I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

I remember exactly how much I disliked WoD. BfA is worse because no matter what they do it’s built on a terribly rotten foundation. BfA has been such a disaster that for the first time ever I will not buy the next expansion until live customer reviews have come in.

WoD didn’t have a lot of PvE content and it will be forever stained by the Pathfinder fiasco, but at least actually playing the game felt good.

Blizzard banked BfA’s existence on a gameplay system that somehow managed to be even worse than Legion’s legendary drops combined with a story that is even worse than WoD’s “Draenor is freeeeee,” and we get to experience it all with some of the worst class design Blizzard has ever produced.


I mean, just look at any game the internet bombs beyond belief for paltry issues. Epic exclusives, political issues etc.

Wow’s the biggest MMO. It’s going to draw the most attention, and if people can get their five minutes of fame by jumping on the hate train, it’s definitely more appealing to do that, than for example another less popular MMO.

All I’m saying is that user scores should be taken with a huge grain of salt. I agree with you that critic scores are worthless though.

Oh ya. Attempting to replace artifacts/tier sets/legendaries with the azerite pieces. Epic Fail. Dull and generic traits/essences.

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So, Occam’s Razor here. Either Blizzard’s fans are disappointed and expressing it, or callout culture has targeted only one MMO, yet is mysteriously ignoring ALL other competitors.

Come on.

If the bad reviews all showed up at one time your argument might have some weight. Them peppering metacritic over the space of a full year? That’s not trolls man. That’s the same people who expressed their disappointment here on these very forums, and then quit.

Sure, take user scores with a grain of salt. But read the bad reviews that aren’t one sentence. Then read the positive ones. The 10s all say they’re artificially raising their score to counter perceived trolls. Even the defenders mostly admit it’s bad.


If you weren’t attempting to use that fallacy of an argument, why bother bringing up my current expansion progress?

What does it have to do with WOD? and how much I hated WOD? (Because WOD was garbage)

You randomly brought up my current “Cleared content” for BFA, for “no reason” then?

Right, sure.

Because you’re the one that brought up content without actually doing content. If you’re only argument is that Warlords was bad because it lacked content while you continuously show to never do content to begin with, how can you make an argument that there is a lack of content?

How can you remotely make the argument I “Continuously” never do content to begin with?

Because I don’t raid / do mythic+ in BFA, means I’ve never raided, nor done any Mythic+ nor did any content at all?

Fallacy is back.

I mean achievements are a thing you know.

Achivements are character only. Your point?

What’s to say this isn’t a character I made because a server transfer was to expensive?

What’s to say I wasn’t playing alliance at the time?

You don’t know this information, and simply make assumptions and generalizations.

I did plenty of raiding in WOD, if that’s what your so chauffed about, never did Mythic raiding, because that’s just not worth the effort, but I did good parts of high maul, and I did quite a bit in hellfire citadel.

Wasn’t a big fan of blackrock foundry, but I did that as well.

You don’t know my history nearly as much as you think you do.

None of this however, changes the fact WoD was a hot dumpster fire of an expansion.

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To be quite honest, BfA never had a content issue. It has a MAJOR gameplay issue, many classes just aren’t fun to play… at which point it doesn’t really matter how much content you have to do, as you’re not having fun because of the gameplay problems.

This is the inverse of WoD’s situation, where they had a content issue but the gameplay was still quite solid. It was fun to play… but there wasn’t enough content to go through. On the bright side, you could still have fun going back through some older content.

… so yeah, very different problems. It could very well come down to which issue you think is a bigger problem, and quite frankly I’d rather deal with content issues like WoD had than be permanently frustrated by the gameplay issues of BfA.

At least with WoD I could go off on my own and make my own entertainment.


I love my garrisons more than anything found in BFA. People like different things.

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WoD was a lot of fun.

Its major flaw was missing/cut content.

I try not to judge it from what it was lacking, but instead, by the quality of the content it had on offer.


I mean you can make all the excuses in the world but your opinion on Warlords still reeks of personal bias without any rational argument.

Khadgar was the only thing that made that content bearable.

The first time you go through a zone is pretty neat, but after that, there really isn’t much else to do n WoD.

And you can attempt to pull up as many fallacies as you can, that still doesn’t fix the fact you have literally zero points.

WoD was a dumpster fire.

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You’re the only one with zero points lol.

The majority of people that claim WoD was better fall into three categories:

  • PvPers
  • Raiders
  • Came back for the DHs.

The rest of us that don’t live in a BG or raid was bored to tears.

I’m looking at this though the lens of a Mythic Raider/ achievement punk/ pvp’er.

I never ran out of things to do.

However, my opinion might be biased.

I love BfA, but am frustrated by a few things. (The RNG in this expac is almost too much to bear.)

I mean if you actually read the thread you would know that isn’t the case. In fact, most people in this thread agreed there was a lack of content.

No, I’m not?

I’ve clearly pointed out why I hate WoD, and I still haven’t even gone into all the reasons I hate WoD.

  1. Garrison Craft
  2. No content outside of first time through
  3. Dungeons were annoying
  4. Raids were okay, but severely lack
  5. No content to do outside of Shipyard / Garrisons
  6. Gold Paywall to unlock new zones because you -had- to spend thousands of gold to upgrade your garrison and shipyard to be able to access them
  7. Legendary ring quest line was a joke
  8. Selfie camera and twitter integration major content patch
  9. Garrison companion app! Yippee
  10. If you don’t Raid or PvP, you had literally nothing to do.
  11. Time Travel BS stories are always the worst

There’s more, but just because I haven’t literally broken down every time little thing wrong with WOD doesn’t mean I don’t have a point, WOD was a dumpster fire of an expansion.

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