I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

classes were better… but at least BFA didn’t nerf one of your specs into uselessness because “they didn’t want people playing it”

Though i miss shadowburn sniping.

WoD was better than BFA.

Classes were fun.

No grinding stupid neck lvls every patch (like why do i need to do 500 islands a patch to stay viable in deeper mythic prog)

No azerite (bad rng fest drops that are unfun and are just passive effects). Instead we had tier sets.

Raids were better.

PvP was better.


post caps are stupid

I’d much rather be playing WoD than BFA atm. At least WoD had achievments you could work towards like killing 500 of each race, etc.

WoD was so much better for my Frost DK and as i like to do BG’s i could conquest cap every week and get the best pvp gear. I think i was 3-4 weeks behind the arena guys as they had a higher cap, but the gear gap between us was small and i could compete.

It was the best i was ever geared in all the expansions and i didn’t even bother looking at peoples HP before engaging the enemy. Just jumped into battle and went for glory.

I must admit i didn’t do any raids as there was no tier gear for LFR which was a really dumb move.

Then legion came and i went from 30 moves to 15. My keybinds on him are still full of mounts and potions these days.

atleast in WoD we had abilities to earn when leveling up, we got stronger as we leveled, and the high-level zones FELT like high-level zones. kul’tiras is ugly, scaling makes everything feel the same, and we gain a new ability every… what, 8 levels now? and nothing when we reach modern content?

Doesn’t really feel like there’s anything to do in BFA anymore.

Once you’ve reached an IO level and item level that makes you capable of doing +10s every week, i don’t see the point. The endgame is centered around gearing or rep for Allied races.

The new “tier sets” (now based on armor proficiency, not class) look terrible.

The gameplay is watered down and classses are not fun at all.

Not blaming the art team, they’ve put out great work every single content patch until now.

In the same sense that Garrison missions / invasions were meant to supplant content, so too are World Quests that give you a feeling of “meh”.

Why bother doing warfronts? Half an hour of your time and don’t even get a cool mog, or a piece of gear as good as your Mythic 10 weekly chest.

Azerite traits and essences don’t really feel like they add anything new to the game.

Something I really appreciated about Legion was the MageTower artifact appearances. Because it made you feel like there was a point to keep getting stronger, so you could tackle that challenge and get a very cool and rewarding appearance for every spec.

Looking at WoD, Garrisons isolated players, yes, but at the very least, classes weren’t in such a sorry state as they’ve been in this expansion.

I thought the point of an expansion was to… ‘expand.’. Not take things away. They keep taking things away from classes.


It’s just the cycle of life for any given expansion. In the future you’ll hear the very same players whining about BFA saying that BFA was better than the current expansion.

I remember reading all of the complaints in WoD about a lack of things to do and I didn’t understand. If anything, there was too much to do because I still enjoyed doing things. If the systems in place are enjoyable I’ll find ways to occupy my time, but when the basic systems are bad everything is drudgery and in BfA the basic systems are bad.

We will never forget the Selfie cam. Never…

i was more engaged in wod so i agree wow is better bfa sadly is just so terrible on every level


the only thing that could have been better about wod was the storyline which they even dropped the ball on that

esports, push esports, it worked for hots, right?