I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

WoD felt like two patches … Beginning and end … there was empty space between them.
I like BfA :slight_smile:

Warlords was part 1 - a prequel to Legion. Notice how the story progressed there?

Warlords was good. Had plenty to do there and we got WoW-wealth during that time. Alts on both factions were leveled and were productive. It was pretty fun.

BfA is lots of fun too. Still lots to do and that’s all I want from my video games - keep me busy!

everything after MOP is terrible.

legion only looked good because wod was really bad. but legion still wasn’t very good.


WoD was far superior.

I didnt have the urge to quit WoD. I have taken two breaks during this xpac. I will probably quit till 9.0 when SWTOR drops their new xpac next month.

I didnt feel the content drought everyone crys about because I pvp and pve and leveled some alts.

I didnt have to grind for gimmicks just so my class works.

Gearing wasnt all over the place. How does completing and easy M10 give you better gear than grinding to 1800+?

PVE gear was best for pve and pvp gear was best for pvp yet both were viable for each.

I liked Garrisons.


As somebody that only pvped. I prefered wod and its classes. I hate world quests and pve related stuff

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WOD was actually better. Classes and specs were in much better places. The raids were better. Professions were better. BFA has Mechagon going for it. That’s about it.


WoD had the best pvp format ever and it rained gold, better than BfA imo.


More gold, less grindy, and less global cooldowns… I didn’t think blizzard would ever make something worst than wod. While the panda theme was lame motp did have some of the best skills, and classes felt a lot better before blizzard started removing all the skills.

The sad part is bfa is just legion without the fun legendary weapons… They added no new skills and didn’t balance anything.

WoD had vastly better class design. Classes felt way more fun to play. PVP was also fun, it feels like hot garbage in BFA thanks to the pruning of class abilities as well as the GCD change slowing down the pacing of everything. Raids were more interesting to me but that’s my opinion. The treasures system was kind of interesting, something BFA doesn’t have at all.

At least I had fun playing my class when I logged into the game in WoD. BFA has just incorporated all of the worst systems and aspects of Legion, doubling down on RNG, making everything feel 10x worse, putting in static upgrades from a terrible Azerite system that nobody cares about, nor cares to grind for. It doesn’t matter if there’s 10x more content in BFA if almost all of it is less enjoyable than WoD’s lack of content, thanks to crappy class design and the removal of integral parts of the game like loot council, the old guild ui and permissions, class tier sets, better class design, and better class identity.


Coming in hot to say the pvp side of me enjoyed warlords enough to say I thought it was a better xpac

Pve not so much until the past raid


I disagree, I feel like garrisons and follower missions were a pretty big draw for the casual/solo player.


I mean, $15/month for whats essentially a mobile game seems like a bit much.


“Do you even Lich, Bro?”

The original Warcraft RTS was about setting up buildings and sending troops out to do battle. Garrisons and bodyguards were the closest thing we’ve had to the original RTS.

why compare two piles of poop to see which is poopier?!

though, considering BFA is being compared with what, up to this point, was heralded as the worst expansion is probably rather telling.


I just thought about this. It seems like people willfully forget things in order to make their current arguments stronger. BfA is not the worst WoW has ever been, not by a longshot. Is it the second worst expansion ever? Maybe. But to tell me straight faced that it’s the worst expansion whenever we had an expansion with only one real patch, an expansion that had a patch where the most notable addition was a selfie camera, an expansion that was left to rot and had development focus on Legion instead, telling me with a straight face that that expansion is better than BfA is something that can’t be taken seriously at all.

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Ya but the raiding was great, dungeons were great, Ashran was decent and it brought us mythic dungeons.

Only thing it lacked was world content.

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Yea, because review bombing is the new meta. Nobody with half a brain gives a flying f what review aggregates say about, well about anything.

The high scores are bought and the low scores are just trolls brigading things because the idea that other people might enjoy things and not be horrible self absorbed heels frustrates them to no end.



Oh you’re being serious about it being better quality then WoD

As a pvper I disagree.