I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

considering WoWs known for alternating between good and bad I don’t think that dismissive meme works here. People are acknowledging WoD as bad, just better.

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I will grant you WoD was likely worse than BFA… but the zones in WoD I found more enjoyable up until Tanaan Jungle anyway.

They both bad its that simple.

Bfa most certainly has more content but doesn’t mean that content is enjoyable or good content.

M+ vs CM’s : CM’s offered more challenge early on , M+ better over time, why we can’t have both idk

BFA class design vs Wod class design: Wod wins by miles imo

Wq’s vs Apexis wq’s: Bfa wq’s are better due to having better rewards. Wq’s system only really worked in Legion due to leggos. They are glorified dailies.

BFA wpvp vs Wod wpvp: This is tricky Wod had the coliseum and the collecting of 500 heads per race which i did and enjoyed but most people did it in trashran. I call this equal.

Uldir vs Highmaul: both decent entry raids Bfa wins on aesthetics and Wod wins on STORY atleast Alliance knew why they were going there.

Bod vs Brf: Two great raids i prefer BRF even though i think Jaina is the better end boss over Blackhand.

Warfronts vs Ashran: I’ll take Ashran atleast it has some real PvP in it.

Islands are something completely different yet very disappointing. I take this back, island’s are just open map scenario’s, so they aren’t new but wod didn’t have them.

Allied races some people love, im happy for them. For me they are just fluff and should just be added to the character creator as extra options.

Azrite vs Tier: Tier wins everytime.

Bfa professions vs Wod professions: Both version are bad compared to past expansions atleast in Wod you could make some gold.

Wod had Gear and PvP vendors.

War campaign vs Garrison campaign: I can’t believe i’m going to say this , garrisons. (someone shoot me)

Free loot from Garrisons vs Free loot from WQ’s: Both went overboard with rewards.

Bfa has the worst gear scaling ever in the history of WoW.

Wod sill had ML.

Bfa cinematic’s are the best they have done.

I’m not going to go into loot as Wod was the start of rng itemization on gear, we lost predetermined stats and sockets and both expansions were bad in terms of loot. IDK what was wrong with predetermined stats on gear.

Comparing crap to crap still makes them crap.

I’d put cinematics as equal, Wod cinematics were pretty powerful but I feel BFA ones are most subtil and maybe show a better story. But I liked the “showoff” of wod cinematics.

I’ll always remember those one

Not even close imo. This is best hands down since wrath and thats just rose tinted googles with wrath imo anyway. This is how the wow movie should have been its friggin epic.

I’m believe in equality. I think they both suck. :man_shrugging:

Idk I’m not a fan of the Alliance in that cinematic to be fair, the whole attack of undercity for me is a story mess. And when you think about that Jaina ship shooting arcane missile or Sylvanas mustache twitching escape. Well, I kinda lost all hope the story made sense at the beginning.

Going back in time to outland was a better story lol.

It made sense to be fair atleast at the start. What did they with it tho trought the expansion was bad. The Warlords were supposed to be the main enemies. And we didn’t even get to fight Grom.

Other games have made the alternate world story works.

it made no sense, the writing has been bad since Mop. Legion writing was a step up but story wise wow sucks at it

Are you allowed to swear in German on this forum? Reported for profanity.

I think Pandaria offered a great break in the story. I liked it as far as the story go. Atleast it didn’t just try to break everything like Cata.

I mean I could explain why WoD story made sense atleast. But I don’t feel that’s gonna help you out. Timeless isle story with Kairozdormu was the reason we got to alternate Draenor.

Honestly does it really matter which one is worse? FFXIV and ESO have now hit their stride, so the competition is a lot fiercer now compared to when WoD was live. WoW is also older. BFA was a very pivotal moment for Blizzard and they tanked badly.

At least in wod class design wasn’t completely dead, PvP was fun and had a meaningful gear progression path. Gearing was in a decent place, the amount of rng was nothing compared to BFA. Titanforging wasn’t a thing, instead we had warforging for 5 ilvl or socketed increases, instead of the 15-40 ilvl rng we have now.

All in all wod had very little content but gameplay was decent enough to play long term, bfa has content just incredibly boring and tedious which drains the fun out of it real quick, oh and class design and balance is a complete nightmare. I didn’t like wod, but i absolutely hate bfa, in fact this this the first time i quit wow in 11 years.

Edit: This is just my opinion so don’t flame me if you don’t agree with me, i’ve just seen this game in much better places then it is now.


Should I have used fixt instead? Do you have a cool browser mod that scans posts for misspelling (intentional, meme-ish, or otherwise) and then gives you the ability to auto report people?

Are you a grammar cop? Is grammar cop a swear in some other language? Canadian mayhaps?

I used to know some crazy Canadian curses.

Wod: subbed the entire xpac, no lapses

Bfa: dropped 4 times over the past 12 months. I think I played for a total of 5 months off & on since release.

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Of course we will… Raids were great, majority praised Mekkatorque, Omnipotence, Uu’nat.

Last bosses of Raids were all hard and challenging without being for the most part broken and luck based.

The Introduction of PvE gear with radom double-edged interaction were for the most part awesome (should have been deactivated in PVP though, broke PVP badly in Ranked).

Sadly enough though that’s pretty much it for BfA…

  • Azerite gear is pretty much bad
  • PVP system is… Venruki says it all and it’s Legion’s years old
  • M+s… i mean out of 24 possible DPS specs, 50% of all the 20 best current runs are made of Outlaw Rogues… and 90% of those runs are also made of RestoDruid (was 100% a week ago by top 40s) Prot Warrior were also far superior for a very long time (Paladin and Monk kinda cought up to em now but are still for the most part superior)
  • “What about professions?” wait, cough weren’t they removed from the game? cough

I’m rly only highlighting the End content here. Maybe I could give BfA an other point for Essences because i think they are fun toying with depending on the content your doing (of course it’s a matter of point of view here).

The amount of Content was at best decent in BfA, we had stuff to do that’s for sure. Was it fun? depend on what you were doing with it I suppose.

What you are describing there is a great example of survivorship bias.

" Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can lead to false conclusions in several different ways. It is a form of selection bias."

I played WoD on launch, unsubbed after patch 6.1. Came back after Tanaan Jungle was launched.

Legion I played until soon after Argus.

Came back to finish up WoD and Legion content, still haven’t bought BFA

bfa is beyond horrible makes wod look amazing.