I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

It also caters to people who enjoy interacting with the world.

PvP isn’t at it’s strongest, but this is well established, no one’s arguing that. But there’s other things to do.

I’m even personally an advocate to get vendors back for PvP and PvE alike. I’m not saying BFA is perfect, no one is saying that BFA is perfect, but the idea that WOD was somehow better? Laughable.

I agree with the vendors. PvP was at its highest point for me, personally, all the way back in WOTLK. WOD was ok (for PVP), but BFA’s just isn’t as fun.

Anyone who cares about classes being fun will agree that WOD was better.


All expansions caters to raiders because they always get content designed for them if thats your point.

If your point is you have to raid for pvp that’s something else.

But raiders since Legion have had to farm insane amounts of content outside of raids. Or farm lower raids difficulty and old raids when it’s not supposed to be relevant for them for power rewards. And the removal of masterloot is certainly because they wanted to cater to raiders xd

Actually I did post some objective fact a while ago. Showing that WoD is universally liked more than BfA by both critics and users alike, but Nyaria likes BfA, so it’s better.

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Shamans have had almost zero change between WOD and now.

This doesn’t effect me in the slightest, People were pissed in WoD due to the ability pruning from MoP.

Yet, suddenly -now- WoD was a bastion of class enjoyment? Yeah. No.

I have a bad habit of skimming threads.

WoD was a tiny, short, ridiculous mess that had nothing to do.

I don’t care if you crafted the best classes ever to be conceived and everything was perfectly balanced. There was nothing to do.

Therefore there was no gameplay.

It’s more that BFA class designs are so bad for a lot of classes that even Classic for some people might look more interesting for some people xd

Actually what I said was:

Just kidding. Everyone’s been saying it.

For years. And years. And years. x10char

That was definitely not my point.

Catering to raiders to the exclusion of any other of the many groups that used to have content is what has made wow what it is today: a fraction of its former self.

What old raids are they making you farm right now? Stop whining about the past. Nobody made you run LFR in Legion for an infinitesimally small chance at a legendary. That was on YOU.

I’m so sick of raiders whining about what victims they are for having to use the same gearing system that everyone else has no choice but to use.

Classic had possibly some of the worst designed classes in existence, if people prefer Vanilla classes over anything, then they have nostalgia blinders on.

Fickst it for you with edginess!

I prefer them over BFA, but not over WOTLK. :slight_smile:

I don’t see how, but hey, you do you.

If entire classes are unplayable except for one single specialization, I call that a pretty crappy class balance.

Welcome to World of Warcraft, you wanna play a shaman? hope you like resto.

The only other option you had was Windfury, and that was a gimmick that only worked really in PvP, and even then, it wasn’t effective compared to simply playing a different class, you just got the silly amusement of sometimes that WF proccing and dropping someone, then dying.

To be honest, i did enjoy Warlords of Draenor allot more then i do Battle for Azeroth until now. I dislike the direction the Story went with WoD … Alternate Time Travel and then the Orcs being able to open a Portal … but this time into a Alternate Future Azeroth…?

But overall WoD was the better experience. Literally all Quests you do while leveling in WoD where interesting to some degree, and hands down … the World in WoD was a ton more inspired.
Classes in WoD felt like a continuation of Classes in MoP … and certain Classes had Talents which could revamp completely how you played the CLass. Like Protection Warrior and that Gladiator Talent, Shadow Priest could go away from using DoTs and there was allot more.

Overall classes where fun to play and not just annoying and bloated. Why does every Class nowadays have to have one or two resources plus charges? Allot Classes have Talents that are plainly useless, or annoying to use … or just not fun.
What’s the point in having a choice if you not like either choice?

As for BfA … i do raid, i just not feel it for Eternal Palace(and i am busy in RL atm), but the Raids feel more tedious atm, in Uldir only G’huun felt tedious … in Drazar Alor quite some bosses felt tedious … they are not hard to kill … but tedious if you remember that they meant to be downed once a week.

Disagree, what made wow worse is the fact that it’s an old game that didn’t really renewed itself well. New concepts they bring are often trash or trashed even if they were good or could be tuned to be better.

So you’re part of the people that don’t want harder content to offer better reward, seems like we won’t have a productive talk. People that care about min/maxing should be able to and doing harder content that require coordination and group effort should offer better rewards. There are other games that offer quicker gameplay, the progression in wow and in a mmorpg is what people like in the genre. And that progression has always ended by doing harder content because facing harder foes requires better powers.

So let’s be honest whats the biggest thing wow got over other mmorpgs? The deepness of it’s endgame. Which include raiding. No other mmorpgs have ever come close to it. You can’t dislike raiding but blaming the failures of this game on it? I think that’s over-reaching.

I raided more constant like during mop and below but wod and up–nope not doing it.

Compared to MoP no it’s not compared to Legion and especially BfA yes it is by a long shot.

If I could have my spec play the way it did in WoD over the last 2 expansions I probably would of found them to be amazing.

The pruning they did in WoD was minor to the pruning of Legion and the butchering of BfA.

Legion we got broken into specs instead of classes so talents got shuffled around.
BfA we got we know classes are broken and we will take care of it after launch . What the neglected to mention was they didn’t mean the BfA launch because a lot of classes/specs were told after the fact they would have to wait until at least the next expansion for fixes even after telling Blizz the glaring problems there were during beta when they should of started working on fixing classes

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My class has literally only gotten better since WoD.

So I personally do not feel this weird drop off people complain about.

The lack of legendary affixes on the gear is annoying, and I liked the free heal my artifact gave me in Legion, but Shamans have been static, and only improving.

WoD was pretty eh for shamans as a whole, so I really don’t see the “Classes were fantastic” arguement for WoD.

I personally think it’s just nostalgia glasses from late Pandaria, because Pandaria definitely had much better classes than any other expansion.