I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

I literally can’t believe this. The nostalgia wash that Trashran has received in the last couple of years is mind boggling.




Or it could be that some people truly liked WoD better then BfA .

I know I didn’t start frequenting the forums until Legion and with BfA I have probably spent more time in here then in game. During WoD if I came to the forums it was to look something up then get back to the game .
Now it’s turn in ship quests ,start new ones , queue for lfr then alt tab to GD for awhile followed by alt tab back see if there are any emisarries I want to do ,fly to the zone alt tab to GD until I decide to do the wqs (if I even do them ).

WoD log in do the quests from the garrison , do dungeons, do appexis quests go to Ashran .Most of my alt tabbing during WoD back to late BC was to get info about quests or finding ways to play my class better.

To me GD here has a better endgame and better content then BfA.

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I have to admit that I still like WoD a lot for the dungeons, raids, lore, because I am Horde.

BfA is okay, but the grind is almost a mobile game.


WoD should be Renamed WEE… worst expac ever

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Honestly I left at WotLK and coming back to all the new zones, WoD looks more interesting than BfA, which seems to offer nothing good and new, IMO. I could see why people say it’s better. This DLC seems so dry as far as content. I enjoy the initial questing, but past that it seems dull, and the key thing people are doing is grinding to Pathfinder, which is recycled content. shrug

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More doesn’t always mean better , most of the time it just means more .

THe higher quantity of something doesn’t always make it better then something of lesser quantity .

Review bombing? Why would, what most people consider the worst expansion in the games history, have a higher score than BFA? What, did people only become aware of reviews just recently? Give me a break. That kind of excuse just doesn’t work here, sorry.

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For what content was there WoD was a better game. Its issue is that it had no content. I mean it should be telling for just how bad BFA was in where people would rather raid log then actually play any elements of it.

WoD, less layers of RNG
WoD, easily obtain all of your consumables vs making many herbs incredibly scarce thus making only a couple of professions profitable and useful.
WoD, more natural gear progression vs endless instanced content.

I mean I could probably go on here if I wanted to nitpick but really BFA just has the fact it has more stuff to do, significantly more stuff to do than what WoD has. The question is whether or not it is that fun to even care…

8.2 imo has made BFA better so I will reserve judgement for the game when it is over with.

If I go by just the amount of time I was subscribed for WoD vs BFA, I have played BFA more, especially since unlocking flying.

WoD was a wrecking ball to a lot of what I liked about MoP (starting with flight for purchase at max level), and it’s an expansion that nearly killed my joy for this game. I couldn’t even enjoy Legion, because of the bad feelings after WoD. I think I was subscribed for three total months of Legion: the first and last two. Admittedly, I did enjoy the leveling experience and how classes played in WoD–that’s it though.

I’d put BFA above WoD (for me) but not by much. There are some classes I’m really struggling to get into because I can’t find a spec I enjoy. Without class sets for pve/pvp, I don’t have a huge desire to do mythic+ or raid, but I’m oddly okay with that, because of the benthic gear. I’m already at an ilvl that’s more than enough for me to farm fast, do dailies fast, and hop in a guild heroic warfront run or something. A lot to collect in this expansion–that’s my new endgame, I guess.

it was decent, it would have been better without having pve elements

“It was actually Russian bots who made the game have a low score and not the players disliking the expansion.”

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I can believe this , they both piles of crap.

I am George, George of the Jungle.

If you didn’t bother to do the giant meta achieve in Tanaan to unlock that title, and then find a realm where the name George was available, then sucks to be you.


I think people who say that are being a little over the top on the rhetoric. I may hate what the direction of BFA is, but there is LOADS more to do than there was in WoD. At least I can do World Quests if I want to. I don’t think WoD had very many… aside from leveling?

-legit forgets as it’s been so long.-

“Watch out for that—” -winces as the Tauren impacts- “Oh that looked painful…”

Gameplay > Content.

WOD was better for that very reason. Sure it had like no content, but that is pointless when every class had been pruned to death and almost all abilities locked on the GCD.

As a PvPer, the PvP gearing system was better. We still had the mystical creatures known as vendors.

I played WOD when it was current. I’d take WOD over BFA any day of the week and it’s lack of content.

Yep. Even the trash quality content like Avengers vs Hydra ashran was worth doing just because classes had more flavor and actual talent choices with glyphs to optimize even further.

See, I don’t believe that memories are happy-leaning because I remember WoD like it was yesterday, and I still want to kill myself over it.

I farmed so much Apexis on my mage. So. Much. Apexis.

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HoW wiLL wE fiNd thE VenDoRS thO?!?!

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