I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

^ People always seem to forget about things like this and all other 23498423 times worse grinds from Vanilla - MoP also yet BfA they make it sound like it has impossible grinds. lol

vanilla-mop grinds were largely optional and not as much time gated (remember rep tabards?)


Combo strikes is so much more fun to manage than tiger’s eye brew was. I kinda miss chi explosion and old chi torpedo but the new windwalker abilities more than make up for it.

Brewmaster for me went from the guard spamming most boring tank in the game for me to my favorite with the changes in legion.

It was a bit disapointing mistweaver was made into a more standard healing spec to me but blanket spreading RM into Uplift was getting old and samey by the end of WoD

Back during WoD, I actually became a Warlord of Draenor, I just have so many PvP titles that it sits there w/o use. I would be willing to pass over the title and grant you the new Warlord if I could, whomever is worthy

@Shankara you seem like you’d be a worthy blood elf, Would you like to grow up through levels and become the new Warlord of Draenor? :wink: :joy:

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If you think they were optional then so are BfA grinds.

MoP there was no end game except raid or pvp. So yep, you HAD to grind like mad if you raided to get your rep up. And it cracks me up how people whine hard about these easy rep grinds. It takes half the time now vs MoP.

At least WoD had fun leveling.

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You’re gonna lose me if you say that tanks are interesting in BFA tho. Like I said Legion designs aren’t BFAs.

And mistweaver revival in WoD was sooo good.

I wouldn’t even say BFA has -bad- classes, Classic had bad classes, entire classes only had 1-2 speccs you could play.

BFA has uninspired, and pruned classes, but I wouldn’t call them bad.

And I’d still take lots of content with Meh Classes, over Zero content, with Oh wow, I wish I had something to do with how “Amazing” this class is."

And WoD were not that well designed classes, the only people I remember being happy were prot warriors with gladiator stance.

I dunno, I enjoyed WoD for what it was. The raids were pretty good, CMs were a lot of fun and PvP was actually in a pretty good spot, with the gearing system and class design. Not the best expansion for PvP, obviously, but better than Legion or BFA have been.

My only real gripe from WoD was the start of the pruning and the unchecked cheating in RBGs with scripts/bots. Maybe Ashran having the accolade trinkets that were BiS. Other than that, it seemed fine.

BFA on the other hand has been one of the worst experiences in WoW that I’ve had. I stopped PvEing in Legion, but continued to PvP. I don’t even PvP anymore in BFA, despite it being the one thing that has always driven me in this game. Setting aside the gearing system being garbage, the required PvE to be competitive and the cosmetic rewards being awful, the classes just aren’t fun to play, and that’s a bummer.


Brew is fun to play in BfA, im sorry if you disagree but since the beginning of legion brew went from boring to the most engaging spec in the game for me and stayed that way.

Are you talking about the ability revival? If so then yeah, it was op back in WoD but that doesnt mean the spec was more fun to play outside of that.

I do miss old mana tea though but i fully understand why it was changed. Mistweavers had nearly infinate mana because of it.

What people are complaining about now is grinding for qol aspects and new races to play .

It’s not about grinding per say but what we are grinding for.
Grinding to get a complete tier set is good , grinding so you can play a new race not so much . Grinding to get a rep cheevo not so bad grinding rep as a time gate so you can fly not so good .

The grinding of the past is different then the grinding of WoD -BfA and it is like comparing apples to oranges. Both the pre WoD grind and the post WoD grind are still grinds but not the same kind just like apples and oranges are both fruits just not the same kind.

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I’m not sorry to disagree if you like playing Brew this expansion. Tanks are at their worst for a very long time. You have a mostly boring rotation with mostly no input. Stagger being the worst because you’re always having some sort of mitigation up. People have analyzed that’s there’s about 10% difference in dmg intake from people that knew what they were doing on brew and not.

It’s not like paladins have infinite mana right now. Oh wait xd

Right in the same boat with ya on opinion

That is what makes them bad. People are not enjoying BfA because of that and that has been what people have been telling you this entire thread but you are so stuck in your little world to even comprehend that.

Unlike you most people would rather have a fun class to play with little to do then have a lot of content to play with a bad class.

If we wanted to play with little abilities we could open solitaire on our comps or go play bejeweled or send an army on some kind of mobile game mission instead of playing a mmorpg. Oh wait Blizz lets us do the last 2 in BfA.


Said absolutely no one during WOD’s reign.

You make it sound like me disliking a content drought is a bad thing because 'But the classes were better."

When I’ve distinctly pointed out shamans have done nothing but get better over time.

The classes weren’t that much different than they are today. The pruning had already begun on WOD -and- there was nothing to do.

So yeah. no. Terribad expansion.

I liked it when it was live much better then BfA


Sub rogue is basically unrecognizable from WoD to Legion/BFA. The whole class fantasy nonsense that pushed spec identity ruined many specs. But I guess because you enjoy your shaman that makes it ok?


I won’t deny many liked WOD.

But I’m speaking on a mass forum level, the forums during WOD’s reign said there wasn’t a single thing good (save the raids and leveling) about it.

It was two years of pure hatred and angst on these boards.

While I usually hate people who dismiss criticism, the forums are a hard place to go by… even during WoD everyone was complaining about flying when the real issues were a lack of content to even fly too if it were there.