I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

Actually this was the first time you actually gave reasoning lol. You can have your opinions, no one is judging you on that. I do question why you have to be so defensive over it though. Makes you wonder.

What are you talking about?

Many people in this thread pointed out why they thought Warlords was superior. While there were some that mentioned PvP and whatnot, many others, if not most, had a tendency to lean on how classes played and the quality of the content that we did get, what little of it there was.

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I’ve gone over my dislike of WOD multiple times in a row, I’m not going to literally list my list of greivences with every single time this comes up.

Further, it’s pretty much universally accepted WoD was a garbage fire of an expansion. I shouldn’t need to justify it every time I post about WoD.

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Played… where? BGs and raids perhaps? :thinking:

Which is cool but that brings up my original point way back at the start of the thread where Warlords is still rated higher across the board vs BFA. A dumpster fire of an expansion is still regarded better than what we have now.

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Don’t dance around the subject. If you feel different and that classes feel better currently, just say it.

I’m not dancing around the subject. If people liked the way classes felt, where would they get that opinion? In BGs and raids or solo content?

Irrelevant? You would have to ask those individuals, not as a general question that would differ between almost every person.

I ENJOYED WoD. I legitimately enjoyed EXPLORING it. The story was good, IMO. I liked the garrison and what amounted to free mats. Many complained because they wanted to take the easy route of making money by gathering, I prefer to actually craft and I made tons of gold that expansion.

I will admit I did not like what they did to loot in WoD. I think I ran one dungeon the whole expansion, I just felt there was zero incentive.

So, if you live by instances, it probably sucked more for you, but I quest and do professions, so it was far superior, in my opinion.


The overall design of the game was less awful in WoD. The most frustrating thing about playing bfa is definitely the mutilated class toolkits. Character toolkits should be finished when they hit the level cap. This post level cap grinding for skills and talents instead of gear is just awful.


If it’s irrelevant then why do people complain about how classes play now? You’re not making sense and you’re the one that dancing around my point.

Raiders and PvPers were fine in WoD because their character was fun in those two settings. That’s why I said they were the majority that enjoyed WoD.

The the causals probably hated WoD with a fiery passion because all we had was Garrison Craft. We just came from an xpac that could keep a solo player engaged the entire time.

It’s irrelevant to ask as a general question in this thread :

Everyone is going to give you a different answer. Their answers will vary but the consensus among many has already been made. Whether their class felt better in PvP, raids, or whatever is irrelevant. In fact, many people have already answered that and you would know if…you read the thread.


A) Define “casual” and B) as I already said, the lack of content has been made abundantly clear.

Yes, that’s like saying “well, that’s your opinion.” Obviously I’m posting my opinion.

I did. I said solo player.

Good point so why are you bothering me? Matter of fact, I’m not even the first person to say PvPers and raiders are the ones that enjoyed WoD. Did I piss in your cornflakes in a previous life?

Yet stating it as a fact.

How is a solo player “casual?” Also, why would a solo player complain about a lack of content in a multiplayer based game? Seems kind of counter intuitive.

Ah, so you lack argument and now must resort to insults. Got it.

Not really.

A solo player doesn’t join a guild or PvP team? Hence the name “solo player.” I’m a solo player and casual.

The back of the original WoW box says “play solo or with friends.” This game has been good about providing solo content until WoD came around.

Lack an argument? I have been responding to all your irritating replies. Again, what are you talking about? You make no sense.

I spend a fair amount of time here but who in the world said that?

You did actually. Shall I quote you?

Whew, don’t tell the BFA defenders that. They are always claiming this is some of the most casual gameplay to ever have existed.

Well yeah, you haven’t actually addressed your comment about how apparently every “casual” never felt that their classes played better than they do in BFA.

Dungeons, raids, and class designs were much better. I really liked Multistrike. /rip I really liked that Mythic dungeons were fairly close in ilevel to the last raid tier. Though I didn’t really like challenge mode mainly because of the timer, so naturally I don’t like M+ because it’s more or less the same as challenge mode.

You want to quote my opinion? Go ahead if you want. I’ll be interested in that quote that says:

  • “it’s known.”
  • “it’s a fact.”
    Or something to that effect. I’m not going to say “In my opinion…” in front of every statement I make because that’s a given.

Where did I make that statement?