I can't believe people are saying "WoD is better than BFA"

Don’t forget that the weak BFA classes have to be played in all previous expansion content, not just the BFA zones, and you also need to factor in scaling and i-level scaling as they also hurt game play.

So while WoD did not add much content beyond the release and early patches, most seem to agree that the classes themselves were still fun to play and still would be in all previous expansions with no scaling leeching the fun out of the leveling experience for alts.


This is the thing Blizzard has lost sight of more than anything. The number one priority in every expansion should be for classes to be enjoyable, everything else comes second.

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I’m leveling a bunch of classes right now. And every class is a hollow shell of abilities. We used to joke about two-button Arcane mages but almost every class now at the lower levels literally uses two-buttons to level. Every kill takes the same amount of time as well.

And they’re hollow simply so max-level characters could have the Artifact/Azerite system. It makes no sense.

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THis thread has better content then BfA


The amount of content does not determine if it is good or bad .

To some people the little content in WoD is good to others bad.

The same can be said about BfA.

It’s all opinions neither right or wrong and the only objective truth to that is it’s all subjective.

WoD was literally a raid or die expansion though.

There was nothing to do if you didn’t raid, or PvP.

The only thing you could do was sit in your garrison and wonder why you even bothered to log in.


It had a good PvP gearing system. The PvP gear would dynamically spike up in ilvl as soon as you engaged another player, and then lower again when finished.

And well, you know, vendors instead of the rando-pinata system.

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While a neat system, that doesn’t fix the fact there was literally nothing to do, if you didn’t raid, or PvP.

There was no reason to go outside of your garrison once you finished all the quest lines. Everything you could want was in your garrison, and you didn’t even have to log into the game to do mission boards.

Yeah, I get what you mean. I personally, as a PVPer, liked WOD more than BFA. But that doesn’t necessarily apply to others.

WOD catered to hardcore raiders, and heavy Pvpers, but that’s the only people it catered to.

Which is why you will find people who do defend it, despite the complete wasteland of lack of content. They were catered to.

However, the rest of the world? World of Garrisoncraft, don’t go outside edition.

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Sounds to me like you’re saying that if you PvP’d or Raided, you had plenty of things to do, and if you refused to participate in the things you had to do, then you had nothing to do.

If I refuse to raid or pvp in BfA that leaves WQs and IE’s. Thats not a lot.

Whether I engage in the content or not, the classes will still suck, the Azerite system is borrowed power for my gimped hero, and no matter how many times I do them, IEs and WFs are still going to be terrible.

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I hated garrisons and didn’t raid. I spent all my time during wod in Ashran, gearing up 17 characters in conquest gear and capping several.

There was three raids, I did raid.

There was still nothing to do.

And people don’t like PvP, that’s a fact of life, only a minority of the wow’s player base happily engages in PvP.

If you literally only cater to two groups and leave everyone else to die, that’s terrible content, and lacking.

WoD sucked for anyone who wanted anything beyond mindlessly beating your head against a raid boss, and PvP, which again, PvP sucks.

BFA is effortlessly better than WOD ever dreamed of being. There is no contest.

PvP sucks in your personal opinion, and in mine raiding feels like being scheduled for a second job.

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To be fair if we nailed this concept down the thread would have died down a long time ago.


well wod was better because it still had tier set with no azurite ap junk leveling a necklace or weapon–plus it had good gold missions. Both terrible

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The game is made of minorities, hell mmorpgs players are a minority.

You had some sort of content, just not solo content. And yes I still believe mmorpgs shouldn’t cater too much to solo players.

Funny when you praise wqs, which are the epitome of mindless.

For you :roll_eyes:

Yeah, that’s really all the thread is. There is no objective fact.

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Indeed, it is my personal opinion.

But if I told you that you either needed to raid, or stop complaining about there being no content, and cut out PvP from the game, would you be happy?

Because that’s essentially what WoD did.

You either Raid, or you Do PvP.

What? You wanna do something besides that? Nope. Garrisons.

BfA only caters to raiders. Everybody else is an afterthought, including PvPers.

Seriously, the gearing system is “It’s too much trouble to set up a gearing progression for casuals. They just want gear thrown at them, so let’s just throw random gear at everybody and call it good.”