. I play WoW for fun.
I went and actually watched some of that youtuber’s videos…and they’re just depressing.
It shouldn’t come to that. Players shouldn’t have to police the damn game, dealing with obvious bots using obvious scripts. But the bean counters at Blizz just don’t care. A couple GMs could clean this game up in a weekend, but clearly that’s not the goal.
It’s not entitlement its called taking care of your customers. There was a time years and years ago when this company actually cared about its player base and trust me they took care of things usually pretty fast…things have changed over the last ten years for sure.
Um… what is blizzard supposed to do when these death threats were sent over discord?
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Business still care about their customers and good customer service is 100% the goal of a successful business. However, customers have gotten to be so entitled and expect good customer service 100% of the time. Back in the day good customer service is what made companies stand apart from one-another.
I work in the medical field, and you’d be shocked with how many times I get threatened by my “customers” when I tell them “no”, “hold on”, “I’ll be right there when I get a minute.” You know how many times my “customers” have called patient relations on me because I refused to give them a medication when it wasn’t due?
Customer service is 100% important for a business to thrive. But most people aren’t entitled and don’t expect good customer service 100% of the time.
they can start by banning bots more often
i’m sick of the ban waves every few months. it’s not enough.