Players who’re buyers, botters or truly don’t play enough to know any better think / say the bots are just bad players.
My inner inquisitor detects a botter or a bot sympathizer.
Players who’re buyers, botters or truly don’t play enough to know any better think / say the bots are just bad players.
My inner inquisitor detects a botter or a bot sympathizer.
as opposed to all the other people who are talking about stuff they clearly dont understand? i stopped doing it a long time ago when i got a real job and started making real money. so no im not an expert but even my old knowledge is more than most peoples current knowledge.
I think you have some level of delusion so you’ll never be able to understand making a generic color bot or setting waypoints isnt coding a bot its on par with being a script kiddie
lol doing a heckin’ credentialism in a thread about bots lol
not what i did but sure keep telling yourself that.
WoW Tokens don’t reduce gold buying; they increase it.
Now people who buy illegal gold use a small portion of that gold to buy and redeem a token off the ah. They save even more money.
I understand that I as an individual player can observe a player and determine they’re a bot in seconds. I understand that Blizzard has the potential to make the same observations I do and they have have access to potentially anything you can imagine that relates to observing players and analyzing data related to their activities.
That’s all anyone needs to know to determine they could be doing more, a lot more, to address the bot problem.
of course it doesnt reduce why would blizzard want to reduce gold buying?. people love to buy gold but blizzard wants to funnel people into buying their gold and not their competitors.
this kind of thing has been proven false on multiple occasions lol.
of course they do they store it up and then ban thousands of accounts at once.
i honestly dont know. i dont think there is a perfect answer to bots. as long as people can make money off of it there will be bots. if you come up with the solution rather than just crying about the problem and pointing fingers let me know.
What you’re saying doesn’t make sense.
If they ban gold sellers and gold buyers…they’re banning subs. Why would they do that? And for what?
It’s much more profitable to let gold selling go on. Their preferred playerbase is whales and bots. In conjunction with the WoW Token, Blizz is raking it in. And saving money by not having to pay GMs to police the game.
I was more addressing that idiot Blizzard ex-President who said the Token reduces gold buying, which was either a lie or just complete ignorance.
No. It hasn’t. Bots are extremely obvious to anyone with half a brain who has played this game for more than a month. The way they move and react to things makes it so painfully obvious.
As long as Blizzard profits from it there will be bots.
Can’t. I don’t work for Blizzard. And they probably wouldn’t hire me to eliminate bots because they’d be paying me to remove subscriptions.
while i dont know the numbers exactly i would be willing to be that they make more money off of tokens alone then subs will even come close. so getting people to buy more of those rather than 3rd party gold is a huge motivator. scaring people with the threat of losing there accounts is a great way of doing that. yes the token does decrease 3rd party buying for the exact reason i said above.
ive already shown how they would profit insanely more by not having gold sellers to compete with thier own token but sure live inyour own weird world where having people not buy your 20$ token somehow is better than having bots buy a 15$ sub.
Token isn’t in Era, hardcore or fresh. And the token probably makes them even more money off bots because people pay $20 for the bot subs that are abusing the token for free subscriptions.
you’re being obtuse and ingorant on purpose at this point may your coworkers have mercy on their souls
i own my own construction company and just started another but sure they do depend alot on me.
lemonshark… i think it’s time to take the L
i accept your concession that you know absolutly nothing about the botting problem, what could fix it what you could even do to affect it .
ive already shown that i know more than most of the people here and if think about it logically from a profit making potential it makes complete sense to me to ban bots rather than the old “BUt ThEEY GEt SUbs ouT oF iT”
too many failed gaslighting attempts from batterd housewives look to other games how they dealt with their botting problems
do you think those botters are stopping with classic only? come on now those same botters are running stuff in all the different content. why just make money in classic when you can do it in retail as well?