I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

Sure BFA sucks poo poo but WoD only had one major content patch, 6.2. That was it for about a year or so until Legion came around.

6.1’s major feature was the selfie cam. lol

… Can’t forget about that terrible Apexis Crystal farming and severely over priced re-colored mounts.


Nostalgia is a powerful drug.

Memories are naturally happy-leaning, so you forget all the garbage you went through.

WoD was a terrible expasion. BFA content is miles above in quality and quantity.


Funny thing that because Warlords is rated higher both critically and by users.


As a PvPer, WoD takes BFA back behind the woodshed and stomps a mudhole in it.


I think BFA is much more interesting than and fun that Warlords, although I did enjoy Warlords. I can’t even complain about the lack of content because it gave me ample opportunity to level the bulk of my alts.


Most people hate on WoD because of the lack of content, not because the content we had was bad. Raids were fun, dungeons were decent, best iteration of PvP WoW ever had, and class design was pretty good.

That, or they just get caught up in the “WoD is the worst” echo chamber here in GD.


I think some people claim WOD was better because classes were more fun. Sure there was a lack of good content but at least the classes were entertaining.


The only redeeming features for WoD were the gold generation from the garrison and the way professions eventually turned out. As a casual everything else sucked majorly until Tannaan came out, and that was just barely passable. BfA is better for everything else.


I think it boils down to what kind of player you are asking. WoD was good for pvpers, good for people that just want to raid log, or people that want to do some mixture of the two. I don’t think it was good for the casual/solo player though, which makes up a large portion of this forum.


Saying WoD is better than BFA is just an edgy way to put down BFA.


It is pretty hard to imagine people thinking Garrison-Craft is somehow better than BFA.

Maybe it’s they miss that nearly endless afk gold?


I sure do…


https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/world-of-warcraft-battle-for-azeroth: 79/3.0
https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/world-of-warcraft-warlords-of-draenor: 87/5.9



BFA has more actual content than WoD.
WoD had better class mechanics.

Blizzard seems to forget that the vehicle we experience content with is our character. If our character isn’t fun to play, it doesn’t matter how awesome the game is. It will feel like crap to go through. However, if the character is fun, then it doesn’t matter how much content there is, how mind-numbing it is, how grindy it is, or how much we hate it. If the character is inherently fun to play, it won’t have as much of an impact.

A 10 hour trip in a comfortable ride is better than a 1 hour trip in a broken down beater that stops and starts and makes you feel every bump and imperfection in the road, and will be seen as superior.


And yet I had more fun during WoD than I am having in BfA, for the time I played WoD, I didn’t even think to quit, with BfA I’ve taken 2 breaks, of 2 and 6 months, simply because I couldn’t have fun and right about now I would start to go on alt mode, like I did in Legion, but leveling feels horrible and once I get to max level, there’s essences and AP to grind if I want to do any relevant thing in the game.


I came back after an extended break late in WoD but wasn’t impressed with what I did see. That aside, I have never been so terminally bored as I am with BFA.


10k for a recolor you always have access to buy from your garrison seems paltry next to a 73k recolor locked behind a rep.


Why wouldn’t it be? What content was there was pretty damn good. Classes started to be pruned, but wasn’t the shell that exists now.


WoD: Had a story I was able to enjoy and look past the bad parts.

BfA: Has me ignoring the main story and skipping most cinematics.

This from someone who doesn’t fully pay attention to the story to begin with.


I never understood the hate for WoD myself, but, I got married and had to quit raiding pretty much after downing blackhand and then returned a few months before legion came out and got pathfinder.

Maybe I missed a chunk of bad things, but I thought the raid tiers all seemed interesting and black rock foundry and highmaul were some pretty cool raids in my opinion as a holy paladin during that expansion.

Not to mention that the titan forging and warforging was nice, but was more like bonus sprinkles instead of tier jumping craziness it is now. I thought 3-6 bonus item levels and maybe a socket was a great way to incentive trying to keep running stuff without invalidating the next tier.

Where did I miss the boat?

And BFA, my biggest issue with it was how staunch and stubborn they were about the very vocal and obvious concerns raised in beta on class mechanics and tuning that was generally ignored. I understand nobody wants to reinvent the wheel, and I’m glad they acknowledged that the class mechanics need to be more unique and give more agency than being “Build x power, using X spender” that most specs are in now. That being said, I had to quit my elemental shaman and switch to my druid because I wasn’t going to level in a world where my flame shock was critting for higher than my lava burst was haha.