I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

Truth be told the forums have also been saying this game was dog crap, even during Wrath.

Especially during wrath.

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WoD casual PvP was infinitely better and fun than it is right now, and so was the gear for tokens. Not everybody cares for raids, my end game is mostly casual PvP which is basically non-existent from WoD onward.

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No the pruning of a vast number of classed have gotten worse since then.
In WoD they were still tollerable and a lot of those classes have had more taken away from them since and have been told F you we are not going to do jack for you until the next expansion . MM hunters have become progressively worse over the last 2 expansions and we spent all of Legion saying what the issues were and we got wait until next expansion and it came and guess what we got .

Wait until after launch followed later by wait until next expac.

Just because it was bad for you doesn’t mean it was bad for others .

It being bad for you is just your subjective opinion where as it being good is the subjective opinion of me and others that think the same as me in regards to WoD.


People always praise the older game while narking on the new/current one

When BC came out they said Vanilla was the true WoW

Wrath came out,they prefered BC

CATA came out Wrath was cream of the crop

MoP came out CATA was more “adult” and “better” where MoP was “kiddie” because pandas…

WoD came out and MoP received the praise to the point some are still suggesting mechanics revert to MoP’s playstyle

Legion came out and while a bit more well received,people DID miss WoD

The cycle is just continuing as if it’s from the past it’s good,if it’s in the present,it automatically sucks.


Let me just add that it’s mostly us PvP’ers that enjoyed WoD greatly. Ashran had just came out and was brand new… Sure it was basically 50/50, Love-hate situation - and lastly as i’ve always said, The “System” was still in its original state from BC-WoD meaning we had Conquest points, Gear to choose to buy instead of forcing us each week on a piece Blizz thinks is good for us, and in order to get past that piece onto the new one we have to grind it out anyways… could type endlessly about my experiences and how i would take WoD over Legion/BfA anyday

No hate towards the 2 though. Every expansion is great in different ways, but just lately the expansions seem to be catered more towards the PvE crowd

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Spoken like a true man who remembers the forums. You are exactly right.

Yup and got my fair share of flack for defending the current expansions [even when acknowledging flaws :P] What can I say I like to post opinions while ish posting :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thing is during WoD I was one of those that wasn’t in the forums ,I was playing the game mostly .

My foray to the forums pretty much started in Legion when they did the Range to Melee with surv and made MM an imobile turret that constantly gets some kind of aoe dropped them the second you try to cast your forced to stand still in order to use top damage shot.

In WoD we could fire one of those shots with LnL or if we had the tier we could do it mobile. If we wanted the shot to a little harder hitting we could stand still but we still had the option.

Stuff like that is what made WoD better for some .

Also how does the saying go in here GD doesn’t represent the majority so for all of us who are the whiney minority complaining about BfA all of those saying WoD is the worst are the whining minority of back then.

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Even the story in BfA is better than WoD. WoD had a lot going for it until they decided Launch content --> completely cut out --> Demons and Guldan and Legion lead up, oh my.

At least with BfA we have linear, if not ridiculous timeline for the story to look back on. The entire coup for Guldan taking control of the Iron Horde should have been a patch by itself, with the introduction of Farahlon, the Shattrath raid, and expanded garrison options, in hindsight, also setting the groundwork for the fanatic lightforged draenei from the Mag’har recruitment quest. THEN the Tanaan Jungle patch. That would have made WoD feel so much more satisfying.

It’s like people can have different opinions on expansions and that you are only nitpicking the part where people critize them. Yes people don’t like changes, but that doesn’t mean they’re not right to critize it. It’s like the forums are made for that.

As for breaking your concept. There’s a lot people that consider BC better than Vanilla. A lot of people that consider MoP better than Cata. Comparing 2 rotten tomatoes like WoD and BFA tho isn’t going anywhere.

And that’s well and good but people tend to snark and dump on the people who are content with current packs as thought here’s something wrong with them. It’s fine to have a preference so as long as one isn’t being a Dick about it. I liked all of the expansions as a whole despite some of the nitpicks I had [which were more or less player issues rather than Blizz issues]

Believe it or not,if you’ve seen the forums back in the day there were MANY who badmouthed BC Hells,they badmouthed the franchise before it even came to beta as for some reason it’s more popular to crap on something than openly admit ya like it. Nostalgia is a helluva drug.

I think it’s also kind of unfair to chalk up all complaining as a singular thing, different things were being complained about.

To be honest I was never here for Vanilla and came in during BC just before Wrath.

Wrath was the first expansion I got to see when it came out so that was part of my learning wow .

Cata -WoD is when I got to the point of kind of knowing what I am doing and actually getting into things like raiding and doing things like lore master and explorer cheevos as well as honing my skills as a hunter which I have mained on this toon since it was a goblin back in Cata. So to be honest if I rated the game based on my experience it would go like this .

1: Mop
2: Cata
3: WoD
4: Wrath
5: BC
6: Tetris
7: Pong
8: Candy land
9: Root Canal
10 : Star Wars episodes 1-3
11: Legion
12: Bullet to the head
13: BfA.


While people say people hated MoP but praise it now, a lot of us liked it then as well… its just a shame so many people skipped out because they didn’t like the aesthetic because it was a rather well put together expansion. It was different sure, but there’s nothing wrong with exploring a wildly different region.

I’m also a bit bias because it was the most fun I ever had as a fire mage


TO me Cata -WoD was fun to play especially MoP.

Where as Legion and BfA especially BfA is like watching C-Span.

Yes there is a lot going on but it’s boring.

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Nah shaman was freaking perfect at least enhance and resto in mists of pandaria,well except for the same problem from past on enhance too low health.

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I loved grinding valor for tier set pieces,I hate grinding azurite and ap plus essences.

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you didnt have plenty to do, if you raided, well you logged in twice a week for raid nights and then… nothing. collect stuff in your garrison?

PvP was pretty bad, while the gear scaling was cool, it didnt really offer much else. trash can was still trash can. lets not forget that arena was basically alliance human or bust…

now im not saying BFA is great, far from it… but to say WoD was great and what little content there was was great, is just rose tinted glasses. WoD was a dumpster fire at an Indian restaurant… the very very very few redeeming qualities, do not make it a good expansion… it was terrible.

I was having so much fun making mass amounts of gold and becoming a rich tycoon, I didn’t care about anything else, best expac ever for me.


People are not clearly remembering how bad WoD actually was.

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