I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

For me, this is my biggest issue against WoD, and the reason I dislike it so much.

WoD could have been absolutely amazing but Blizzard had their minds set on 1 year expansions and were already rushing, and then they caused a stink with the first flying debacle, panicked, and cut over half of WoD’s content so that they could focus on Legion.

Had they actually delivered what they’d initially intended to, WoD would have been great and that disappoints me to no end.


Not seeing the Ogre Empire and Farahlon were such missed opportunities for Blizzard.


Having content that you feel forced to do is worse than having little to no content at all.

This is why I myself am leaning towards WoD being a better expansion so far.


Agreed. One of the major problems with BFA is the Quest or Die baloney. Nothing in this game bothers me more than WQ / Dailies and I include the Garrison in that.


The final straw for me for WoD was those idiotic ship mission tables.


WoD is why i have so many max level alts, and why i have 3 other servers with lost forgotten and dusty 100s. It was fun, dont get me wrong. It was the first time, imo, it was super quick to level to max but then you were left without anything meaningful to do.
We need more things like gara, baal, and the sun darter. Not necessarily harder skill level. Just things that will take a bit to do.
But less things like hivemind and this Pearl of the Abyss. More clues!!

I played through WoD, I literally have the achievements for it

WoD was miles better than BFA’s trash system

Like imagine carrying over the garbage AP system from legion that no one liked, like come on, the game deserves having less than 1mil active subs, they did it to themselves. And now you see store mounts being spammed more often to make up the lost sub income.


WoD had good class design at least. BfA has all the faults of WoD along with terrible class design, so WoD is just slightly better for me.

Wod was the only expac i didn’t play all the way through. I hit 100 and just stopped lol.
However i wish i played all the way through. Because that was a time in wow where apparently gold flowed like water.
I missed out on the gold rush :frowning:

If I could play WoD right now instead of BfA I would in a heartbeat. WoD may have had issues, but overall at least I had fun playing it.

BfA, imo, is dismal by comparison and has few redeeming qualities. When Classic launches, BfA is going in the recycle bin where it belongs.

Let’s be clear why, though. These Diablo 3 devs that were brought on to the WoW team for some godawful reason are slowly turning WoW into Diablo 3.

M+ are just greater rifts

Artifact Weapons from Legion and Azerite armor are just seasonal power rentals like armor sets from D3.

In fact, I think we’re all pretty much just playing Diablo Immortal right now…


I swear we’ve had this same topic like 5 times in the last couple weeks.

Anyways, for me it boils down to two words;

Gladiator. Stance.

Best time I’ve had in 14 years.


I had a hell of a lot more fun during WoD. Leveling was not ruined because of scaling. Garrisons were new and fun, I had 20+ I logged in every day to collect the mats and do the missions. There was no azerite armor and there was no azerite grind and essence grind. Classes were a lot more fun to play than now. For me BFA has been the worst expansion ever hands down.


I have some fond memories of WoD, mainly the raids, but there is so much more to do in BFA. The grinds give me something to work towards and the weekly AP catchup is fantastic.

They say this about every current expansion vs. every previous expansion. So. I’m not going to talk pros and cons, but there’s usually no rhyme or reason to GD.

They seek a magical unicorn of happiness that never exists in the game, because when it does and it’s current, all they do is complain about it. But after it’s gone, boy, it was the best thing ever.

WoD is better than BfA. See, people don’t seem to get: Quantity =/= Quality.

  • Our class design was way better
  • We didn’t have CRZ and Sharding in current content (Yep, if you rolled Horde on an Alliance heavy server, you were screwed!)
  • Warmode didn’t exist (Thank god for PVP Servers)
  • We had PVP Vendors
  • PVP was really fun
  • The raids were really good.
  • There wasn’t so many Horses
  • The expansion was really friendly towards alts
  • And Wizards didn’t say I shall not pass.

Yes, BfA has more to do in it, but with how much the devs rushed it for everything to feel so broken, and so bad, and how poor the class design is, BfA has overtaken WoD as worse expansion.

Only thing I do find better than WoD is the Artwork, but the art seems to get better and better every expansion.


Ehh. I like WoD for what it is and i’m not a PvPer. I think what it all comes down to is it’s more interesting then BFA to me. WoD’s Story doesn’t bore me to sleep unlike Legion or BFA, and the zones are more interesting then Legion and BFA’s.

WoD’s crap obviously, but after playing Legion and BFA, i think WoD would be refreshing to play though again in it’s entirety. And while WoD’s short length does bother me, BFA just feels like it drags on.

It just feels like after WoD, they just had to cram much stuff they can in Legion and BFA to a point where it gets boring. And a lot of it is extremely hit and miss.

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Yes there was a lack of content. No doubt. Still though additions like warmode/sharding has completely hamstrung my server and a lot of people will hate bfa for it. Tons of other issues as well.

For cosmetics?! How about the brutally boring AP grind? Islands are afk grind fests… This is the type of “content” that bfa has over wod. That and warfronts, you know because those are awesome.

Also large part of why people hated on WOD at the time was the prune from mop (which was an amazing time). Little did we know class design was only going to get even worse from wod.

I seriously played 10X more wod than this dumpster lol


Sad thing is that when you remove all the pointless repeatable stuff from bfa, there’s really no actual content. It’s all just a repat of the same thing. Marksmanship hunter was also infinitely better than this crap we see now so yes: wod is better.


It’s not nostalgia though.

While WoD certainly lacked content the game was fun. There was no level scaling so you felt powerful as you leveled. My class was fun to play, in both shadow and disc. No ilvl scaling as well once you hit max level.

The game now is just a horrible grind in all aspects. The lack of power progression while leveling hinders alts. RNG on top of RNG is boring. And leveling scaling across the world and old content makes that less fun as well.


WoD and BFA are equally bad as far as im concerned. WoD trashed professions (especially JC), made classes so much less fun, made getting flying an absolute chore, ruined a lot of the economy around old mats, ect. BFA added in a horrendous azerite system, painful World quests, made classes quite possibly the least fun they have ever been because of even more pruning and the GCD changes, removal of tier sets, among other things.

Oh and completely unreleated to gameplay, Kotick sacked quite possible the greatest Community Manager to ever grace these forums during BFA, so theres that too.