I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

NO shock there and I’m willing to bet because a certain Game Director raid mains a resto shammy they probably got even more love then the other 2 specs.

Also not nostalgia glasses. I switched specs mid WoD because they had started to push Surv towards Melee and getting people to stop playing it .

Cata -first half WoD I was a Surv hunter with mobility and I enjoyed that. Once Tanaan came up I went MM and still had a great deal of mobility and could use my most powerful shot on the move.

Legion and BfA ,I can’t use my powerful shot on the move any more because they say you can only aim and shoot standing still when in fact I know I can aim and shot a real gun while moving. In order to be mobile I have to spam arcane as a spender which does less damage.

So it’s not nostalgia that makes me think WoD class play is better it is actually playing the game and seeing the actual changes in how my class/spec plays is why I say WoD had better class design and others feel the same way .

Healers as a whole have gotten better I’d say.
Shamans mostly too.
Demo is probably at its best.

Lot of dps/tank specs just feel pruned. Most are atleast at the worse they have been since mop.

GCD changes are mostly terrible.

But as for dks, the atrocity they commited in Legion on the rune system and presence system and removing spells from other specs have really changed the class for me for the worse it’s ever been. I still don’t get the gcd on deathgrip or the existence of wraith walk.

WoD lacked content, but what they had was done well. BfA has stuff to do, but it’s all generally sub-par quality. Basically, in both cases, I’ve reached a point of only logging in for raids and other maintenance things. The difference is that WoD at least left me satisfied with the game, whereas BfA has me making contingency plans if my guild falls apart.

It really depends on the class/spec in question. My BM hunter is a shell of its former self, so much so that I don’t even feel like a hunter compared to past versions of the spec. I apply a bunch of dots and then just sorta stand around, waiting to make an actual shot. The interaction in combat is sorely lacking. My paladin isn’t as bad but it’s not nearly where it should be. The problems are especially glaring if you level new characters now. At low-levels, discipline priests, all three warlocks, brewmaster monks, etc. have incomplete tool kits, often using only 2-3 abilities while leveling (and often just 2). Meanwhile, other classes like warriors are better fleshed out even early on in leveling. It’s a weird imbalance in development.

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I recall PVPers being nonstop furious at one of the lead pvp devs over Ashran and who knows what else all xpac. The raid log comment, however, is 100 percent true, it was the expac that required the least “maintenance”/logintime per character to-raid of all time.

I think the main problem with Ashran specifically was that every time the players found a way to have fun with it, Blizzard changed it up because they weren’t having fun the right way. While I think pvp was worse than it was in MoP, I don’t think BGs/Arena was bad… even if they turned fire into a bit of a gimmick spec.

Holinka was almost universally disliked, so there were a lot of complaints about him specifically. I actually don’t remember the content of the complaints but I do remember he got a lot of crap for his decisions.

WoD wasn’t a bad expansion, it was just short. If Legion was released a year early, people wouldn’t thought WoD as a bad expansion.

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I wanna know where all this “Satisfying” WoD content was.

The dailies were just those fill a bar world quests that people prefer to skip.
Ashran is still called Trashcan to this day.
8.1 is a meme patch
PvP complaints were at a all time high back then with everyone blaming Holinka like they do Ion now.
The raids and dungeons were okay at best, I still actively avoid WoD time walking cause grimrail depot is my most hated dungeon in the game.
The leveling was good the first time, now everyone I know tries to skip it any way they can. (I do world objectives and treasures)
The story was an absolute joke (Draenor is FREEEEEEEE)
I cant even say class design back then was better because out of the specs I play (All three monk and Frost mage) I enjoy the BFA versions of all 3 monk specs and I didnt pick up frost mage till legion.

Tbh, I’d go as far as to say that BfA could end literally today with no resolution and we dont see a new expansion for another year, and it would still be better than WoD

I always remember it being that they made a lot of changes to shift the melee/ranged arms race since a lot of melee in MoP couldn’t figure out how to time their abilities to get close to ranged, which shifted the playing field to where many casters struggled in 1v1 until later on in the expansion (I know fire mages got a slow added to ignite which I admit was OP).

He also took the blame for the shift in pvpers shifting to alliance, which I can’t really blame him on… but rather impulsive players and allowing faction change to begin with.

Other than those things and the Ashran kneecaps, I can’t really remember what else was an issue. He might of said some stuff in blue txt or twitter but nothing stands out in memory.

Aw I love that place, always reminded me of the train level in the old turtles in time game.

Back when it was relevent content I played a healer.

That place was a Line of Sight hell. Made me hate that place so much.

WoD had better game mechanics by far, it’s not surprising at all.

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My main focus is raiding, so that’s what I did. Yes, the raids in WoD were better than the ones in BfA. We still have yet to give a raid in BfA that has more than 10 bosses. Also, managing alts in WoD was much less irritating than in BfA. At least in WoD, I could get my alts some decent gear for reasonable effort and then have them go do other stuff. Can’t do that in BfA, what with the Azerite neck system and all. Also, lvling alts in WoD was still better than BfA.

Yes, I ultimately didn’t do much more in WoD than raid and farm stuff from old expansions; but, at least the stuff I did do was enjoyable enough. BfA content just finds new and innovative ways to piss me off at every turn.

Story sucks in both xpacs. WoD didn’t resort to multiple cgi cinematics to try telling us that a sad orc is somehow more important than the planet’s soul almost dying in the introduction though.

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Ok let’s just sum it this way both expansions overall are turds the difference is WoD because there was so little to do was kitten poo where as BfA and all of it’s uninspiring repetitiveness is a steaming cow patty.

Bad answer Searik wanted to answer the post I quote*

Dailies or wqs kinda the same. Wod dailies had fun items to use in them, you had only a few to do and could be done in 40 man raid groups at some point.

The way they released the content I,d give that is pretty pathetic but it’s because they wanted to make it a 1 year expansion. Which failied. But 8.1 had more class tuning than most of what we got in BFA.

People complaint all the time, that’s not really a valid argument.

Raids were probably the best, but were missing one. We also still had raid skips and masterloot.

Dungeons were still fun at lower difficulty and had way more interesting/fun design than a lot of dungeons in many expansions.

The leveling was the best for me out of all expansions and I’m totally fine with them rewarding exploration with treasures giving xp, it also made flying much more valuable for alts. But leveling as a whole since they nerfed the speed and didn’t do much rework to it is pretty bad. And they pretty much agree that you shouldn’t do it by giving you boost each expansion and now I think the fastest release of boost to max level with 8.2.5? Not sure on that one.

The story is still a joke. :man_shrugging:

I think there’s a fair point to like Legion designs of those classes. Monks were still better in WoD and frost mages is a bit like ret pally, I mean you can prune stuff but it’s still gonna be that simple spec design so there isn’t much they can simplify more.

I’d take 1 year of Wod over 2 years of BFA. :man_shrugging:


Draenor is… free!!!

Nixiom: “Holy Sh*t thats Grom Hellscream! Lets get him!”

Oh I found that shiny dagger let’s do what that void god is telling me. Nothing can go wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, while I don’t think WoD was a ‘good’ expansion, its biggest issue is really that they gave up on it. I feel like while it had a lot of story and design issues, the expansion itself could have been better if they finished it, and the Garrison didn’t take up so much of their time to only still feel like it was under developed. I remember hearing about a bunch of stuff planned that was cut, which sucks. For me, it’ll always be the expansion of lost potential.

WoD had good classes!

It is in a certain way the opposite of bfa:

bfa: lot’s of content, bad classes
wod: no content, good classes