I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"


That is absolutely valid - the story has taken a weird twist, and I am curious to see if they stick the landing, and if they don’t, what they’re able to reap from all the stuff they’ve planted.

The problems I have with WoD’s storytelling are borne from the fact that I leveled 10 characters through WoD, barely skipping anything, and I got to see it enough times to start noticing the plotholes (probably same as you, lack of content, so much time to level alts and chase transmog)


Didn’t have scaling in WOD and made alot of gold. The questing was fun and I liked the raids/dungeons. BFA I hate the dungeons (all of them) and the raids are meh.

Neither are great.

WoD had a sensible, reasonable, gearing system.

WoD didn’t have butchered server communities and neutered guilds.

WoD still had PvP servers, PvP communities, and none of this LFRWPvP warmode sharding ordure.

WoD classes, even with pruning, still felt fun and engaging…and not like homogenized, bland, poop.

WoD had an interesting, very effective, approach to balancing PvP gear versus PvE gear in WPvP.

WoD had fun, enjoyable, WPvP. Instanced PvP was decent as well.

The raids and dungeons were well done… even with the bad writing and content drought.

I enjoyed WoD much more than BfA.


You’re welcome!

And I honestly never looked at it in that light until a friend, same one who gifted me BfA, talked about it and said how upset he was over what could have been. He’s big into lore and loves to write fanfiction. I can understand how it can marr the way you view something. I was caught up in the repetitive nature of what I was doing. I still like that aspect of the game. Kinda put myself on auto pilot but not so much that I don’t notice various things around me. I do get easily distracted. lol


WoD has better class design and better raiding.

Despite all of BFAs “content” it’s still very shallow and class design is piss poor. If I don’t enjoy the vessel I’m in I can never enjoy the activities they engage in


There’s no accounting for taste.

Nah. WoD and BFA are both terrible, for different reasons.

The raids alone are way better and there’s way more content than WoD. I only liked the garrisons. Everything else was subpar in that expansion. Worth it for the new models though.

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The thing is…and I have said this before …It was not what was being played, it is how it was being played.

BFA has content. there is absolutely no question. Good content too. Issue stems with more how the game is played. Classes, Loot, excessive RNG, Azerite grind, lack of pvp venders, Azerite armor in general. professions not meaning anything…the list goes on.

Think about it like this. BFA looks like a supermodel always beautiful always trying to make sure your attention is on them. This individual would give you the best time in the bedroom whenever you want, way more often than anyone you been with before.(catch up mechanics.) But they are the most broken individual you can imagine (with bugs and bad mechanics) with mommy and daddy issues. (Blizzard and Activision.) and you would wonder if they had any education at all. (terrible story.)

WoD was that relationship that was actually a pretty awesome person when you first got to know them. They looked great. They had some of the more fun thigns to talk about. And they gave you plenty of things to like them. Till you found out how bad their bipolar gets (Pathfinder) And they were unwilling to put out. Lack of content patches. and it always just made more sense to stay at home and watch netflix. (you did everything from the garrisons).

I admit … I stayed subbed longer in WOD than I have in BFA because I adored my garrisons. (turns out I just like staying at home and watching Crunchyroll.)


Wod had good raids, everything was great, except not enough content is all. i still remember like its yesterday fighting Archimond for 8 hours on heroic me and my friend.

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WoD was bad for entirely different reasons.

The primary reason was the garrison which was the most anti-MMO content ever put into any MMO ever created. That was one of the worst ideas I’ve ever seen in the history of the game.

Was it useful? Sure. But it wasn’t exactly good for the game because it instanced the player apart from everyone else, had very little going for it in terms of player housing and amounted to just a handful of PvE scripts that were supposed to bring it to life. Apart from the novel 1-2 weeks with it I was done.

A lot of time and effort went into the garrison which I think if not for the garrison WoD would have had more content.

Otherwise? Lore, Classes, Raids, Dungeons were all better in WoD than BFA. Side note: I really hate troll themed content.

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They nerfed Apexis farming.

That and LFR tier sucked.

Welcome to Warlords Of Raid Or Die.


WoD pvp was good because it did not force pvpers to do PvE content to get good gear,or force pvers to do pvp to get good azerite essences.


Stark contrast to BFA: The raids are at best, average.

WoD had highs and lows, BFA has had exactly zero highs.

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maybe i dislike neck system and azerite system. just bring back normal pieces where you farm your own. if you dont care about end game all you can about than is just getting that highest ilvl head or chest or shoulder piece and your done for that slot… and neck is passive.

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without a doubt WoD had less content

however the progression and reward systems were far more fun in WoD vs BfA, unless you have an unending love for repeating world quests 1000x

i miss my BIS honor/conquest vendors that kept pvp equalized and gave me something to grind for while pvp’ing. My time was ALWAYS productive.

I miss my valor/justice bad luck protection vendors that were simple and easy to grind currency for, from a multitude of sources instead of just questing.

BfA has pushed SO HARD for /timeplayed over anything else. Every single system pushes or forces us into higher /timeplayed activities. And the reward tiering just feels bad.


Crazy though here, but imo, They both suck\ed?

Can I get an expansion where I have Both Good Character interaction AND World\Story?

I’ll take Any expansion over WoD and BfA

Edit: a Word.

Perhaps they’re people that didn’t actually play throug WoD.

I wouldn’t claim any old xpac better since i wasn’t actually there at the time. From a relatively new player perspective who played through most of the previous content in order, WoD seemed actually nice (Beautifully designed areas, some of the best music of the whole game, correct level of questing, etc).

Of course I wasn’t there the many months of having absolutely nothing to do and a “major” selfie patch.

Can’t say BfA is much fun but at least it keeps getting new additions quite more often, and has more stuff to do than WoD, according to what I’ve read.

It does.

WoD had a lot of content that got scrapped. The Ogre region never launched. That got scrapped. So did another island. I don’t remember the name now.

Personally I blame the garrison for that.

Where was VP as it was in Wrath/Cata?

I mean there was a Valor circa WOD, but all it did was upgrade gear twice.

And not even to TF cap/Mythic raid cap.

I do agree that PVP was at least fun/tolerable.